Beefree blog

Articles by this author

Top 7 Student Retention Strategies for Email Marketing

Top 7 Student Retention Strategies for Email Marketing

Just when you thought you had Millennials figured out, here comes Gen Z. Being that Gen Z's current age ranges from 11-26, it's safe to say that they are now...

April 27, 2023
What Email Marketers Need to Know About The Gmail Unsubscribe Tool

What Email Marketers Need to Know About The Gmail Unsubscribe Tool

Email marketers, stay informed about the Gmail unsubscribe tool. What you need to know to manage subscribers effectively!

May 25, 2023
Design A Student Onboarding Email From Start to Finish Using Beefree

Design A Student Onboarding Email From Start to Finish Using Beefree

There are various ways that your university can leave a lasting first impression on incoming students. A great example is orientation day/week. This event ty...

April 20, 2023
How This Nonprofit Organization uses Beefree to Spread Their Message

How This Nonprofit Organization uses Beefree to Spread Their Message

The Afrocentric Communiversity is a consulting firm based in Fort Worth, Texas. Since 2017 they have been working with what they like to call “Activistpreneu...

April 12, 2023
5 Tips for Streamlining Your Team’s Email Creation Process

5 Tips for Streamlining Your Team’s Email Creation Process

Creating effective and engaging emails is essential for any business looking to grow and engage with their audience. However, the email creation process can ...

April 6, 2023
A Guide to Crafting an Inspirational Welcome Message for Students

A Guide to Crafting an Inspirational Welcome Message for Students

Today’s incoming higher education students are part of Generation Z. Meaning that when it comes to choosing the right university for them, they are likely to...

March 30, 2023
5 Email Design Tips for Alumni Engagement to Increase University Fundraising

5 Email Design Tips for Alumni Engagement to Increase University Fundraising

In 2021, U.S. colleges and universities raised an impressive $52.9 billion toward their fundraising goals. Alumni donations accounted for 23% of that total, ...

March 22, 2023
How to Drive Student Engagement Using Personalization in Email

How to Drive Student Engagement Using Personalization in Email

If you look close enough, you'll find that most places serve you with a personalized experience. Like how Starbucks asks for your name when ordering, and Ama...

March 15, 2023
Award Winning Email Marketer Shares Email Marketing Predictions

Award Winning Email Marketer Shares Email Marketing Predictions

Can you walk us through your journey as an email marketer and what led to you being at Parcel? As with most email marketers, my journey has been windy and in...

March 8, 2023