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Elevate Your Email Campaigns: Optimal Banner Size & Design Tips

Elevate Your Email Campaigns: Optimal Banner Size & Design Tips

Discover the perfect email banner size for your campaign with our comprehensive guide, including design tips, best practices, and inspiration to enhance your emails.
Beefree team
Beefree team
Apr 17, 2024

Every marketer knows that branding, visually engaging branding, matters. In a recent HubSpot survey, 20% of marketers reported to see a direct correlation between their design choices and an increase in email engagement.

In email marketing specifically, one of the first design elements a recipient views is your banner, making it crucial to grab the attention of the reader at first glance. An email banner should effectively convey your message, resonate with your audience, and be responsive regardless of what device your recipient uses to view your emails.

Let's discuss email banner best practice to follow that will ultimately lead to improve results of your email campaigns.

What is an email banner?

An email banner is a strategic design element element that appears at the top of your emails to catch the immediate attention of your reader. Sometimes called an email header, your banner is where you’ll introduce the main purpose of your email, like that amazing sale you’re advertising or the product launch of the century, and reel in customers’ so they scroll through the rest of the email.

Your email banner is your chance to make a fantastic first impression. Let’s explore the best email banner sizes and best practices to keep in mind.

Ideal email banner sizes

It is an outdated solution to automatically set all email banners to a width of 600px. With screen sized of both mobile and desktop devices varying so widely, it's important to ensure your email banner size is responsive for optimal viewing experience.

  • For desktop users, a banner 650-700 pixels wide and 90-200 pixels tall is ideal
  • For mobile users, the ideal banner is 350 pixels wide and up to 100 pixels tall

These updated dimensions follow responsive design best practices allowing email banners to render properly in a variety of email clients and devices.
Responsive design allows your email design to automatically adjust to the screen size of a customer’s device.

PRO tip: using an email design template that is already built to be responsive makes following this best practice a breeze.  

Impact of email banner size on campaign performance

A banner that’s poorly sized could become distorted when customers open it in their Gmail, Outlook, or whatever email platform they use.

This makes your email look less professional and it can also be harder to read so it doesn’t get your message across as well. A poorly sized email banner can also affect the user experience. If the banner is too wide, for example, it forces customers to scroll horizontally and it doesn’t allow them to see the entire banner in one view.

Not only do these issues affect the overall experience customers have with your email but they can also squander the excellent engagement opportunity that a well-designed email banner can be. According to Opensense's data, email banners can have 5-10% engagement rates,  a significant enhancement compared to the average click-through rate of 1.4% in emails.

Best practices for email banner design

Your banner size is an important part of designing an effective email banner, but it’s one of many. Check out these best practices to make your email banner even more powerful in garnering the engagement of your recipients.

  • File size: Any image in your email, but specifically your email banner, should be of high-quality. The ideal image should be download as a PNG at a resolution of 72dpi at 40kb or below.
  • Inverted pyramid: This "rule" in email design relates to adding the most important information at the top, working your way down to the least important information. When designing your email banner, make sure it clearly communicates the most important message in your email.
  • Brand consistency: As important as it is that your email banner makes a positive impression and communicates the main purpose of your email, it also should align with your brand. Make sure the design uses your brand colors, logo, or other aspects that make it consistent with your brand’s visual identity.
  • Text: Your banner needs to communicate your message, but less is more. Keep your copy sparse so it isn’t visually overwhelming and so the focus stays on your core intention. Ideally, 45-75 characters on a line is the sweet spot.
  • Email-friendly fonts: Make sure you use email-safe fonts that render reliably on major email platforms.
  • Accessibility: You want your banner’s message to reach as many customers as possible, and that includes customers with disabilities. Make sure to include accessibility features like using alt text so viewers with visual impairments can understand your message and using color combinations that viewers with color blindness can see.
  • Interactivity: Your email banner doesn’t have to be just a plain image or text. Consider making it interactive, such as with a GIF or a video that grabs your viewers’ attention.
  • Testing: You can follow all the rules for proper email banner size and design, but it’s still important to test it in action to make sure it shows up the way you want it to. Always send yourself a test email and see how that test email looks on different devices and platforms before you send it to your subscriber list.

For inspiration, check out these excellent email banners. This one from Beefree's template catalog clearly communicate the purpose of the email, remains consistent in branding throughout and plays with visual and text hierarchy to guide the reader's eye.

color of the year beefree email template
Use this template

This other email banner uses a navigation bar to keep the reader in the brand's ecosystem allowing readers to learn more about the marketing agency. This simple, yet effective email header communicates clearly the purpose of the email using imagery and text and has a clear CTA to lead the reader to complete the desired action without needing to scroll.

free beefree webinar email template
Use this template

Common mistakes in email banner design

When creating a strong email banner, it’s just as important to avoid doing the wrong things as it is to do the right things. Watch for these common pitfalls in email banner design:

  • Over-designing: Your email banner is prime real estate in your email, so of course you want to make the best use of that real estate. If you try to cram too much into that banner, though, you may lose your core message entirely because viewers don’t know where to look. 
  • Hard-to-read fonts: Your email banner is a wonderful place to get creative and build visual appeal, so of course you want to use fun design elements and fonts.
    But at the end of the day, the purpose is to send a message, so make sure the ornamental fonts you use are still clear enough that they’re easy to read.
  • Lack of responsive design: We’ve touched on this above but it’s also a common misstep that’s worth mentioning. Considering that 46% of emails are opened on mobile devices, every email and banner you create must be responsive to maintain its visual quality on any email platform.

Leveraging tools for email marketing banner

There’s a lot to consider as you’re designing an email banner, but we have great news: there are tools that can make it easier.

Take Beefree for example. Our extensive email template library has over 1,700 pre-built templates that already use banner design best practices like responsive design, minimal text for maximum impact, and proper sizing. Our HTML email editor makes it easy to customize these designs for your brand and messaging.

Start designing with ease and sign up for a free account today! 

60 Newsletter Ideas Readers Will Love + Free Email Templates

60 Newsletter Ideas Readers Will Love + Free Email Templates

Discover inspiring newsletter ideas and engagement-boosting topics. Learn how to create memorable newsletter content that resonates with your subscribers.
Beefree team
Beefree team
Mar 15, 2024

Newsletters are more than just digital letters; they're a bridge, connecting brands to their audience in the most personal way. In the vast sea of online content, creating a newsletter that stands out and resonates can be a challenge. 

Dive into this blog, and you'll discover 60 captivating newsletter ideas that readers absolutely adore. Whether you're a seasoned newsletter professional or just starting out, we've got the inspiration to help you craft content that not only informs but also engages and inspires your audience. Let's get started!

Why are newsletters important?

Newsletters are like the unsung heroes of email marketing. Not only do they keep your audience informed and engaged, but they also play a pivotal role in building and nurturing relationships. Think of them as a regular touchpoint, a friendly "hello" that reminds your subscribers of your brand's value. 

From sharing company updates to spotlighting new products, newsletters organize key information in a digestible format, ensuring your audience stays connected and in the loop. In essence, they're a bridge between your brand and its community, fostering trust and loyalty.

What to include in a newsletter

Crafting a newsletter? It's not just about filling space; it's about delivering value. The key is to provide content that resonates with your audience's interests and keeps them eagerly awaiting your next update. 

For instance, if you're focusing on business, perhaps share some behind-the-scenes insights or company milestones. Looking for something light-hearted? Fun trivia or seasonal highlights might be your go-to. From monthly recaps to themed specials and educational deep-dives, the possibilities are vast. 

Dive into this article, and you'll discover a treasure trove of newsletter ideas, whether you're in the mood for business insights, seasonal tidbits, or educational gems.

60 newsletter ideas to elevate your campaigns

So, you're on the hunt for newsletter content ideas that not only captivate but convert? You're in the right place! With a wide range of topics and themes at your fingertips, the challenge isn't about finding content—it's choosing which pieces of content to spotlight. 

Whether you're aiming to inform, entertain, or inspire, the right idea can transform your newsletter from a mere email into a must-read. Dive into these 60 ideas, spanning business insights to themed wonders, and watch as your campaigns soar to new heights. Ready to elevate your email game? Let's dive in!

Interactive newsletter ideas 

When it comes to newsletters, who said business can't mix with fun? Fun newsletters are the sprinkle of joy in your subscriber's inbox, offering a delightful break from the usual. They're not just about entertainment; they're about forging a deeper connection with your audience, showing the lighter side of your brand, and making your emails the ones they genuinely look forward to. Let's explore some ideas that'll infuse your campaigns with a dose of fun!

1. Trivia quizzes

There's something inherently engaging about quizzes. They challenge, entertain, and offer a moment of playful competition. Including trivia quizzes in your newsletter can boost engagement rates and encourage interaction. Plus, they're a fantastic way to highlight product features or company milestones in a fun manner.

We recommend initiating these emails with a direct and inquisitive questions about the topic. Not only does this challenges the recipient's knowledge but also establishes a personal connection, making them feel as if they're part of an exclusive inside joke only they know about.

2. Behind-the-scenes

Let your subscribers in on the backstage magic. Whether it's a sneak peek into your office culture, the making of a product, or a day in the life of your CEO, these glimpses humanize your brand and foster a sense of community.

3. Memes and GIFs galore

Who doesn't love a good meme or GIF? Incorporating these into your newsletters not only adds a touch of humor but also makes your content more relatable and shareable. It's a modern way to comment on current events or industry trends with a light-hearted twist.

4. Customer spotlights

Shine a light on your loyal customers. Share their stories, testimonials, or fun ways they use your product. It's a win-win: you get engaging content, and they get a moment in the spotlight.

Customer spotlight free email template
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5. Interactive polls

Engage your subscribers by seeking their opinions. Whether it's about a new product feature, industry trends, or just a fun "this or that" choice, polls can drive interaction and provide valuable insights.

Dipping into newsletters like the one below, you'll see a masterclass in sparking customer interaction. Interactive polls not only spark email engagement, but it give your audience a voice, making them feel important and valued by your brand. Additionally, these emails are a goldmine for gathering genuine feedback about your offerings. It's a win-win: your subscribers feel heard, and you gain priceless insights. Talk about a conversation starter!

free email template with interactive poll
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6. Themed playlists

Music connects people. Share themed playlists related to your industry, season, or just for fun. It's a way to set the mood and offer something extra to your subscribers.

free email template with playlist
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7. DIY tips and hacks

Everyone loves a good hack. Share DIY tips related to your products or industry. It's not just informative but also showcases the versatility of what you offer.

8. Jokes and puns

A little humor goes a long way. Share industry-specific jokes or puns that resonate with your audience. It's a simple way to bring a smile to your subscribers' faces while building a bond and brand recognition! If you want to go beyond using funny email copy, consider offering a pun-y sale to go along with the joke. Now that's how you serve up a memorable newsletter!

9. Virtual scavenger hunts

Engage your subscribers with a virtual scavenger hunt. Hide clues in your website or social media channels and let them embark on a digital adventure. It's interactive and can be a unique way to highlight features or products.

10. Caption contests

Challenge your subscribers' creativity with a caption contest. Share an intriguing image and ask them to come up with a witty or humorous caption. It's interactive, fun, and can lead to some hilarious results. These types of newsletter ignite a two-way conversation between your brand and customers. By weaving in a playful caption contest, you're not only keeping subscribers engaged, turning passive readers into active participants. 

Business newsletter ideas

Navigating the business world requires a blend of strategy, insight, and communication. Business newsletters serve as a bridge, connecting your brand with clients, stakeholders, and employees. They're not just about sharing updates; they're about showcasing your brand's journey, achievements, and vision. 

Whether you're celebrating milestones, introducing new initiatives, or sharing industry insights, these newsletters position your brand as a thought leader. Let's explore some ideas that'll infuse your campaigns with professionalism and purpose.

11. Company milestones

Celebrating achievements, big or small, fosters a sense of pride and community. Sharing these moments in your newsletter not only keeps your audience informed but also builds trust and showcases growth.

company report email newsletter
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12. Employee spotlights

Your team is the backbone of your business. Highlighting their stories, achievements, or unique skills humanizes your brand and showcases the talent behind the scenes.

This employee spotlight newsletter is a stellar example of how businesses can really humanize their brand. By highlighting new employees and their roles, they are setting the tone for collaboration and building a company culture of acknowledgment. It's not just about showcasing numbers and achievements; it's about celebrating the individual and showing that there's a genuine people behind the impressive work they will go on to do. This not only fosters a sense of community and camaraderie within the company but also strengthens trust and connection across teams.

human resource email templates
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13. Case studies

Showcase real-world applications of your products or services. Case studies provide tangible proof of your brand's impact and can drive conversions.

14. Upcoming events

Whether it's a webinar, product launch, or networking event, keep your audience in the loop. It drives engagement and offers opportunities for face-to-face interactions.

free webinar email template
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15. Industry trends

Stay ahead of the curve by sharing the latest industry trends and insights. It positions your brand as a knowledgeable player and provides value to your subscribers. The following template showcases the most recent Color of The Year as it relates to this fashion brand.

Access template:

16. Product updates

Keep your subscribers informed about the latest features, improvements, or launches. It's a way to drive excitement and showcase continuous innovation.

Access template:

17. Testimonials and reviews

Word of mouth is powerful. Share genuine testimonials or reviews to build trust and showcase the positive impact of your brand.

By spotlighting endorsements from customer who know the ins and outs of your offer, you can brilliantly broadcast the wide-reaching wonders of your product. Pair each testimonial with a candid snapshot to add an additional a personal touch, making the brand feel less like a distant entity and more like a trusted friend sharing success stories.

18. Business tips and advice

Share valuable advice or tips related to your industry. It positions your brand as a helpful resource and can drive engagement.

19. Expert interviews

Bring in industry experts for interviews or guest posts. It provides fresh perspectives and boosts your newsletter's credibility.

20. CSR initiatives

Showcase your brand's commitment to social responsibility. Sharing CSR initiatives resonates with ethically-minded subscribers and highlights your brand's values.

Monthly newsletter ideas 

Consistency is key in communication, and monthly newsletters are the embodiment of that principle. Serving as a regular touchpoint, they offer a curated snapshot of the past month's highlights, ensuring your audience stays informed and engaged. Whether you're recapping events, sharing insights, or previewing what's on the horizon, monthly newsletters are a reliable way to maintain a steady connection with your subscribers. Let's delve into some ideas that'll make your monthly updates eagerly anticipated.

21. Monthly recaps

Think of monthly recaps as your brand's highlight reel, capturing all the noteworthy moments, wins, and stories from the past 30 days. It's like giving your subscribers a VIP pass, ensuring they're always in the loop and never miss a beat. Picture this: a vibrant timeline dotted with key events, achievements, and news, making your subscribers feel like they've been right there with you every step of the way. 

22. Featured blog posts

Highlight the top-performing or most insightful blog posts from the past month. It drives traffic to your website and offers added value to your readers.

23. Customer of the month

Celebrate a loyal customer by sharing their story or experience with your brand. It fosters community and showcases real-world brand interactions.

24. Monthly poll results

If you run regular polls or surveys, share the results. It's a way to show subscribers that their opinions matter and provide insights into popular opinions or trends.

25. Upcoming promotions

Give your subscribers a heads-up about any special deals, discounts, or promotions coming up in the next month. It builds anticipation and can drive sales.

26. Spotlight on success stories

Dive into the transformative journeys of your customers or clients. Each month, highlight a success story that showcases the real-world impact of your product or service. Share challenges faced, solutions provided, and the outcomes achieved.

27. Monthly challenges

Engage your subscribers with a fun challenge or goal for the upcoming month. It can be related to your product, industry trends, or just for fun.

28. Voices from the community

Dive into the conversations happening around your brand. Each month, curate a mix of shout-outs, stories, and feedback from your community, whether it's on social media, forums, or direct messages. It's a way to show you're listening and value every voice.

free email templates to highlight communities
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29. Sneak peeks

Offer a glimpse into any upcoming product launches, events, or initiatives. It builds excitement and keeps your audience in the loop.

30. A personal note

Add a personal touch by including a note from the CEO or a team leader. It humanizes the brand and fosters a deeper connection with the audience.

Seasonal newsletter ideas 

As the seasons change, so do the interests and needs of your audience. Seasonal newsletters tap into the current mood, offering content that's timely, relevant, and resonates with the spirit of the season. Whether it's the festive cheer of the holidays, the rejuvenation of spring, or the warmth of summer, these newsletters capture the essence of the moment. Let's dive into some ideas that'll make your seasonal newsletters a breath of fresh air in any inbox.

31. Holiday gift guides

During the festive season, everyone's on the lookout for the perfect gift. Curate a list of top products or services that make for great presents, tailored to your audience's preferences.

free email template for seasonal gift guide
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32. Seasonal recipes

Share recipes that highlight the flavors of the season. Whether it's a summer smoothie or a winter stew, it's a tasty way to engage your subscribers.

free email templates for recipies
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33. Seasonal DIY projects

Engage the crafty side of your subscribers with DIY projects that align with the current season. It's a fun and interactive way to celebrate the time of year.

34. Seasonal discounts and promotions

Offer special deals or promotions that celebrate the season. It's a timely incentive that can drive sales and engagement.

35. Event recaps

If your brand hosts or attends seasonal events, share a recap with highlights, photos, and key takeaways.

36. Seasonal trends

Highlight trends or popular items for the upcoming season. It keeps your subscribers in the know and positions your brand as a trendsetter.

37. Fundraising initiatives

During seasons of giving, showcase any charitable initiatives or partnerships your brand is involved in. It resonates with the spirit of the season and highlights your brand's values.

free emails for fundraising
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38. Seasonal challenges

Engage your subscribers with challenges that align with the season, whether it's a winter fitness challenge or a spring cleaning spree.

39. Decor and styling tips

Share tips on how to style clothes, homes, offices, or events in line with the season's theme. It's a creative way to immerse in the seasonal vibe.

Style guide free template
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40. A personal seasonal note

Add a personal touch with a note reflecting on the season, sharing personal stories, or looking forward to upcoming events.

Themed newsletter ideas 

Themes can be the creative spark that ignites interest in your newsletters. They offer a cohesive narrative, making your content more engaging and memorable. Whether it's celebrating a global event, tapping into pop culture, or exploring a specific topic in-depth, themed newsletters stand out in an inbox and offer a fresh perspective. Let's explore some ideas that'll give your newsletters that thematic flair.

41. Cultural celebrations

Celebrate global events or cultural festivals, showcasing diversity and inclusivity. It's a way to educate and engage subscribers about different traditions and customs.

free holiday email templates
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42. Pop culture moments

Tap into trending pop culture moments, whether it's a hit TV show, a viral meme, or a blockbuster movie. It makes your content timely and relatable.

43. Historical throwbacks

Take a trip down memory lane by highlighting significant historical events or milestones related to your industry or brand.

44. Eco-friendly focus

Dedicate a newsletter to sustainability and eco-friendly practices. It's a way to showcase your brand's commitment to the environment and offer green tips.

earth day email newsletter template
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45. Tech and innovations

Highlight the latest tech trends, innovations, or gadgets related to your industry. It positions your brand as forward-thinking and in-the-know.

46. Book or movie recommendations

Share curated lists of books or movies related to your industry, season, or any theme. It offers added value and positions your brand as a curator of good content.

47. Art and creativity

Celebrate the world of art, design, and creativity. Showcase artists, design trends, or creative projects that inspire.

48. Travel and exploration

Take your subscribers on a virtual journey, exploring destinations, cultures, or travel tips. It's a way to inspire wanderlust and share unique experiences.

travel newsletter template
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49. Health and wellness

Focus on well-being, sharing health tips, recipes, or fitness challenges. It's a way to promote a balanced lifestyle and offer valuable advice.

50. Hobby and passion projects

Highlight hobbies or passion projects, encouraging subscribers to explore new interests or dive deeper into existing ones.

Educational newsletter ideas 

Knowledge is power, and educational newsletters are the torchbearers of that power. They serve as a platform to enlighten, inform, and provide value to your subscribers. Whether you're breaking down complex topics, sharing industry insights, or offering tutorials, these newsletters position your brand as a trusted educator. Let's explore some ideas that'll make your newsletters a treasure trove of knowledge.

51. Industry deep dives

Offer in-depth analysis or insights into specific industry topics, trends, or challenges. It establishes your brand as an authority and provides valuable content to your subscribers.

52. How-to guides and tutorials

Break down processes or tasks with step-by-step guides. It's a practical way to offer hands-on knowledge and assist subscribers in mastering new skills.

free email template for how-to newsletters
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53. FAQ sessions

Address common questions or misconceptions related to your industry or product. It's a way to clarify doubts and offer direct value.

54. Webinar recaps

If you host webinars or online sessions, share key takeaways, highlights, or recordings. It extends the reach of your content and offers a recap for attendees.

55. Research and studies

Share the latest research, studies, or surveys related to your industry. It keeps your subscribers updated and offers data-driven insights.

56. Guest expert columns

Invite industry experts or thought leaders to contribute to your newsletter. It offers fresh perspectives and boosts the credibility of your content.

57. Book summaries or reviews

Offer summaries or reviews of influential books related to your industry. It's a way to promote continuous learning and offer reading recommendations.

email templates for publishers

58. Interactive quizzes

Test your subscribers' knowledge with interactive quizzes related to your industry or recent content. It's engaging and offers a fun learning experience.

59. Resource roundups

Curate a list of valuable resources, tools, or articles that can benefit your subscribers. It's a way to offer added value and save them research time.

60. Learning challenges

Encourage continuous learning by introducing monthly or weekly learning challenges. It can be related to a skill, topic, or habit.

Bring your newsletter ideas to life with Beefree

We've journeyed through a galaxy of ideas for a newsletter, from the fun-filled to the educational, and from the seasonal to the thematic. But, as we all know, even the most captivating content needs a stellar design to truly shine. That's where Beefree steps in. With Beefree’s intuitive email editor, you can effortlessly pair your top-notch content with equally impressive designs, ensuring your newsletters aren't just read, but remembered.

Whether you're crafting a monthly recap or diving deep into industry insights, Beefree ensures your vision translates perfectly into the inbox. With customizable templates, user-friendly tools, and a plethora of design options, you're equipped to create newsletters that resonate, engage, and inspire.

Ready to elevate your newsletter topic game? Dive into Beefree for a world of design possibilities. Get started with a free account and let's make your next newsletter one readers will love! 

Color of the Year 2024: What It Is and How to Harness It in Email Marketing

Color of the Year 2024: What It Is and How to Harness It in Email Marketing

Elevate your 2024 email marketing initiatives by harnessing the influence of the Color of the Year. Beyond mere aesthetics, incorporating this dynamic hue strategically into your campaigns allows you to infuse contemporary flair into your brand communication.
Beefree team
Beefree team
Feb 21, 2024

This year, Pantone celebrates its 25th year of its unique and inspiring Color of the Year program. While many people find the Color of the Year to be simply an entertaining announcement, for marketers, this color can be a gateway toward better connecting with your customers and audiences.

Let's discuss how email marketing pros can stay ahead of the trends and effortlessly infuse the Color of the Year 2024 in your email campaigns.

What Is the Color of the Year 2024?

Each year, Pantone selects a "Color of The Year" that depicts and illustrates the state of the current culture and recent trends. This year's color is Peach Fuzz, Pantone 13-1023.


According to Pantone's reasoning for selecting the color Peach Fuzz, they state that it serves as an expression of the kindness, tenderness, warmth and togetherness that our culture is seeking and driving for in 2024. As Pantone explains, “Pantone 13-1023 Peach Fuzz captures our desire to nurture ourselves and others. It’s a velvety gentle peach tone whose all-embracing spirit enriches mind, body, and soul.” For many, this color embodies a vintage feel, creating a sense of honoring the past while welcoming the opportunities of the future.

How is the Color of the Year chosen?

For Pantone, choosing the Color of the Year is a long and comprehensive effort. Its team of color experts is continuously at work observing the global culture and the expressions of color across fashion, art and design, lifestyles, travel destinations, imagery on media platforms, and so on.

The Color of the Year is both an expression of our present culture at the dawn of a new year and a result of trend forecasting for colors, attitudes, and social movements that will be pervasive in the year ahead. It’s decided by the emerging popularity of the color itself as well as the emotions and concepts associated with the color.

Why does the Color of the Year matter in email marketing?

The Color of the Year can be an excellent asset to your email marketing (and your other 2024 marketing channels) in multiple ways. First, this color is representative of the present culture, which means it’s likely relatable to your present-day audience. It embodies a mindset that your consumers are likely to share - one of warmth, wellness, and interpersonal kindness - which fosters the connection between your brand and the consumers.

Second, the Color of the Year is in keeping with current color and fashion trends. By incorporating this color into your email marketing, your brand looks to be trendy and up-to-date. Even if consumers don’t know what the Color of the Year is, they notice that your emails have a modern, on-trend look.

Ways to use the Color of the Year 2024 in your email marketing

As we step into the vibrant realm of 2024, the Color of the Year takes center stage as a powerful tool for marketers seeking to infuse their strategies with contemporary flair.It serves as a language of its own, capable of communicating emotions, evoking reactions, and establishing a unique visual identity for brands. By incorporating the Color of the Year into marketing initiatives, businesses can align themselves consumer sensibilities, fostering a connection and positioning themselves as forward-thinking.

Use imagery with the Color of the Year 2024

Peach Fuzz doesn’t have to be the core color of your email design for you to benefit from it. When selecting images to include in your

email campaigns, consider looking for images that have Peach Fuzz or a similar color. For example, this royalty-free images from Unsplash each contain peachy hues that have the same mood and essence as the Color of the Year 2024. You’ll notice that the color isn't too prominent, but still stands out and plays well with the other colors in the image. This is a great depiction how you can incorporate Peach Fuzz to pair well with your brand identity.


Align your messaging with the Color of the Year 2024

As we’ve noted, the Color of the Year isn’t just a color; it’s a concept and an embodiment of our culture. You can use this to inform the messaging in your email marketing. In the case of Peach Fuzz, infuse your messaging with a sense of kindness, compassion, and warmth to speak to our current culture and appeal to your audience’s mindset in the present time.

Add the Color of The Year to your seasonal and trendy campaigns

By infusing the Color of the Year into seasonal and trendy campaigns, you not only stay relevant and timely but also capitalize on the cultural and emotional resonances associated with the chosen color, creating a dynamic and engaging experience for your audience. Here are some ideas:

Align the color with changing seasons

Embrace the changing seasons and incorporate the Color of the Year into your email campaigns that align with specific times of the year.


Capitalize on fashion and design trends

Stay attuned to fashion and design trends that feature the Color of the Year. Incorporate the color into email campaigns that showcase how your products or services align with current style preferences. Additionally, highlight new arrivals or product collections that prominently feature the trending color, catering to the fashion-forward interests of your audience, such as the template below:


Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity

Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity by tying the Color of the Year to limited-time promotions or exclusive offers. Use the color to highlight special discounts, early access to products, or exclusive content, encouraging your audience to engage promptly with your email campaigns.


Develop themed content and storytelling

Develop themed content around the Color of the Year, telling a story that resonates with your brand and the significance of the color. The email template below serves as a perfect starting point to share share narratives, testimonials, or behind-the-scenes content that emphasizes the emotional and cultural aspects associated with the color of the year.


Does the 2024 Color of the Year suit your brand?

Evaluating whether the 2024 Color of the Year suits your brand involves a nuanced exploration of the color's characteristics and your brand identity. Begin by examining the psychological and emotional associations of the chosen color. Peach Fuzz has a warm, welcoming, and peaceful air that can align well with many brands’ voices and messaging. Consider the values, personality, and messaging of your brand; does the color align with these elements, or does it pose a potential contrast that could enhance visual appeal and captivate your audience?

If the color resonates with your target demographic and aligns with your brand's narrative, it may offer an opportunity to play around your visual identity. However, remember that a balance between staying on-trend and maintaining a unique brand identity is crucial.

Strengthening your 2024 email marketing with the Color of the Year

Embracing the Color of the Year in your email campaigns is more than just a visual choice; it's an opportunity to remain competitive and provide users with something new. By strategically incorporating the Color of the Year, you can create visually appealing and emotionally resonant emails that stand out in crowded inboxes.

The easiest way to experiment with the color of the year in email campaigns is to start with a pre-designed template. Beefree’s "Color of The Year" template collection is a perfect place to start. Our user-friendly email editor makes it easy to customize all templates with your brand identity and effortlessly make a few simple changes to bring Peach Fuzz into your design.

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Elevate Your Email Campaigns: Optimal Banner Size & Design Tips

Discover the perfect email banner size for your campaign with our comprehensive guide, including design tips, best practices, and inspiration to enhance your emails.
Beefree team
Beefree team
17 Apr

Every marketer knows that branding, visually engaging branding, matters. In a recent HubSpot survey, 20% of marketers reported to see a direct correlation between their design choices and an increase in email engagement.

In email marketing specifically, one of the first design elements a recipient views is your banner, making it crucial to grab the attention of the reader at first glance. An email banner should effectively convey your message, resonate with your audience, and be responsive regardless of what device your recipient uses to view your emails.

Let's discuss email banner best practice to follow that will ultimately lead to improve results of your email campaigns.

What is an email banner?

An email banner is a strategic design element element that appears at the top of your emails to catch the immediate attention of your reader. Sometimes called an email header, your banner is where you’ll introduce the main purpose of your email, like that amazing sale you’re advertising or the product launch of the century, and reel in customers’ so they scroll through the rest of the email.

Your email banner is your chance to make a fantastic first impression. Let’s explore the best email banner sizes and best practices to keep in mind.

Ideal email banner sizes

It is an outdated solution to automatically set all email banners to a width of 600px. With screen sized of both mobile and desktop devices varying so widely, it's important to ensure your email banner size is responsive for optimal viewing experience.

  • For desktop users, a banner 650-700 pixels wide and 90-200 pixels tall is ideal
  • For mobile users, the ideal banner is 350 pixels wide and up to 100 pixels tall

These updated dimensions follow responsive design best practices allowing email banners to render properly in a variety of email clients and devices.
Responsive design allows your email design to automatically adjust to the screen size of a customer’s device.

PRO tip: using an email design template that is already built to be responsive makes following this best practice a breeze.  

Impact of email banner size on campaign performance

A banner that’s poorly sized could become distorted when customers open it in their Gmail, Outlook, or whatever email platform they use.

This makes your email look less professional and it can also be harder to read so it doesn’t get your message across as well. A poorly sized email banner can also affect the user experience. If the banner is too wide, for example, it forces customers to scroll horizontally and it doesn’t allow them to see the entire banner in one view.

Not only do these issues affect the overall experience customers have with your email but they can also squander the excellent engagement opportunity that a well-designed email banner can be. According to Opensense's data, email banners can have 5-10% engagement rates,  a significant enhancement compared to the average click-through rate of 1.4% in emails.

Best practices for email banner design

Your banner size is an important part of designing an effective email banner, but it’s one of many. Check out these best practices to make your email banner even more powerful in garnering the engagement of your recipients.

  • File size: Any image in your email, but specifically your email banner, should be of high-quality. The ideal image should be download as a PNG at a resolution of 72dpi at 40kb or below.
  • Inverted pyramid: This "rule" in email design relates to adding the most important information at the top, working your way down to the least important information. When designing your email banner, make sure it clearly communicates the most important message in your email.
  • Brand consistency: As important as it is that your email banner makes a positive impression and communicates the main purpose of your email, it also should align with your brand. Make sure the design uses your brand colors, logo, or other aspects that make it consistent with your brand’s visual identity.
  • Text: Your banner needs to communicate your message, but less is more. Keep your copy sparse so it isn’t visually overwhelming and so the focus stays on your core intention. Ideally, 45-75 characters on a line is the sweet spot.
  • Email-friendly fonts: Make sure you use email-safe fonts that render reliably on major email platforms.
  • Accessibility: You want your banner’s message to reach as many customers as possible, and that includes customers with disabilities. Make sure to include accessibility features like using alt text so viewers with visual impairments can understand your message and using color combinations that viewers with color blindness can see.
  • Interactivity: Your email banner doesn’t have to be just a plain image or text. Consider making it interactive, such as with a GIF or a video that grabs your viewers’ attention.
  • Testing: You can follow all the rules for proper email banner size and design, but it’s still important to test it in action to make sure it shows up the way you want it to. Always send yourself a test email and see how that test email looks on different devices and platforms before you send it to your subscriber list.

For inspiration, check out these excellent email banners. This one from Beefree's template catalog clearly communicate the purpose of the email, remains consistent in branding throughout and plays with visual and text hierarchy to guide the reader's eye.

color of the year beefree email template
Use this template

This other email banner uses a navigation bar to keep the reader in the brand's ecosystem allowing readers to learn more about the marketing agency. This simple, yet effective email header communicates clearly the purpose of the email using imagery and text and has a clear CTA to lead the reader to complete the desired action without needing to scroll.

free beefree webinar email template
Use this template

Common mistakes in email banner design

When creating a strong email banner, it’s just as important to avoid doing the wrong things as it is to do the right things. Watch for these common pitfalls in email banner design:

  • Over-designing: Your email banner is prime real estate in your email, so of course you want to make the best use of that real estate. If you try to cram too much into that banner, though, you may lose your core message entirely because viewers don’t know where to look. 
  • Hard-to-read fonts: Your email banner is a wonderful place to get creative and build visual appeal, so of course you want to use fun design elements and fonts.
    But at the end of the day, the purpose is to send a message, so make sure the ornamental fonts you use are still clear enough that they’re easy to read.
  • Lack of responsive design: We’ve touched on this above but it’s also a common misstep that’s worth mentioning. Considering that 46% of emails are opened on mobile devices, every email and banner you create must be responsive to maintain its visual quality on any email platform.

Leveraging tools for email marketing banner

There’s a lot to consider as you’re designing an email banner, but we have great news: there are tools that can make it easier.

Take Beefree for example. Our extensive email template library has over 1,700 pre-built templates that already use banner design best practices like responsive design, minimal text for maximum impact, and proper sizing. Our HTML email editor makes it easy to customize these designs for your brand and messaging.

Start designing with ease and sign up for a free account today! 

60 Newsletter Ideas Readers Will Love + Free Email Templates

Discover inspiring newsletter ideas and engagement-boosting topics. Learn how to create memorable newsletter content that resonates with your subscribers.
Beefree team
Beefree team
15 Mar

Newsletters are more than just digital letters; they're a bridge, connecting brands to their audience in the most personal way. In the vast sea of online content, creating a newsletter that stands out and resonates can be a challenge. 

Dive into this blog, and you'll discover 60 captivating newsletter ideas that readers absolutely adore. Whether you're a seasoned newsletter professional or just starting out, we've got the inspiration to help you craft content that not only informs but also engages and inspires your audience. Let's get started!

Why are newsletters important?

Newsletters are like the unsung heroes of email marketing. Not only do they keep your audience informed and engaged, but they also play a pivotal role in building and nurturing relationships. Think of them as a regular touchpoint, a friendly "hello" that reminds your subscribers of your brand's value. 

From sharing company updates to spotlighting new products, newsletters organize key information in a digestible format, ensuring your audience stays connected and in the loop. In essence, they're a bridge between your brand and its community, fostering trust and loyalty.

What to include in a newsletter

Crafting a newsletter? It's not just about filling space; it's about delivering value. The key is to provide content that resonates with your audience's interests and keeps them eagerly awaiting your next update. 

For instance, if you're focusing on business, perhaps share some behind-the-scenes insights or company milestones. Looking for something light-hearted? Fun trivia or seasonal highlights might be your go-to. From monthly recaps to themed specials and educational deep-dives, the possibilities are vast. 

Dive into this article, and you'll discover a treasure trove of newsletter ideas, whether you're in the mood for business insights, seasonal tidbits, or educational gems.

60 newsletter ideas to elevate your campaigns

So, you're on the hunt for newsletter content ideas that not only captivate but convert? You're in the right place! With a wide range of topics and themes at your fingertips, the challenge isn't about finding content—it's choosing which pieces of content to spotlight. 

Whether you're aiming to inform, entertain, or inspire, the right idea can transform your newsletter from a mere email into a must-read. Dive into these 60 ideas, spanning business insights to themed wonders, and watch as your campaigns soar to new heights. Ready to elevate your email game? Let's dive in!

Interactive newsletter ideas 

When it comes to newsletters, who said business can't mix with fun? Fun newsletters are the sprinkle of joy in your subscriber's inbox, offering a delightful break from the usual. They're not just about entertainment; they're about forging a deeper connection with your audience, showing the lighter side of your brand, and making your emails the ones they genuinely look forward to. Let's explore some ideas that'll infuse your campaigns with a dose of fun!

1. Trivia quizzes

There's something inherently engaging about quizzes. They challenge, entertain, and offer a moment of playful competition. Including trivia quizzes in your newsletter can boost engagement rates and encourage interaction. Plus, they're a fantastic way to highlight product features or company milestones in a fun manner.

We recommend initiating these emails with a direct and inquisitive questions about the topic. Not only does this challenges the recipient's knowledge but also establishes a personal connection, making them feel as if they're part of an exclusive inside joke only they know about.

2. Behind-the-scenes

Let your subscribers in on the backstage magic. Whether it's a sneak peek into your office culture, the making of a product, or a day in the life of your CEO, these glimpses humanize your brand and foster a sense of community.

3. Memes and GIFs galore

Who doesn't love a good meme or GIF? Incorporating these into your newsletters not only adds a touch of humor but also makes your content more relatable and shareable. It's a modern way to comment on current events or industry trends with a light-hearted twist.

4. Customer spotlights

Shine a light on your loyal customers. Share their stories, testimonials, or fun ways they use your product. It's a win-win: you get engaging content, and they get a moment in the spotlight.

Customer spotlight free email template
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5. Interactive polls

Engage your subscribers by seeking their opinions. Whether it's about a new product feature, industry trends, or just a fun "this or that" choice, polls can drive interaction and provide valuable insights.

Dipping into newsletters like the one below, you'll see a masterclass in sparking customer interaction. Interactive polls not only spark email engagement, but it give your audience a voice, making them feel important and valued by your brand. Additionally, these emails are a goldmine for gathering genuine feedback about your offerings. It's a win-win: your subscribers feel heard, and you gain priceless insights. Talk about a conversation starter!

free email template with interactive poll
Access template:

6. Themed playlists

Music connects people. Share themed playlists related to your industry, season, or just for fun. It's a way to set the mood and offer something extra to your subscribers.

free email template with playlist
Access template:

7. DIY tips and hacks

Everyone loves a good hack. Share DIY tips related to your products or industry. It's not just informative but also showcases the versatility of what you offer.

8. Jokes and puns

A little humor goes a long way. Share industry-specific jokes or puns that resonate with your audience. It's a simple way to bring a smile to your subscribers' faces while building a bond and brand recognition! If you want to go beyond using funny email copy, consider offering a pun-y sale to go along with the joke. Now that's how you serve up a memorable newsletter!

9. Virtual scavenger hunts

Engage your subscribers with a virtual scavenger hunt. Hide clues in your website or social media channels and let them embark on a digital adventure. It's interactive and can be a unique way to highlight features or products.

10. Caption contests

Challenge your subscribers' creativity with a caption contest. Share an intriguing image and ask them to come up with a witty or humorous caption. It's interactive, fun, and can lead to some hilarious results. These types of newsletter ignite a two-way conversation between your brand and customers. By weaving in a playful caption contest, you're not only keeping subscribers engaged, turning passive readers into active participants. 

Business newsletter ideas

Navigating the business world requires a blend of strategy, insight, and communication. Business newsletters serve as a bridge, connecting your brand with clients, stakeholders, and employees. They're not just about sharing updates; they're about showcasing your brand's journey, achievements, and vision. 

Whether you're celebrating milestones, introducing new initiatives, or sharing industry insights, these newsletters position your brand as a thought leader. Let's explore some ideas that'll infuse your campaigns with professionalism and purpose.

11. Company milestones

Celebrating achievements, big or small, fosters a sense of pride and community. Sharing these moments in your newsletter not only keeps your audience informed but also builds trust and showcases growth.

company report email newsletter
Access template:

12. Employee spotlights

Your team is the backbone of your business. Highlighting their stories, achievements, or unique skills humanizes your brand and showcases the talent behind the scenes.

This employee spotlight newsletter is a stellar example of how businesses can really humanize their brand. By highlighting new employees and their roles, they are setting the tone for collaboration and building a company culture of acknowledgment. It's not just about showcasing numbers and achievements; it's about celebrating the individual and showing that there's a genuine people behind the impressive work they will go on to do. This not only fosters a sense of community and camaraderie within the company but also strengthens trust and connection across teams.

human resource email templates
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13. Case studies

Showcase real-world applications of your products or services. Case studies provide tangible proof of your brand's impact and can drive conversions.

14. Upcoming events

Whether it's a webinar, product launch, or networking event, keep your audience in the loop. It drives engagement and offers opportunities for face-to-face interactions.

free webinar email template
Access template:

15. Industry trends

Stay ahead of the curve by sharing the latest industry trends and insights. It positions your brand as a knowledgeable player and provides value to your subscribers. The following template showcases the most recent Color of The Year as it relates to this fashion brand.

Access template:

16. Product updates

Keep your subscribers informed about the latest features, improvements, or launches. It's a way to drive excitement and showcase continuous innovation.

Access template:

17. Testimonials and reviews

Word of mouth is powerful. Share genuine testimonials or reviews to build trust and showcase the positive impact of your brand.

By spotlighting endorsements from customer who know the ins and outs of your offer, you can brilliantly broadcast the wide-reaching wonders of your product. Pair each testimonial with a candid snapshot to add an additional a personal touch, making the brand feel less like a distant entity and more like a trusted friend sharing success stories.

18. Business tips and advice

Share valuable advice or tips related to your industry. It positions your brand as a helpful resource and can drive engagement.

19. Expert interviews

Bring in industry experts for interviews or guest posts. It provides fresh perspectives and boosts your newsletter's credibility.

20. CSR initiatives

Showcase your brand's commitment to social responsibility. Sharing CSR initiatives resonates with ethically-minded subscribers and highlights your brand's values.

Monthly newsletter ideas 

Consistency is key in communication, and monthly newsletters are the embodiment of that principle. Serving as a regular touchpoint, they offer a curated snapshot of the past month's highlights, ensuring your audience stays informed and engaged. Whether you're recapping events, sharing insights, or previewing what's on the horizon, monthly newsletters are a reliable way to maintain a steady connection with your subscribers. Let's delve into some ideas that'll make your monthly updates eagerly anticipated.

21. Monthly recaps

Think of monthly recaps as your brand's highlight reel, capturing all the noteworthy moments, wins, and stories from the past 30 days. It's like giving your subscribers a VIP pass, ensuring they're always in the loop and never miss a beat. Picture this: a vibrant timeline dotted with key events, achievements, and news, making your subscribers feel like they've been right there with you every step of the way. 

22. Featured blog posts

Highlight the top-performing or most insightful blog posts from the past month. It drives traffic to your website and offers added value to your readers.

23. Customer of the month

Celebrate a loyal customer by sharing their story or experience with your brand. It fosters community and showcases real-world brand interactions.

24. Monthly poll results

If you run regular polls or surveys, share the results. It's a way to show subscribers that their opinions matter and provide insights into popular opinions or trends.

25. Upcoming promotions

Give your subscribers a heads-up about any special deals, discounts, or promotions coming up in the next month. It builds anticipation and can drive sales.

26. Spotlight on success stories

Dive into the transformative journeys of your customers or clients. Each month, highlight a success story that showcases the real-world impact of your product or service. Share challenges faced, solutions provided, and the outcomes achieved.

27. Monthly challenges

Engage your subscribers with a fun challenge or goal for the upcoming month. It can be related to your product, industry trends, or just for fun.

28. Voices from the community

Dive into the conversations happening around your brand. Each month, curate a mix of shout-outs, stories, and feedback from your community, whether it's on social media, forums, or direct messages. It's a way to show you're listening and value every voice.

free email templates to highlight communities
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29. Sneak peeks

Offer a glimpse into any upcoming product launches, events, or initiatives. It builds excitement and keeps your audience in the loop.

30. A personal note

Add a personal touch by including a note from the CEO or a team leader. It humanizes the brand and fosters a deeper connection with the audience.

Seasonal newsletter ideas 

As the seasons change, so do the interests and needs of your audience. Seasonal newsletters tap into the current mood, offering content that's timely, relevant, and resonates with the spirit of the season. Whether it's the festive cheer of the holidays, the rejuvenation of spring, or the warmth of summer, these newsletters capture the essence of the moment. Let's dive into some ideas that'll make your seasonal newsletters a breath of fresh air in any inbox.

31. Holiday gift guides

During the festive season, everyone's on the lookout for the perfect gift. Curate a list of top products or services that make for great presents, tailored to your audience's preferences.

free email template for seasonal gift guide
Access template:

32. Seasonal recipes

Share recipes that highlight the flavors of the season. Whether it's a summer smoothie or a winter stew, it's a tasty way to engage your subscribers.

free email templates for recipies
Access template:

33. Seasonal DIY projects

Engage the crafty side of your subscribers with DIY projects that align with the current season. It's a fun and interactive way to celebrate the time of year.

34. Seasonal discounts and promotions

Offer special deals or promotions that celebrate the season. It's a timely incentive that can drive sales and engagement.

35. Event recaps

If your brand hosts or attends seasonal events, share a recap with highlights, photos, and key takeaways.

36. Seasonal trends

Highlight trends or popular items for the upcoming season. It keeps your subscribers in the know and positions your brand as a trendsetter.

37. Fundraising initiatives

During seasons of giving, showcase any charitable initiatives or partnerships your brand is involved in. It resonates with the spirit of the season and highlights your brand's values.

free emails for fundraising
Access template:

38. Seasonal challenges

Engage your subscribers with challenges that align with the season, whether it's a winter fitness challenge or a spring cleaning spree.

39. Decor and styling tips

Share tips on how to style clothes, homes, offices, or events in line with the season's theme. It's a creative way to immerse in the seasonal vibe.

Style guide free template
Access template:

40. A personal seasonal note

Add a personal touch with a note reflecting on the season, sharing personal stories, or looking forward to upcoming events.

Themed newsletter ideas 

Themes can be the creative spark that ignites interest in your newsletters. They offer a cohesive narrative, making your content more engaging and memorable. Whether it's celebrating a global event, tapping into pop culture, or exploring a specific topic in-depth, themed newsletters stand out in an inbox and offer a fresh perspective. Let's explore some ideas that'll give your newsletters that thematic flair.

41. Cultural celebrations

Celebrate global events or cultural festivals, showcasing diversity and inclusivity. It's a way to educate and engage subscribers about different traditions and customs.

free holiday email templates
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42. Pop culture moments

Tap into trending pop culture moments, whether it's a hit TV show, a viral meme, or a blockbuster movie. It makes your content timely and relatable.

43. Historical throwbacks

Take a trip down memory lane by highlighting significant historical events or milestones related to your industry or brand.

44. Eco-friendly focus

Dedicate a newsletter to sustainability and eco-friendly practices. It's a way to showcase your brand's commitment to the environment and offer green tips.

earth day email newsletter template
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45. Tech and innovations

Highlight the latest tech trends, innovations, or gadgets related to your industry. It positions your brand as forward-thinking and in-the-know.

46. Book or movie recommendations

Share curated lists of books or movies related to your industry, season, or any theme. It offers added value and positions your brand as a curator of good content.

47. Art and creativity

Celebrate the world of art, design, and creativity. Showcase artists, design trends, or creative projects that inspire.

48. Travel and exploration

Take your subscribers on a virtual journey, exploring destinations, cultures, or travel tips. It's a way to inspire wanderlust and share unique experiences.

travel newsletter template
Access template:

49. Health and wellness

Focus on well-being, sharing health tips, recipes, or fitness challenges. It's a way to promote a balanced lifestyle and offer valuable advice.

50. Hobby and passion projects

Highlight hobbies or passion projects, encouraging subscribers to explore new interests or dive deeper into existing ones.

Educational newsletter ideas 

Knowledge is power, and educational newsletters are the torchbearers of that power. They serve as a platform to enlighten, inform, and provide value to your subscribers. Whether you're breaking down complex topics, sharing industry insights, or offering tutorials, these newsletters position your brand as a trusted educator. Let's explore some ideas that'll make your newsletters a treasure trove of knowledge.

51. Industry deep dives

Offer in-depth analysis or insights into specific industry topics, trends, or challenges. It establishes your brand as an authority and provides valuable content to your subscribers.

52. How-to guides and tutorials

Break down processes or tasks with step-by-step guides. It's a practical way to offer hands-on knowledge and assist subscribers in mastering new skills.

free email template for how-to newsletters
Access template:

53. FAQ sessions

Address common questions or misconceptions related to your industry or product. It's a way to clarify doubts and offer direct value.

54. Webinar recaps

If you host webinars or online sessions, share key takeaways, highlights, or recordings. It extends the reach of your content and offers a recap for attendees.

55. Research and studies

Share the latest research, studies, or surveys related to your industry. It keeps your subscribers updated and offers data-driven insights.

56. Guest expert columns

Invite industry experts or thought leaders to contribute to your newsletter. It offers fresh perspectives and boosts the credibility of your content.

57. Book summaries or reviews

Offer summaries or reviews of influential books related to your industry. It's a way to promote continuous learning and offer reading recommendations.

email templates for publishers

58. Interactive quizzes

Test your subscribers' knowledge with interactive quizzes related to your industry or recent content. It's engaging and offers a fun learning experience.

59. Resource roundups

Curate a list of valuable resources, tools, or articles that can benefit your subscribers. It's a way to offer added value and save them research time.

60. Learning challenges

Encourage continuous learning by introducing monthly or weekly learning challenges. It can be related to a skill, topic, or habit.

Bring your newsletter ideas to life with Beefree

We've journeyed through a galaxy of ideas for a newsletter, from the fun-filled to the educational, and from the seasonal to the thematic. But, as we all know, even the most captivating content needs a stellar design to truly shine. That's where Beefree steps in. With Beefree’s intuitive email editor, you can effortlessly pair your top-notch content with equally impressive designs, ensuring your newsletters aren't just read, but remembered.

Whether you're crafting a monthly recap or diving deep into industry insights, Beefree ensures your vision translates perfectly into the inbox. With customizable templates, user-friendly tools, and a plethora of design options, you're equipped to create newsletters that resonate, engage, and inspire.

Ready to elevate your newsletter topic game? Dive into Beefree for a world of design possibilities. Get started with a free account and let's make your next newsletter one readers will love! 

The Ultimate Guide to Creating and Embedding HTML Email Templates in Outlook

Discover key strategies for overcoming Outlook's HTML rendering limitations and create beautiful HTML email templates.
Emily Santos
Emily Santos
Jun 28, 2024

According to Gitnux’s MarketData Report 2024, 16% of all US email users use Outlook as their primary email provider, ranking Outlook among the most widely used email platforms in the country. 

With over 400 million users worldwide, the chances that your emails will land in an Outlook inbox are high if you're an email marketer. With this in mind, it’s important to acknowledge Outlook’s capabilities and limitations to build emails that render well for every recipient. 

Understanding Outlook's HTML design limitations

Despite its popularity, Outlook is primarily used for day-to-day communications between colleagues rather than mass marketing campaigns. Because of this, Outlook has a few limitations when it comes to rendering HTML emails, for instance: 

Some of the most prominent rendering issues with Outlook Web or App include: 

  • Gifs rendering with a play icon over the GIF
  • Fonts not matching 
  • Additional spaces in the layout 
  • Icons stacking on top of one another or misaligned
  • Mismatching background images 
  • Misalignment across email elements 

These limitations mean that regardless of how much time is spent on creating the most engaging and on-brand email, Outlook may deliver a different outcome to recipients, affecting your email’s readability and impact.

While we recommend opting out of using Outlook as a sending platform and using a professional solution such as HubSpot and Mailchimp, we understand this is not always feasible.

Many email marketers who rely on Outlook have found creative approaches to address its rendering limitations, typically opting for either image-based emails or maximizing the impact of text-only emails. When it comes to HTML emails, while challenging, they remain a viable option for those willing to navigate Outlook’s quirks and optimize their designs accordingly.

Best practices for designing Outlook-friendly HTML email templates

You have two options for creating an HTML email template for Outlook. The first involves manually writing the HTML code with CSS and then saving the email as an Outlook template. While this approach doesn't require additional software tools, it can be time-consuming and requires CSS expertise.

Alternatively, you can use an external email design tool such as Beefree to create your HTML email template. This method is more user-friendly and efficient since it eliminates the need for CSS knowledge and manual coding.

Regardless of which option you opt for, here are some best practices to follow:

  • Simplicity is key: Design simple, single-column designs. Complex layouts, while engaging, may not render correctly. 

  • Use tables for the layout structure: Experiment with tables to ensure your design elements stay in their intended position, helping to tackle Outlook's misalignment issue. 
  • Use inline CSS: If possible, embed inline CSS directly within your HTML elements to control formatting and layout; this will help minimize Outlook’s limited support for external and embedded stylesheets.

  • Use web-safe fonts: Arial, Times New Roman, or Verdana are all safe bests when designing for Outlook.

  • Alt text: Because Outlook blocks images by default, be sure to always include alt text for images to ensure accessibility but also to ensure that the lack of images doesn’t leave out important context from your emails. 

Designing HTML email templates in Outlook with Beefree

When designing HTML email templates that perform well in Outlook, leveraging the right tools can significantly simplify the process and ensure adherence to best practices.

Beefree stands out as a versatile platform that not only facilitates creative email design but also supports the specific requirements of Outlook rendering, for instance:

  • Designing for simplicity: Beefree’s drag-and-drop functionality allows for the easy creation of single-column layouts. Within Beefree, users can easily customize the alignment, spacing, height, and more of emails for mobile and desktop, ensuring a cohesive experience across multiple devices.

  • Web-safe fonts: Within Beefree, you can set web-safe fonts as your default to ensure the consistent rendering of fonts across all email clients, especially Outlook.

  • Alt text: This can be powered manually or via our AI integration. 

  • Responsive design: While Outlook lacks robust support for responsive design, Beefree enables users to create mobile-friendly email templates through fluid layouts and scalable elements. This ensures that your emails adapt to different screen sizes and devices, enhancing user experience regardless of how recipients access their emails through Outlook.

Before finalizing your email designs, it's essential to conduct thorough testing to ensure they render correctly across different versions of Outlook. We recommend using Beefree’s preview feature to see how your emails appear in various screen sizes. We also recommend sending a test email to multiple Outlook recipients to help you identify any rendering discrepancies between Beefree and Outlook.

While we’d like to guarantee that Beefree will render emails 100% as intended,  it's important to remember that Outlook is an email client rather than a sending platform. As a result, it may ignore, remove, or alter HTML elements from our code. This can cause rendering issues that we can't resolve. Keep in mind that the more complex your design is, the more likely you are to experience rendering issues with Outlook.

Familiarize yourself with our Outlook rendering considerations

Embedding Outlook HTML email templates

Once your email is designed in Beefree following the best practices addressed above, you can easily export to Outlook Web or Outlook App.

Outlook Web
Connect Beefree to your Outlook Web account before designing or after completion.  Directly from the builder or via the Email Details page, click “Push to your sending system.” Within seconds, the email will be saved as a new template and appear in your Outlook account.

To learn more about how to complete the integration process, visit:

For a step-by-step process:

Outlook Web and corporate email accounts
If you’re exporting emails designed in Beefree to your Outlook corporate business account, follow the same steps as above.

When integrating Beefree with an Outlook corporate account, you may encounter a message indicating that approval or authorization is required for the connection to succeed. To proceed, you will need to obtain the necessary approvals or modify your Outlook Web business account permissions settings to ensure a successful connection. Outlook App
The Outlook App integration with Beefree allows you to download your email designs as OFT and EMLTPL files that you can then upload into your Outlook App. To download the files, take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the email design you’d like to export.
  2. Make and save any changes you’d like prior to exporting your design.
  3. Select Push to your sending system.
  4. Click the Outlook App connector.
  5. You will be prompted to Download the Outlook App.
  6. Select Download for Windows if you’d like an OFT file or Download for macOS if you’d like an EMLTPL file.

To learn more about how to complete the integration process and import HTML, watch the following video:

Or visit:

Ready to start designing Outlook-friendly emails?

Whether you're navigating Outlook's rendering quirks or aiming to enhance engagement through responsive designs, Beefree is an intuitive solution that ensures your messages resonate effectively across Outlook versions and devices. 


Start designing now - it’s free!

Choosing the Best Email Marketing Software for Agencies

With a multitude of email marketing software options available, the process of comparing them can be time-consuming. Here are some top tips for choosing the right email marketing software for your growing agency.
Beefree team
Beefree team
Apr 25, 2024

The ideal email marketing software has two jobs: support your growing agencies marketing and deliver exceptional results for your clients. So, how do you know which tool is right for you?

Types of email marketing software

Email marketing encompasses a multifaceted process, involving strategic planning, creative design, content creation, list building, targeting, analysis, and more.

Different software tools cater to different facets of this process, each offering distinct features and functionalities. Broadly categorized, there are four types of email marketing software to consider:

1. Automation

Automation softwares can increase productivity by taking over of mundane and repetitive tasks involved in the email creation process. More importantly, automation solutions can help send the right emails at the right time. For example:

  • Emailing a cart abandonment reminder to customers who put items in their cart but don’t buy them
  • Sending a multi-email introduction campaign to customers or clients who sign up to a mailing list
  • Sending product or service recommendation emails to users based on their past purchases
  • Emailing a re-engagement email to clients or customers who haven’t made a purchase in a long time

2. Design and campaign creation

Email design software allows you to create effective, engaging email campaigns quickly and easily. These tools offer a user-friendly interface, often times with drag-and-drop functionalities that enable even those with limited design skills to create visually appealing emails swiftly.

Email design tools vs. email service providers

Moreover, these platforms often include features like A/B testing, dynamic content capabilities, and integration with other marketing tools, enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of email campaign creation.

An email service provider serves as the platform through which you send your emails, while an email design tool is specifically designed for creating visually appealing and professional emails. An effective email design tools should easily integrate with your ESP to ensure a seamless workflow.

3. Analytics and reporting

An email marketing analytics tool monitors and analyzes the outcomes of your email marketing initiatives, encompassing metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and engagement rates. Additionally, it should report details about your audience, such as demographics and behaviour, to help you make data driven decisions on the type of content that appeals to your readers and who is the most engaged.

4. List management and segmentation

A list management and segmentation tool facilitates the efficient management, organization, and maintenance of your mailing lists. These tools empower agencies to create distinct segments based on demographics or user actions.

For instance, when promoting your agency, you can create segments for existing clients and prospects. Alternatively, you might segment based on industry, such as retail, healthcare, or B2B sectors. These segmentation capabilities streamline targeted marketing efforts and enhance campaign relevance and effectiveness.

Factors to consider when choosing email marketing software

Selecting the right email marketing software is a crucial decision for agencies. Given the vast array of options available, each offering unique features and capabilities, many agencies use multiple tools to maximize their email efforts.

Whether you're looking for an all-in-one solution or exploring different options, it is essential to carefully assess several factors to make an informed decision:

  • Usability and interface: While there may be a learning curve with any new software, opting for a user-friendly interface ensures that your team can quickly adapt and efficiently create campaigns.
  • Pricing and plans: Budget considerations are paramount. Most software providers offer various plans tailored to different needs, so ensure you compare the appropriate plan options to your organization's unique needs.
  • Specialization: Some email marketing tools specialize in specific industries or niches. For example, certain tools are tailored for healthcare and life sciences, while others cater to tech companies. Considering the specialization of each tool ensures that you select one aligned with your agency's industry focus and requirements.

Review of 5 email marketing software for agencies

There are countless email marketing software solutions on the market, each with its own pros and cons, so you could pour months into comparing each one. Ultimately, each agency needs to choose the right tool or combination of tools to suit their needs, but here are a few of the best email marketing software for agencies to consider.


Omnisend is a comprehensive email marketing platform, offering an array of features including a drag-and-drop email builder and automation capabilities. However, its standout feature lies in its robust email list management and segmentation functionalities. Omnisend simplifies the process of collecting email addresses and building lists while providing tools to segment these lists for highly targeted campaigns. Additionally, its A/B testing feature enables you to gauge the effectiveness of different designs and messages for each audience segment.

While there is a free plan to get you started, standard plans start at $16 per month and increase based on the number of contacts you’ll be managing.


Beefree is an agnostic email design tool focused solely on delivering top-notch email design solutions. Boasting a collection of over 1,700 expertly crafted templates, Beefree emphasizes best practices while offering a user-friendly email builder and editor for customizable email and landing pages.

Beefree offers advanced functionalities such as responsive and mobile-friendly design, AI-driven content creation capabilities, and built in collaboration solutions. The platform follows a "start for free, upgrade as you grow" pricing method that makes it the perfect solution for agencies of any size.


Mailchimp is a versatile email marketing platform that encompasses a wide range of functionalities, including list management, email design, and data tracking. However, due to its all-in-one nature, Mailchimp's advanced options within each feature category may be somewhat limited. For basic usage, Mailchimp offers a free plan and for advanced controls plans begin at $13 per month.

Learn more: Integrating Beefree with Mailchimp


If you want to take advantage of the latest in automation, Drip is a helpful tool to have in your toolbox. Drip is a robust marketing automation tool designed to streamline targeted email campaigns and multi-channel marketing initiatives. While it excels in catering to e-commerce clients, it may not be as suitable for B2B clients or internal agency marketing. Drip does have certain limitations, particularly in email design functionalities such as spam testing. However, it shines in efficiently managing substantial contact lists.

Pricing starts at $39 per month with a 14-day free trial.


Similarly to Beefree, Unlayer is also an email design tool with a drag-and-drop email editor. Due to its simplicity, Unlayer is a great solution for a broader audience, including marketing agencies, businesses, and individual designers. It's comprehensive set of features, include template and module organization, collaboration, and integrations with third-party apps.

Unlayer offers a free plan with basic essentials, as well as plans starting at $15 per month and $30 per month.

How to choose the right email marketing software for your agency

Now that we’ve taken a survey of the landscape and the types of email marketing software solutions available, how do you know which tools are best for your agency? Here are some key questions to ask as you’re narrowing your options:

  • Can this tool manage multiple accounts effectively? As an agency, you'll likely need to handle your own email marketing as well as manage accounts for each client. Assess the tool's capabilities for managing multiple businesses or brands in an organized manner.
  • Is this tool suitable for the types of clients I serve? Consider whether the email marketing tool is designed for retail, e-commerce, B2B, or specific industries. Ensure that the tools you choose align with the diverse needs of not just your agency, but your clients.
  • Does this product or plan offer support? Evaluate the available support options, such as phone support, online chat, etc., as you may require assistance with software features or technical issues. Understand the support provided with each plan to make an informed decision.
  • How scalable is this platform? Hopefully, your agency will grow to take on more clients. Anticipate future growth for your agency and assess whether the software can accommodate an increase in clients. Determine how seamless it is to upgrade to more advanced plans as your agency expands.
  • How does this tool integrate with or enhance my current workflows? Choose a platform that aligns with your desired email marketing workflow, such as easy internal or client approvals, integration with customer management software, and other related tools.

By addressing these questions, you can narrow down your selection to the top email marketing software options that best meet your agency's requirements and goals.

How Beefree helps agencies with email marketing

Selecting the appropriate solution for your growing agency is pivotal in not only enhancing the success and efficiency of your agency's email campaigns, but that of your clients.

While finding the perfect fit for each aspect of your email marketing program can be challenging, when it comes to email design, Beefree simplifies the process. Due to its agnostic nature, integrating Beefree into any sending platform is seamless and with a myriad of resources, there is minimal learning curve. Through its accessible pricing plans and enterprise-level solutions, Beefree paves the way for agencies to elevate their email marketing strategies and drive impactful results for clients.

If you're a growing agency looking to see Beefree's full collaboration features in action, sign up for a 15-day free Business plan trial

Beefree vs Stensul: An In-Depth Comparison for Email Marketers

Delve into the comprehensive analysis of two leading email design platforms, Beefree and Stensul. This blog provides a detailed comparison tailored specifically for email marketers, offering insights into their features, functionalities, and suitability for diverse organizational needs.
Beefree team
Beefree team
Apr 4, 2024

Whether email marketing is a new adventure for you or you have years of experience in this excellent marketing strategy, the tools you use can make a world of difference.

The right email design tool can make the design process more efficient, more cost-effective, and more successful without the need for a background in coding or design.

Two of the top tools for email design are Beefree and Stensul. Which one is the right fit for your business? Let’s take a look at Beefree vs. Stensul.

Beefree: An overview

Beefree is a web-based email design application that’s all about making strong email creation accessible to anyone - small business owners, freelancers, marketing agencies, larger businesses, and more. Its goal is to empower any professional to harness the power of email marketing with no need for coding or design experience.

There are two ways to start designing with Beefree.

You can either start with one of Beefree’s 1,700+ templates, crafted by skilled designers for a wide range of industries and purposes, or you can use the drag-and-drop HTML email builder to design your own emails and landing pages from scratch. Both options make it easy and quick to create polished and professional emails that are fully customized for your business. These emails can be sent with any email service provider (ESP), either through a direct integration or by copying the HTML from Beefree and pasting it into your ESP.

Stensul: An overview

On the surface, Stensul is similar to Beefree. Stensul is a no-code email and landing page design platform that helps to streamline email marketing. The main difference between the two solutions is that while Beefree can be used by anyone from freelancers to enterprise business, Stensul is better suited to serve large businesses due to its structure and pricing.

Stensul is especially known for its robust support. Because its focus is on larger businesses and enterprises, it lives up to enterprise expectations with hands-on support during the onboarding process and throughout a business’s contract with Stensul. Stensul solutions prioritize collaboration,  allowing businesses to easily coordinate their email marketing across teams and tools.

Feature Comparison: Beefree vs Stensul

Since your business has its own needs and workflows, different tools will be better suited to meet your demands. Let’s take a look at Beefree and Stensul side by side to see how their key features compare.

Project capabilities

  • Beefree: Emails and landing pages
  • Stensul: Emails and landing pages

Is coding knowledge needed?

  • Beefree: No
  • Stensul: No

Collaboration capabilities?


  • Beefree: Integrates with your email sending platform of choice and existing project management and communication tools using Webhooks.
  • Stensul: Integrates with a variety of tools for multiple workflow aspects like email service providers and project management applications.

Setup support:

  • Beefree: Enterprise level customers receive a Dedicated Success Manager. For lower tier plans, there is a wide range of public webinars, documentation, and a Beefree Academy for self-service support.
  • Stensul: Customers receive a dedicated enterprise support team, but there is minimal training documentations or online resources available for self-service assistant.

Branding capabilities:

  • Beefree: Extensive customization
  • Stensul: Extensive customization

Templates vs. custom design:

  • Beefree: Custom design and 1,700+ email and page templates.
  • Stensul: Custom design modules only

In depth look into Beefree features.

In depth look into Stensul features.

Pricing: Beefree vs. Stensul

How do Beefree and Stensul stack up when it comes to a cost-benefit analysis? The pricing structures of the two tools are very different, so one may be a better fit for your organization than the other.

Beefree has four plan tiers:

  • Starter: Great for occasional projects.
  • Professional ($25 per month with a 15 day free trial): Best for solo creators or teams of two to three.
  • Business ($134 per month with a 15 day free trial): A self-service solution for scaling organizations.
  • Enterprise (custom): Great for larger organization with complex email needs.

The Starter (free) tier includes many of the tool’s capabilities but in a limited capacity such as limited design storage, a limited number of exports per month, and so on. It’s an excellent way to try out the tool and see how it aligns with your workflows. The Professional, Business, and Enterprise tiers unlock more features and more capacity to allow for a more robust email marketing program. This pricing structure allows your business to easily scale operations with the peace of mind that your solution will grow alongside you.


Stensul has custom pricing for every business. To discover the pricing for your needs, you’ll need to contact the company and schedule a consultation with the team, after which you will receive a custom quote.

Essentially, Stensul has an enterprise-style pricing model that will vary based on your business size and other factors. This means that Stensul has a higher barrier to entry for small businesses and freelancers who don’t want to invest  time in a sales meeting. For enterprises, though, a custom quote from both Beefree and Stensul can allow you to compare the cost for your needs.


User experience and support

User experience is a foundational priority for both Beefree and Stensul. After all, the purpose of these tools is to open the door to excellent email design for professionals who don’t write code or have design expertise, so both platforms are user-friendly and require minimal learning curve.

As for enabling users to get started, as mentioned previously, Beefree offers two ways to create your emails and landing pages: by designing them from scratch or choosing a templates and customizing it. Stensul, on the other hand, prioritizes custom design rather than templates which can result in a longer time to set up.

As for their customer support, each application takes a different approach. Because Stensul is an enterprise-level solutions they state that "Each of [their] customers receives a dedicated enterprise support team." They also have a Contact page for questions and inquiries.

Beefree, offers a myriad of support resources to help users find just what they need.

  • Help center: Updates with the most recent feature releases.
  • Community: A space for users to connect, collaborate, find design work, and get advice from other users.
  • Beefree Academy: Real-world examples and tutorials to help you and your team optimize email campaigns, increase productivity, and follow email design best practices.

For Business and Professional plans, users receive access to their Beefree CX team and Enterprise plans receive a Dedicated Success Manager for onboarding, training, and success-driven best practices.

What customers say: reviews and feedback

As of April 4th, 2024 both Beefree and Stensul have a rating of 4.7/5 stars on the popular tech review site G2 with varying businesses reviewing each tools. Beefree seems to be most loved by small businesses (50 employees or less) and mid-market (51-1000 employees), while most of Stensul's review come from Enterprises (1,000+ employees).

In Beefree's G2 reviews, users rave about it's responsiveness, easy of use, and time saving features. Some users do note that they wish the platform has more platform had more organizational capabilities in its lower-tier plans.

Read more on what people think of Beefree on G2.

Stensul is enjoyed by users for it's customer support, onboarding process, and similarly to Beefree it's ease of use and integration. Users do note that Stensul can be limiting in terms of customization capabilities and its image editor.

Read more on what people think of Stensul on G2.

Making Your Choice

Beefree and Stensul are both stellar email design tools that work efficiently for their intended purposes. Choosing between Beefree vs. Stensul is a matter of your business’s size and configuration as well as which features are most important for your workflows.

For many businesses, it comes down to trying out various tools to see how they suit your needs. To get started, try Beefree for free.

Maximizing your agency’s ROI with Madison Taylor Marketing

Learn the strategies that propelled Madison Taylor Marketing to increase their clients' ROI by over 300%.
Beefree team
Beefree team
26 Jul

Maximizing your agency’s ROI with Madison Taylor Marketing 

Founded over 15 years ago, Madison Taylor Marketing has become a well-known agency in Denver, Colorado, for its success in bringing unprecedented results to clients. The agency's smart strategies have helped clients ensure alignment, reduce costs, optimize their resources, and, more notably, maximize ROI by almost 300% across all marketing efforts. 

In a live session with Chris Copen, Chief Operating Officer, Cassie Renier, Creative Specialist, and Andrea Davis, Creative Manager, they shared their insight into how agencies can maximize their ROI with email marketing. 

What is ROI? 

“ROI, or Return on Investment, is one of our most important performance indicators as an agency. 

ROI is not just a metric, but it measures the profitability of our business and our investments and helps us understand the value that we're generating from our efforts and resources. 

By tracking ROI, we are trying to ensure that our strategies are effective, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

For agencies, achieving a high ROI is really important because it reflects our ability to deliver value to our clients and continually optimize operations. Ultimately, this empowers us to drive growth for ourselves.

For our clients, our ability to achieve high ROI demonstrates our ability to use budgets wisely to deliver maximum value and achieve their business goals efficiently.”

Excerpt from Chris Copen at our live session with Madison Taylor Marketing.
Optimized for readability and engagement 

With a return of $36 per $1 spent, why do agencies struggle to increase email marketing ROI? 

“We have found that that email is a powerful tool for achieving ROI for our clients. It's been around for a long time, and it's a tried and true tactic. While people have changed their media consumption habits, email continues to produce results for us. Email marketing connects our clients directly with their audience segments, allows us to deliver personalized content, and drives conversions.

Despite its potential, though, we have definitely experienced struggles over the years.

For both ourselves and our clients, we’ve found that the main challenge with email marketing is how much time and effort it takes.

Creating visually appealing and effective email campaigns requires significant time and effort.

We have found ourselves really bogged down in the minutiae of design details and trying to craft the “perfect” layout and visual elements. While important, this detracts from strategic activities that might yield higher returns.”

We've also experienced the challenge of hard coding emails and getting those emails to work across platforms. This process is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. Little mistakes in the code can lead to rendering issues across different email clients, which has obvious consequences for a campaign’s effectiveness and ROI.

In addition to that, there's the issue of too much back-and-forth. When we collaborate on email campaigns, this often involves multiple rounds of feedback and revision. 

All of that just adds to the cumbersome and lengthy process and leads to diminishing returns - addressing all of those is critical in unlocking the full potential of email marketing for ROI. 

Excerpt from Chris Copen at our live session with Madison Taylor Marketing.
Optimized for readability and engagement 

How can agencies optimize their email marketing ROI

“By optimizing our email creation process, leveraging automated tools, reducing manual coding, and streamlining our feedback mechanisms, we were really able to improve our ROI. Cassie has been one of our leaders in helping us find the right tools and helping us increase our productivity and efficiency.”

- Chris Copen

1. Find the email marketing tools 

"Finding the right tool enables and empowers us to execute our vision and our client's vision without hindering their goals.

As a designer, when I'm looking for the right tool for email marketing, there are a few things to look for.

Ease of use is the first thing. Whatever tool you use should be user-friendly, intuitive, and allow me to create and customize designs quickly and effectively. 

Another need is a high degree of flexibility. I need to be able to create unique and visually appealing emails that align with the specific branding of all of our clients. We shouldn’t have to sacrifice elements of a client's brand to fit within the constraints of a design platform. 

The collaborative nature of a tool is also crucial. The right tool should facilitate seamless communication and collaboration, not only with our clients but also internally, throughout the revision process. That includes features like real-time editing, feedback, integrations, approval workflows, and so on. This helps us ensure we are always on the same page internally and with our clients.

Lastly, the right tool should integrate smoothly with other platforms and tools, such as CRM systems, analytic tools, and marketing automation platforms. This helps ensure that we have a cohesive, streamlined process from design to delivery and analysis and are not bouncing between a bunch of different platforms. 

Our previous process before finding Beefree was inefficient and unsustainable. It was clear that our approach was hindering our ability to meet client expectations and deliver high-quality, unique campaigns. 

Recognizing this was the first step toward improving our process. We needed a tool that would propel our agency to go above and beyond what our clients had asked for."

- Cassie Renier

Excerpt from our live session with Madison Taylor Marketing.
Optimized for readability and engagement 

2. Optimize your design and collaboration processes 

“When it comes to making something like email marketing work, alignment between vision and capability is so important.

When we're working as a team of marketers and designers, we need to effectively collaborate on an idea from start to finish.

Often, agencies run into issues executing on a vision because of limitations in capabilities, whether human, tools, or resources.

What we've found that works really well is to first clarify the client's situation and goals to ensure we're moving in the right direction. Involving design teams early in the process is crucial to understanding the full context and aligning on the vision.

Then, we need to be able to move from strategy to deliverables in the most cost-efficient manner. This means reducing the time spent on ideation, creation, and revisions. This is another reason why finding the right tools is important.

Beefree, specifically, allowed us to streamline our processes and enabled us to produce high-quality designs rapidly, ensuring timely and relevant communication with our client’s audiences. With Beefree’s collaboration features, all team members communicate in one place, reducing the time spent on back-and-forth and ensuring everyone is on the same page. Also, with real-time collaboration clients could see changes as they happened, reducing the need for multiple rounds of revisions.

By simply optimizing our email and collaboration processes we were able to reduce the time spent on designing while still producing high-quality assets. This allowed us to respond more quickly to market demands and time-sensitive opportunities, improving our ROI.

Excerpt from Andrea Davis at our live session with Madison Taylor Marketing. 
Optimized for readability and engagement 

How should agencies measure their ROI

“In terms of measuring external ROI, setting clear, measurable goals for each campaign is important. 

Whether it's increasing engagement, generating leads, or driving sales, having specific objectives helps define what success looks like and provides a benchmark for measurement.

Track all related costs accurately. This includes not only direct expenses like ad spend but also indirect costs such as team hours and the cost of tools we use to streamline email creation and deployment. Knowing your total investment is crucial for an accurate ROI assessment.

Analyze your key performance metrics. These metrics might include open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall engagement. Analyzing this data will provide insights into how well campaigns are performing and how the use of efficient tools contributes to these results.

Consider both short-term and long-term impacts. Immediate results, such as sales from a campaign, are important, but so are long-term benefits like customer retention and brand awareness. Understanding the broader impact helps paint a complete picture of ROI.

Regularly review and adjust strategies and processes based on our findings. ROI measurement should be an ongoing process, helping refine tactics and improve future campaigns, but also providing internal operations insights. This iterative approach ensures continuous improvement and better outcomes over time.

Evaluating distinctly the ROI of internal investments. This includes the tools and technologies we use to enhance our productivity and efficiency. Analyze the effectiveness of these tools in helping you streamline your processes.” 

Additional insights shared by Chris Copen, Chief Operating Officer at Madison Taylor Marketing. 

How Madison Taylor Marketing cut down email development time by 66% with Beefree

CEO and Founder Aimee Meester shares how her team uses Beefree to create engaging and personalized content faster than ever before. Learn more about the business impact of Beefree on Madison Taylor Marketing.

Beginners Guide to Lifecycle Email Marketing

Discover how to optimize your email marketing strategy by understanding and leveraging the stages of lifecycle email marketing. From awareness to advocacy, learn actionable tips to get started.
Beefree team
Beefree team
19 Jul

What is lifecycle email marketing?

Lifecycle email marketing is the act of segmenting your email subscribers based on where they are in the customer lifecycle. 

The customer lifecycle is the set of stages your customers go through, from when they first hear about your brand to making a purchase and everything in between. 

The stages of  the customer lifecycle are typically known as:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Conversion
  • Retention

A survey conducted by Econsultancy found that 74% of marketers experienced an increase in their overall customer engagement rates when using targeted emails. While there are many ways of segmenting your audience, lifecycle email marketing stands out as one of the most effective strategies allowing businesses to send highly relevant content that moves readers to the next stage in the customer lifecycle ending in ideally, unbound brand loyalty. 

Mapping Out Your Lifecycle Email Marketing Key Stages

Lifecycle email marketing is all about customizing emails for each customer’s depending on their familiarity with your brand. Before you can jump in, you’ll need to map out your customer lifecycle stages. The stages are similar for most businesses but they can vary based on the type of product or service you offer or your industry. 

The most common stages within lifecycle email marketing are:

  • Awareness: In email marketing, this is when someone first signs up for your email newsletter. 
  • Consideration: This subscriber has become highly engaged in your welcome series emails and has a desire to learn more. 
  • Conversion: This is when the subscriber has completed the desired action. 
  • Retention: Once a customer has completed the desired action, it’s important to keep them engaged in your brand to encourage a repeat conversion. 
  • Advocacy or referral: In this stage, you want to encourage them to share their experience with the brand through word of mouth of leaving testimonials. 
  • Re-engagement: After a while, subscribers may experience email fatigue and stop engaging with your brand altogether.

As mentioned, these are some of the most common stages of lifecycle email marketing and this might look differently for you. We suggest diving into user behavior, patterns, and data to better understand your customer base and how they move through the lifecycle. 

Getting started with lifecycle email marketing

As mentioned above, your lifecycle email marketing stages may differ depending on your business and industry. Here are some key considerations that will help shape what your cycle looks like. 

Step 1: Understanding your customer lifecycle

We suggest diving deep into user behavior, patterns, and data to better understand your customer base and how they move through the lifecycle. Start by analyzing how your customers first discover your brand, what keeps them engaged, and the touchpoints that lead to conversion.

Look at the entire journey, from initial awareness to post-purchase behavior, and identify key stages where customers might drop off or need extra engagement.

By understanding these nuances, you can tailor your email campaigns to meet your customers' needs at each stage, ensuring a more personalized and effective approach.

Step 2: Audit your existing email karketing

Take a look at your recent email marketing and take stock of what stages you’re nurturing most and which ones may not be targeted as well. You might find that you’ve been sending plenty of emails for the conversion stage but not enough for retention, or maybe you haven’t sent any emails directly for the advocacy and referral stages. 

Identifying gaps like these can show you where to be more focused and strategic in your email marketing moving forward.

Building out your lifecycle emails


Customers in the awareness stage are just learning about and getting familiar with your brand. Your goal in this stage is to build a relationship with the customer, introduce them to your products or services, and tell them what you’re all about. 

This is when customers decide whether your brand is a good fit for them (think of it as a first date between your brand and the customer), so it’s important that you make a positive and authentic first impression.

A welcome email to those signing up for your mailing list is an excellent opportunity to make a strong impression and build familiarity. It’s also a great time to send emails highlighting your brand story, mission statements, and other introductions to your brand.


In the consideration stage, customers decide whether your business is the right fit for them and compare it to similar solutions. At this stage, you want to compellingly show them what you have to offer and how you stand out.

One way this manifests is through comprehensive emails on your products or services. This means highlighting key benefits, features, and use cases. This is also a great place to show vs. tell. Include animations, videos, and gifs that easily illustrate the value you bring. 


In this stage, a potential customer is on the verge of taking action. Emails in the conversion stage significantly influence that decision to buy. 

Personalized special offers can resonate really well with recipients as they can be tailored to their specific needs and interests. This can look like offering deals on items they’ve recently viewed on your website or first-time purchase discounts. 


This stage is where brand loyalty blossoms. Engaging customers beyond the initial conversion is crucial for retention and repeat purchases. During this stage, you can send service or product announcement emails to regularly communicate what’s new with your offer. A monthly or weekly newsletter is also a great way to keep your audience up to date on your brand’s activities and encourage them to explore other resources you may offer. 

Regardless, the emails you send at this stage should be strengthening and affirming the customer’s connection with your brand.


When a customer has developed trust in your brand and offer, they start recommending your brand or organization to others. Referrals are the one most effective way B2B businesses acquire new customers, and according to Nielsen, people are four times more likely to buy a product if they’re referred by a friend. 

When a customer is in the advocacy stage, you’ll want to send them review requests to encourage them to post testimonials, as well as educate them about any referral incentives you have.


This is a period when your brand has fallen off their radar—they haven’t necessarily decided to stop following you, but they’re not actively interested in your services, products, or messaging. To continue to remain top of mind, we suggest doing regular re-engagement campaigns.

These types of emails could include special incentives like an exclusive discount, or simply “we’ve missed you” emails to show them what’s new. This is a good time to also reiterate the benefits of your offer as they pertain to their unique interest and preferences.

Best practices for lifecycle email marketing

Here are some best practices we recommend to ensuring that your lifecycle email marketing is optimized to build lasting relationships with your customers and drive ongoing engagement.

Segment your audience

The core of lifecycle email marketing is identifying what stage the individual is at any given time. Specifically for lifecycle email marketing, you'll want to segment your audience based on behaviours. This could include purchase history, website interactions, email engagement, or product usage. Patterns in these areas will help you best determine where to place an individual in the lifecycle stages.

Create personal and relevant content

Once you have an understanding of your users behaviours and patterns, use this to personalize your emails. Address recipients by their names, recommend products based on their past purchases, and tailor content to their preferences.

Ensure your emails provide value to your customers that helps move them to the next stage. Offer exclusive discounts, share useful tips, and provide relevant updates.

Timing and frequency

For lifecycle emails timing is crucial. Set up automated emails that are triggered by specific actions, such as welcome emails for new subscribers, cart abandonment reminders, and post-purchase follow-ups. These timely emails can significantly enhance engagement and conversions.

Monitor and measuring success

Along the way, make sure you’re tracking your metrics for each lifecycle stage to see how successful you are in moving folks through the customer lifecycle. Use these insights to refine your strategies and improve your overall strategy.


You can also conduct A/B tests to see how different email content, subject lines, and other details perform for people in specific lifecycle stages. For example, in your segment of customers who are in the consideration stage, run a test where half of them get an email every two days while the other half get an email every four days and see which group tends to engage more or convert more. This can tell you how frequently to send emails to this segment.

Just make sure you’re comparing apples to apples by comparing the two email versions for the same lifecycle segment, because customers in different lifecycle stages could have different reactions to the same email version.

Ensure brand consistency

Consistent branding helps recipients quickly recognize your emails, which builds trust and familiarity. According to a study conducted by Edelman, "81% of buyers need to trust a brand in order to buy from them," making trust and familiarity two crucial elements of efficient lifecycle email marketing.

Additionally, consistent branding helps differentiate your brand from competitors. This is crucial in the consideration stage to ensure you remain top of mind.

Designing emails for each stage of your lifecycle email marketing

The tips and strategies above can help you get started with lifecycle email marketing, but the success of your campaigns will also depend on how well you design and target your emails for specific stages and audiences.

That’s where Beefree can help. Our extensive email template library includes templates for many different types of emails that align with each lifecycle stage, and our easy HTML email editor lets you seamlessly customize them for your audiences.

You’ll be able to incorporate all the elements of your brand identity which helps you create brand recognition and build brand loyalty throughout every stage of the lifecycle. Interested in seeing how these templates can make your lifecycle email marketing simpler? Sign up for Beefree and start exploring.

Maximizing your agency’s ROI with Madison Taylor Marketing

Learn the strategies that propelled Madison Taylor Marketing to increase their clients' ROI by over 300%.
Beefree team
Beefree team
Jul 26, 2024

Maximizing your agency’s ROI with Madison Taylor Marketing 

Founded over 15 years ago, Madison Taylor Marketing has become a well-known agency in Denver, Colorado, for its success in bringing unprecedented results to clients. The agency's smart strategies have helped clients ensure alignment, reduce costs, optimize their resources, and, more notably, maximize ROI by almost 300% across all marketing efforts. 

In a live session with Chris Copen, Chief Operating Officer, Cassie Renier, Creative Specialist, and Andrea Davis, Creative Manager, they shared their insight into how agencies can maximize their ROI with email marketing. 

What is ROI? 

“ROI, or Return on Investment, is one of our most important performance indicators as an agency. 

ROI is not just a metric, but it measures the profitability of our business and our investments and helps us understand the value that we're generating from our efforts and resources. 

By tracking ROI, we are trying to ensure that our strategies are effective, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

For agencies, achieving a high ROI is really important because it reflects our ability to deliver value to our clients and continually optimize operations. Ultimately, this empowers us to drive growth for ourselves.

For our clients, our ability to achieve high ROI demonstrates our ability to use budgets wisely to deliver maximum value and achieve their business goals efficiently.”

Excerpt from Chris Copen at our live session with Madison Taylor Marketing.
Optimized for readability and engagement 

With a return of $36 per $1 spent, why do agencies struggle to increase email marketing ROI? 

“We have found that that email is a powerful tool for achieving ROI for our clients. It's been around for a long time, and it's a tried and true tactic. While people have changed their media consumption habits, email continues to produce results for us. Email marketing connects our clients directly with their audience segments, allows us to deliver personalized content, and drives conversions.

Despite its potential, though, we have definitely experienced struggles over the years.

For both ourselves and our clients, we’ve found that the main challenge with email marketing is how much time and effort it takes.

Creating visually appealing and effective email campaigns requires significant time and effort.

We have found ourselves really bogged down in the minutiae of design details and trying to craft the “perfect” layout and visual elements. While important, this detracts from strategic activities that might yield higher returns.”

We've also experienced the challenge of hard coding emails and getting those emails to work across platforms. This process is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. Little mistakes in the code can lead to rendering issues across different email clients, which has obvious consequences for a campaign’s effectiveness and ROI.

In addition to that, there's the issue of too much back-and-forth. When we collaborate on email campaigns, this often involves multiple rounds of feedback and revision. 

All of that just adds to the cumbersome and lengthy process and leads to diminishing returns - addressing all of those is critical in unlocking the full potential of email marketing for ROI. 

Excerpt from Chris Copen at our live session with Madison Taylor Marketing.
Optimized for readability and engagement 

How can agencies optimize their email marketing ROI

“By optimizing our email creation process, leveraging automated tools, reducing manual coding, and streamlining our feedback mechanisms, we were really able to improve our ROI. Cassie has been one of our leaders in helping us find the right tools and helping us increase our productivity and efficiency.”

- Chris Copen

1. Find the email marketing tools 

"Finding the right tool enables and empowers us to execute our vision and our client's vision without hindering their goals.

As a designer, when I'm looking for the right tool for email marketing, there are a few things to look for.

Ease of use is the first thing. Whatever tool you use should be user-friendly, intuitive, and allow me to create and customize designs quickly and effectively. 

Another need is a high degree of flexibility. I need to be able to create unique and visually appealing emails that align with the specific branding of all of our clients. We shouldn’t have to sacrifice elements of a client's brand to fit within the constraints of a design platform. 

The collaborative nature of a tool is also crucial. The right tool should facilitate seamless communication and collaboration, not only with our clients but also internally, throughout the revision process. That includes features like real-time editing, feedback, integrations, approval workflows, and so on. This helps us ensure we are always on the same page internally and with our clients.

Lastly, the right tool should integrate smoothly with other platforms and tools, such as CRM systems, analytic tools, and marketing automation platforms. This helps ensure that we have a cohesive, streamlined process from design to delivery and analysis and are not bouncing between a bunch of different platforms. 

Our previous process before finding Beefree was inefficient and unsustainable. It was clear that our approach was hindering our ability to meet client expectations and deliver high-quality, unique campaigns. 

Recognizing this was the first step toward improving our process. We needed a tool that would propel our agency to go above and beyond what our clients had asked for."

- Cassie Renier

Excerpt from our live session with Madison Taylor Marketing.
Optimized for readability and engagement 

2. Optimize your design and collaboration processes 

“When it comes to making something like email marketing work, alignment between vision and capability is so important.

When we're working as a team of marketers and designers, we need to effectively collaborate on an idea from start to finish.

Often, agencies run into issues executing on a vision because of limitations in capabilities, whether human, tools, or resources.

What we've found that works really well is to first clarify the client's situation and goals to ensure we're moving in the right direction. Involving design teams early in the process is crucial to understanding the full context and aligning on the vision.

Then, we need to be able to move from strategy to deliverables in the most cost-efficient manner. This means reducing the time spent on ideation, creation, and revisions. This is another reason why finding the right tools is important.

Beefree, specifically, allowed us to streamline our processes and enabled us to produce high-quality designs rapidly, ensuring timely and relevant communication with our client’s audiences. With Beefree’s collaboration features, all team members communicate in one place, reducing the time spent on back-and-forth and ensuring everyone is on the same page. Also, with real-time collaboration clients could see changes as they happened, reducing the need for multiple rounds of revisions.

By simply optimizing our email and collaboration processes we were able to reduce the time spent on designing while still producing high-quality assets. This allowed us to respond more quickly to market demands and time-sensitive opportunities, improving our ROI.

Excerpt from Andrea Davis at our live session with Madison Taylor Marketing. 
Optimized for readability and engagement 

How should agencies measure their ROI

“In terms of measuring external ROI, setting clear, measurable goals for each campaign is important. 

Whether it's increasing engagement, generating leads, or driving sales, having specific objectives helps define what success looks like and provides a benchmark for measurement.

Track all related costs accurately. This includes not only direct expenses like ad spend but also indirect costs such as team hours and the cost of tools we use to streamline email creation and deployment. Knowing your total investment is crucial for an accurate ROI assessment.

Analyze your key performance metrics. These metrics might include open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall engagement. Analyzing this data will provide insights into how well campaigns are performing and how the use of efficient tools contributes to these results.

Consider both short-term and long-term impacts. Immediate results, such as sales from a campaign, are important, but so are long-term benefits like customer retention and brand awareness. Understanding the broader impact helps paint a complete picture of ROI.

Regularly review and adjust strategies and processes based on our findings. ROI measurement should be an ongoing process, helping refine tactics and improve future campaigns, but also providing internal operations insights. This iterative approach ensures continuous improvement and better outcomes over time.

Evaluating distinctly the ROI of internal investments. This includes the tools and technologies we use to enhance our productivity and efficiency. Analyze the effectiveness of these tools in helping you streamline your processes.” 

Additional insights shared by Chris Copen, Chief Operating Officer at Madison Taylor Marketing. 

How Madison Taylor Marketing cut down email development time by 66% with Beefree

CEO and Founder Aimee Meester shares how her team uses Beefree to create engaging and personalized content faster than ever before. Learn more about the business impact of Beefree on Madison Taylor Marketing.

5 Healthcare Email Examples Where Education Meets Promotion"

We’ve compiled 5 examples of healthcare emails done right. These top brands have excelled in the art of healthcare emails by blending informative with promotional content that presents itself as an empathetic helping hand.
Emily Santos
Emily Santos
Jul 12, 2024

Effective email marketing in healthcare can have immense ROI. After all, it is a cost-effective and direct line of communication with your patients that, when done right, can drive engagement, encourage repeat visits, and help build ongoing trust and credibility. However, healthcare providers are faced with unique challenges when it comes to using email marketing. 

On the one hand, the goal is to engage patients and provide value to help build long-term relationships. On the other hand, the goal is to promote your services and, ideally, boost revenue via this marketing strategy. This balance can be tricky to achieve due to the sensitive nature of the healthcare industry; however, it is not impossible.

We’ve compiled 5 examples of healthcare emails done right. These top brands have excelled in the art of healthcare emails by blending valuable, informative content that addresses patient’s concerns with promotional content that presents itself as an empathetic helping hand.  

Healthcare newsletter examples

Sending monthly or weekly newsletters is an excellent way to strengthen relationships with patients or customers. These regular communications serve as a direct line to your audience, allowing you to engage and educate them on relevant health topics consistently. 

Each newsletter provides an opportunity to share reliable and practical health tips and update patients about clinic changes, new services, or special offerings. 


Everlywell offers folks with at-home “health and wellness solutions.” In a recent newsletter they focus their message on addressing stress, a common concern among their audience. The email begins by empathizing with the reader, reassuring them that stress is a widespread issue, therefore establishing an immediate connection with their readers. 

By offering a free solution—specifically, a list of vitamins and supplements known to alleviate stress—Everlywell demonstrates its commitment to customer well-being. Simultaneously, by subtly promoting its own supplements within the email's content, it reinforces the message that Everlywell not only understands the reader's concerns but also provides practical solutions. 

everlywell healthcare newsletter email example
Free newsletter templates: 

Seasonal health campaigns 

Another great way to connect with patients beyond the clinic is to send seasonal health campaigns. These campaigns are highly effective because they relate to current health concerns and conditions prevalent during specific times of the year.

Seasonal health campaigns allow healthcare providers to proactively address issues that are top-of-mind for patients during different seasons. 


Natalist offers “fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum essentials.” To ring in the new year, their email “TTC in the new year?” leans into the possibility that with a new year, folks begin to consider trying to conceive, thoughtfully tapping taps into the natural inclination people have to reflect on life changes and set new goals as the calendar turns.

This thoughtful and well-timed campaign exemplifies how healthcare providers can connect with their audience by aligning their messaging with their customers' lives' natural rhythms and aspirations.

natalist seasonal healthcare email example
Browse our catalog of free seasonal templates: 

Promotional healthcare emails 

Promotional healthcare emails can significantly increase patient engagement. Offers tailored to patient needs can inform and encourage them to consider services they may not have known about. However, healthcare promotion emails come with their own set of challenges, HIPAA being the biggest hurdle.


Ivee offers “individualized medical care” services directly from home, including urgent care, diagnostic testing, IV therapy, and more. In a promotional email about their Membership and Programs, ivee takes the route of promotion through education.

Promoting medical treatments and procedures can be complex and often leaves patients with numerous questions and uncertainties.

ivee’s promotional email addresses this challenge by ensuring the content is clear, concise, and informative. Instead of overwhelming patients with technical jargon or complicated medical terms, Ivee breaks down the information into 3 digestible segments that guide the reader through their offerings:

  1. What the patient will receive
  2. How the program works
  3. What the next steps are 

ivee’s educational approach in its promotional email informs and empowers patients, building trust and confidence in their services. 

By addressing potential questions upfront, ivee reduces any concern that the patient may have regarding this service. This method of promotion through education is particularly effective in healthcare, where informed patients are more likely to engage with and benefit from the services offered.

ivee promotional healthcare email
Free product promotion templates: 

Free service promotion templates: 

Patient testimonials and success stories 

Using patient testimonials and stories in healthcare emails helps build trust and credibility. When potential patients read or hear about others who have successfully navigated similar health challenges, it reassures them of the effectiveness and reliability of the services offered. These narratives humanize the healthcare experience, which can sometimes feel cold and direct, by showcasing real people and their journeys. 

Much like any healthcare email, this one is particularly affected by the US HIPAA regulations. These emails require explicit consent and the careful handling of personal information. 

Additionally, it is crucial that these testimonials and stories remain authentic. Fabricated or exaggerated stories can damage credibility, and it's important to avoid over-promising outcomes. 


GoodRx provides telemedicine to track prescription drug pricing in the United States and offers drug coupons and medication discounts. In an email promoting their telehealth services, they use a patient testimonial to communicate the ease of their service.

GoodRx balances this strategy with maintaining client privacy by using anonymized testimonials and obtaining explicit consent from the patient. Anonymized testimonials protect the identity of the patients by removing any personal identifiers, ensuring that their privacy is not compromised while still providing authentic feedback about the service.

GoodRx patient email example
Free template to feature your client testimonials: 

Transactional healthcare email examples

Transactional emails play an important role in healthcare, allowing providers to share essential information that brings ease to the patient’s experience. More specifically, transactional emails improve operational efficiency. Some examples of transactional emails in healthcare include

  • Appointment confirmations and reminders
  • Prescription and medication updates
  • Follow-up care instructions
  • Billing and payment notification
  • Patient portal access 


Hims is an “online telehealth platform that provides virtual healthcare and support for men's health.” In the order confirmation email below, Hims offers the patient important order information such as order ID, date paid, total charge, and payment method. 

This transparency ensures patients have all the necessary details about their purchase, enhancing their trust in the platform. Additionally, Hims goes beyond just transactional information to offer patients peace of mind by reminding them of all the other free services they receive through their platform.

By highlighting these benefits, Hims reinforces the value of its service and strengthens its relationship with its patients. This approach confirms the purchase and reassures patients that they feel supported in various aspects of their health journey.

hims healthcare invoice email

Start designing healthcare emails with Beefree 

Navigating healthcare regulations can be challenging, but your email design doesn't have to be. With Beefree's intuitive design tools and templates, you can simplify your communication efforts to adhere to industry standards and focus on what truly matters: delivering exceptional care and valuable information to your patients


Sign up today -- it's free!

SaaS Email Marketing Strategies for Reducing Churn

Discover the power of SaaS emails. Learn about essential email types like onboarding, product updates, and feedback to keep your users engaged and reduce churn rates.
Beefree team
Beefree team
Jul 5, 2024

The SaaS industry is a fiercely competitive marketing currently valued at $317.55 billion. With projections indicating growth to $1.23 trillion by 2032, it is becoming increasingly important for SaaS companies to find ways to not only stay competitive but also lead the market for sustainable growth. 

So, how can SaaS businesses stay ahead when customer needs constantly evolve and switching from one application to another is just a matter of a few clicks? For many, email marketing is the answer. 

With an average ROI of $36 for every $1 spent, email marketing is a versatile and cost-effective solution that benefits every stage of your marketing funnel. From brand awareness to retention, email marketing in SaaS helps meet your customers where they are.

What is SaaS email marketing?

SaaS email marketing refers to strategically sending emails to leads, prospects, existing customers, and former customers to drive engagement and business growth. While, email marketing offers a range of benefits for SaaS, the number benefit is it’s role in reducing churn.

Customer churn is the rate at which a user stops using the application over a given period of time. According to Vitally, for SaaS to maintain sustainable growth, the annual churn rate should be under 5%; however, in both small and large SaaS companies, “monthly churn rates ranked around 3.5% for the first quarter of 2024.”

According to Precursive, the top 3 factors leading to customer churn are wrong product fit, lack of engagement, and onboarding. Email marketing emerges as a powerful solution to address each of these issues proactively.

Reducing churn due to wrong product fit & onboarding

Wyzowl’s Customer Onboarding 2020 Report states, “80% of users have uninstalled an app due to their lack of understanding of how to use it.” 

That’s where onboarding and product education emails come in. They educate users not only on how to use the application but also how to maximize its value. In the onboarding stages, SaaS should gather user data, such as industry or role, and create tailored campaigns highlighting features and use cases based on their unique needs.

Reducing churn due to lack of engagement

Consistent and targeted email campaigns help keep users engaged, as they are reminded of the ongoing value your SaaS application delivers. Through interactive content such as surveys, polls, quizzes, or regular usage tips and best practices, you can encourage users to stay engaged and informed about new and exciting ways to use the application.

Types of SaaS email communications

Each type of SaaS email communication is designed to address specific needs, goals, and challenges faced by both the SaaS company and its customers. Tailored email content to specific segments allows SaaS to deliver relevant, timely, and compelling content that enhances the overall customer experience.

1. Welcome emails

In SaaS, a welcome email is a high-level introduction to your application. It is sent immediately after a customer subscribes to the tool and tells them what to expect. 

In this example from Coda, the user is welcomed to the application and the different “solutions” they can create with Coda. Additionally, this email offers other resources to help the user familiarize themselves with the tool, like their help center and learning hub.


As you can see, this is a high-level email that does not go too in-depth into a specific feature. This email helps ease users into a new application without overwhelming them.

Free welcome email template:

2. Onboarding emails

Unlike a welcome email, an onboarding email focuses on a specific feature or activity that can be achieved with your application. For SaaS, an onboarding sequence is usually a better strategy than compiling everything in one email. It helps guide users through the product gradually, allowing them ample time in between emails to explore the solution.

These emails could include feature highlights, tutorials, or step-by-step guides. In the example below, users are introduced to Miro’s collaboration capabilities. 

SaaS onboarding email example

In SaaS, the onboarding process should be treated as part of the users' “consideration” stage. In fact, 63% of customers consider the onboarding period when deciding to subscribe to a service or purchase a product.

Due to this, the onboarding process should be seamless, educational, and personalized to serve users with relevant content that meets their unique needs.

Free onboarding email template for SaaS:

3. Product update emails

Product update emails aim to educate users on new or improved features. They are a valuable way to encourage product adoption, show users you listen to their feedback, and offer resources for further product education. 

The following example from Airtable highlights their new AI feature, briefly sharing what it does, the benefits, and links relevant resources to learn more, including promotion to their AI webinar.

SaaS product update email example

Free SaaS product update email:

4. Transactional emails

Transactional emails for SaaS help enhance the user experience. Through prompt and clear communications regarding account activities, SaaS businesses ensure customers are informed, providing peace of mind and increasing brand trust. 

Each transactional email should have a clear focus that addresses the user’s immediate need. These emails often include password resets, billing and invoices, security alerts, subscription renewals, and more. 

The following email example from Stampsy is a great example of a transactional email that is clear and to the point.

SaaS transactional email example

If you’re not sure of where to start with your SaaS transactional email, Beefree’s Transactional Template Kit offers a good starting point for on-brand emails.

5. Re-engagement emails

Re-engagement emails help to retain users who haven’t interacted with your brand or software in a while by reminding them of the value and benefits of your SaaS. Through targeted and timely email campaigns, highlighting the unique value proposition of your SaaS you can help to extend the duration of customer relationships and recapturing lost revenue before it’s lost. 

Some examples of re-engagement emails in SaaS include highlighting new features, offering a special discount, requesting feedback, or a simple “we miss you” email reminding them of your solution.

The following email from Mailchimp is an example of a re-engagement email sent in the onboarding process. 

Based on the content of the email, we can infer that this user still needs to complete their registration. 

Mailchimp uses this to remind the user how easy it is to get started “with just a few clicks.” Additionally, it addresses any potential roadblocks the user may have. It offers solutions such as a comprehensive article to help users “breeze through the registration process” and a 1-1 call with their Onboarding Specialist.

re-engagement SaaS email example

6. Feedback emails

Feedback or survey emails in SaaS are vital for gathering insight into user experience and satisfaction. For the user, these emails serve as a way to give direct feedback, making them feel valued and strengthening their engagement. 

Feedback or survey emails should be clear about the ask and concise to respect the reader’s time. Offering incentives or discounts is also a great way to promote engagement, further strengthening user relationships. 

The following email from Miro is a great example of requesting feedback.

SaaS feedback email examples

To start building your next SaaS survey campaign, Beefree’s Survey Template Kit offers a wide range of designs to choose from. 

7. Renewal and upgrade emails

Renewal and upgrade emails in SaaS are essential for maintaining customer retention and driving revenue growth. While their purpose is typically a friendly reminder about upcoming renewals, it also serves as an opportunity to encourage users to upgrade to unlock more features.

These emails should specify when the subscription ends, how to renew or upgrade, and the benefits. The following example from YouTube highlights all of the benefits of renewing your premium plan and offers a clear CTA on the next steps to help avoid friction for the user.

SaaS renewal and upgrade email templates

Free SaaS upgrade email template: 

8. Event invitation emails

For SaaS specifically, events can help amplify the brand’s credibility and recognition, generate leads, and provide ongoing value to existing users. Event invitation emails are a valuable part of this strategy to encourage attendance and user engagement.

The following example from invites users to a webinar hosted by industry leaders. The email concisely communicates the webinar's topic and the value it will bring to its users.

event invitation emails for saas

These event invitation emails are usually followed by reminder emails to encourage attendance and registration further.

Start designing your next event invitation emails with Beefree's Webinar Template Kit.

9. Milestone emails

Milestone emails in SaaS help celebrate a user’s significant achievement or a stage in their journey. They provide positive reinforcement and motivation for a user, increasing their likelihood of continued use of the product. For SaaS, these emails also serve as a way to highlight the value of the software by showing the users the progress they have achieved and where they can go with continued use. 

Grammarly is an excellent example of an effective milestone email.

milestone emails for saas

Free milestone email and page templates for SaaS:

Kick off your SaaS email marketing program with Beefree

Reducing churn with SaaS email marketing is not just about sending the occasional reminder or offer - it's about creating a well-rounded, strategic approach that addresses every stage of the customer journey. Your email campaigns should respond to user needs and challenges before they arrive -- positioning your SaaS as the ideal solution for them.

From personalized onboarding emails that ensure new users feel welcomed and informed, to regular engagement emails that keep users active and invested, each type of communication plays a vital role in minimizing churn. While designing campaigns for each touchpoint might be time consuming at first, know that you don't have to do it alone.

Beefree offers a myriad of email templates to support each stage of your customer lifecycle. The best part? It's free. Get started now!


Maximizing your agency’s ROI with Madison Taylor Marketing

Learn the strategies that propelled Madison Taylor Marketing to increase their clients' ROI by over 300%.
Beefree team
Beefree team
26 Jul

Maximizing your agency’s ROI with Madison Taylor Marketing 

Founded over 15 years ago, Madison Taylor Marketing has become a well-known agency in Denver, Colorado, for its success in bringing unprecedented results to clients. The agency's smart strategies have helped clients ensure alignment, reduce costs, optimize their resources, and, more notably, maximize ROI by almost 300% across all marketing efforts. 

In a live session with Chris Copen, Chief Operating Officer, Cassie Renier, Creative Specialist, and Andrea Davis, Creative Manager, they shared their insight into how agencies can maximize their ROI with email marketing. 

What is ROI? 

“ROI, or Return on Investment, is one of our most important performance indicators as an agency. 

ROI is not just a metric, but it measures the profitability of our business and our investments and helps us understand the value that we're generating from our efforts and resources. 

By tracking ROI, we are trying to ensure that our strategies are effective, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

For agencies, achieving a high ROI is really important because it reflects our ability to deliver value to our clients and continually optimize operations. Ultimately, this empowers us to drive growth for ourselves.

For our clients, our ability to achieve high ROI demonstrates our ability to use budgets wisely to deliver maximum value and achieve their business goals efficiently.”

Excerpt from Chris Copen at our live session with Madison Taylor Marketing.
Optimized for readability and engagement 

With a return of $36 per $1 spent, why do agencies struggle to increase email marketing ROI? 

“We have found that that email is a powerful tool for achieving ROI for our clients. It's been around for a long time, and it's a tried and true tactic. While people have changed their media consumption habits, email continues to produce results for us. Email marketing connects our clients directly with their audience segments, allows us to deliver personalized content, and drives conversions.

Despite its potential, though, we have definitely experienced struggles over the years.

For both ourselves and our clients, we’ve found that the main challenge with email marketing is how much time and effort it takes.

Creating visually appealing and effective email campaigns requires significant time and effort.

We have found ourselves really bogged down in the minutiae of design details and trying to craft the “perfect” layout and visual elements. While important, this detracts from strategic activities that might yield higher returns.”

We've also experienced the challenge of hard coding emails and getting those emails to work across platforms. This process is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. Little mistakes in the code can lead to rendering issues across different email clients, which has obvious consequences for a campaign’s effectiveness and ROI.

In addition to that, there's the issue of too much back-and-forth. When we collaborate on email campaigns, this often involves multiple rounds of feedback and revision. 

All of that just adds to the cumbersome and lengthy process and leads to diminishing returns - addressing all of those is critical in unlocking the full potential of email marketing for ROI. 

Excerpt from Chris Copen at our live session with Madison Taylor Marketing.
Optimized for readability and engagement 

How can agencies optimize their email marketing ROI

“By optimizing our email creation process, leveraging automated tools, reducing manual coding, and streamlining our feedback mechanisms, we were really able to improve our ROI. Cassie has been one of our leaders in helping us find the right tools and helping us increase our productivity and efficiency.”

- Chris Copen

1. Find the email marketing tools 

"Finding the right tool enables and empowers us to execute our vision and our client's vision without hindering their goals.

As a designer, when I'm looking for the right tool for email marketing, there are a few things to look for.

Ease of use is the first thing. Whatever tool you use should be user-friendly, intuitive, and allow me to create and customize designs quickly and effectively. 

Another need is a high degree of flexibility. I need to be able to create unique and visually appealing emails that align with the specific branding of all of our clients. We shouldn’t have to sacrifice elements of a client's brand to fit within the constraints of a design platform. 

The collaborative nature of a tool is also crucial. The right tool should facilitate seamless communication and collaboration, not only with our clients but also internally, throughout the revision process. That includes features like real-time editing, feedback, integrations, approval workflows, and so on. This helps us ensure we are always on the same page internally and with our clients.

Lastly, the right tool should integrate smoothly with other platforms and tools, such as CRM systems, analytic tools, and marketing automation platforms. This helps ensure that we have a cohesive, streamlined process from design to delivery and analysis and are not bouncing between a bunch of different platforms. 

Our previous process before finding Beefree was inefficient and unsustainable. It was clear that our approach was hindering our ability to meet client expectations and deliver high-quality, unique campaigns. 

Recognizing this was the first step toward improving our process. We needed a tool that would propel our agency to go above and beyond what our clients had asked for."

- Cassie Renier

Excerpt from our live session with Madison Taylor Marketing.
Optimized for readability and engagement 

2. Optimize your design and collaboration processes 

“When it comes to making something like email marketing work, alignment between vision and capability is so important.

When we're working as a team of marketers and designers, we need to effectively collaborate on an idea from start to finish.

Often, agencies run into issues executing on a vision because of limitations in capabilities, whether human, tools, or resources.

What we've found that works really well is to first clarify the client's situation and goals to ensure we're moving in the right direction. Involving design teams early in the process is crucial to understanding the full context and aligning on the vision.

Then, we need to be able to move from strategy to deliverables in the most cost-efficient manner. This means reducing the time spent on ideation, creation, and revisions. This is another reason why finding the right tools is important.

Beefree, specifically, allowed us to streamline our processes and enabled us to produce high-quality designs rapidly, ensuring timely and relevant communication with our client’s audiences. With Beefree’s collaboration features, all team members communicate in one place, reducing the time spent on back-and-forth and ensuring everyone is on the same page. Also, with real-time collaboration clients could see changes as they happened, reducing the need for multiple rounds of revisions.

By simply optimizing our email and collaboration processes we were able to reduce the time spent on designing while still producing high-quality assets. This allowed us to respond more quickly to market demands and time-sensitive opportunities, improving our ROI.

Excerpt from Andrea Davis at our live session with Madison Taylor Marketing. 
Optimized for readability and engagement 

How should agencies measure their ROI

“In terms of measuring external ROI, setting clear, measurable goals for each campaign is important. 

Whether it's increasing engagement, generating leads, or driving sales, having specific objectives helps define what success looks like and provides a benchmark for measurement.

Track all related costs accurately. This includes not only direct expenses like ad spend but also indirect costs such as team hours and the cost of tools we use to streamline email creation and deployment. Knowing your total investment is crucial for an accurate ROI assessment.

Analyze your key performance metrics. These metrics might include open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall engagement. Analyzing this data will provide insights into how well campaigns are performing and how the use of efficient tools contributes to these results.

Consider both short-term and long-term impacts. Immediate results, such as sales from a campaign, are important, but so are long-term benefits like customer retention and brand awareness. Understanding the broader impact helps paint a complete picture of ROI.

Regularly review and adjust strategies and processes based on our findings. ROI measurement should be an ongoing process, helping refine tactics and improve future campaigns, but also providing internal operations insights. This iterative approach ensures continuous improvement and better outcomes over time.

Evaluating distinctly the ROI of internal investments. This includes the tools and technologies we use to enhance our productivity and efficiency. Analyze the effectiveness of these tools in helping you streamline your processes.” 

Additional insights shared by Chris Copen, Chief Operating Officer at Madison Taylor Marketing. 

How Madison Taylor Marketing cut down email development time by 66% with Beefree

CEO and Founder Aimee Meester shares how her team uses Beefree to create engaging and personalized content faster than ever before. Learn more about the business impact of Beefree on Madison Taylor Marketing.

Beginners Guide to Lifecycle Email Marketing

Discover how to optimize your email marketing strategy by understanding and leveraging the stages of lifecycle email marketing. From awareness to advocacy, learn actionable tips to get started.
Beefree team
Beefree team
19 Jul

What is lifecycle email marketing?

Lifecycle email marketing is the act of segmenting your email subscribers based on where they are in the customer lifecycle. 

The customer lifecycle is the set of stages your customers go through, from when they first hear about your brand to making a purchase and everything in between. 

The stages of  the customer lifecycle are typically known as:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Conversion
  • Retention

A survey conducted by Econsultancy found that 74% of marketers experienced an increase in their overall customer engagement rates when using targeted emails. While there are many ways of segmenting your audience, lifecycle email marketing stands out as one of the most effective strategies allowing businesses to send highly relevant content that moves readers to the next stage in the customer lifecycle ending in ideally, unbound brand loyalty. 

Mapping Out Your Lifecycle Email Marketing Key Stages

Lifecycle email marketing is all about customizing emails for each customer’s depending on their familiarity with your brand. Before you can jump in, you’ll need to map out your customer lifecycle stages. The stages are similar for most businesses but they can vary based on the type of product or service you offer or your industry. 

The most common stages within lifecycle email marketing are:

  • Awareness: In email marketing, this is when someone first signs up for your email newsletter. 
  • Consideration: This subscriber has become highly engaged in your welcome series emails and has a desire to learn more. 
  • Conversion: This is when the subscriber has completed the desired action. 
  • Retention: Once a customer has completed the desired action, it’s important to keep them engaged in your brand to encourage a repeat conversion. 
  • Advocacy or referral: In this stage, you want to encourage them to share their experience with the brand through word of mouth of leaving testimonials. 
  • Re-engagement: After a while, subscribers may experience email fatigue and stop engaging with your brand altogether.

As mentioned, these are some of the most common stages of lifecycle email marketing and this might look differently for you. We suggest diving into user behavior, patterns, and data to better understand your customer base and how they move through the lifecycle. 

Getting started with lifecycle email marketing

As mentioned above, your lifecycle email marketing stages may differ depending on your business and industry. Here are some key considerations that will help shape what your cycle looks like. 

Step 1: Understanding your customer lifecycle

We suggest diving deep into user behavior, patterns, and data to better understand your customer base and how they move through the lifecycle. Start by analyzing how your customers first discover your brand, what keeps them engaged, and the touchpoints that lead to conversion.

Look at the entire journey, from initial awareness to post-purchase behavior, and identify key stages where customers might drop off or need extra engagement.

By understanding these nuances, you can tailor your email campaigns to meet your customers' needs at each stage, ensuring a more personalized and effective approach.

Step 2: Audit your existing email karketing

Take a look at your recent email marketing and take stock of what stages you’re nurturing most and which ones may not be targeted as well. You might find that you’ve been sending plenty of emails for the conversion stage but not enough for retention, or maybe you haven’t sent any emails directly for the advocacy and referral stages. 

Identifying gaps like these can show you where to be more focused and strategic in your email marketing moving forward.

Building out your lifecycle emails


Customers in the awareness stage are just learning about and getting familiar with your brand. Your goal in this stage is to build a relationship with the customer, introduce them to your products or services, and tell them what you’re all about. 

This is when customers decide whether your brand is a good fit for them (think of it as a first date between your brand and the customer), so it’s important that you make a positive and authentic first impression.

A welcome email to those signing up for your mailing list is an excellent opportunity to make a strong impression and build familiarity. It’s also a great time to send emails highlighting your brand story, mission statements, and other introductions to your brand.


In the consideration stage, customers decide whether your business is the right fit for them and compare it to similar solutions. At this stage, you want to compellingly show them what you have to offer and how you stand out.

One way this manifests is through comprehensive emails on your products or services. This means highlighting key benefits, features, and use cases. This is also a great place to show vs. tell. Include animations, videos, and gifs that easily illustrate the value you bring. 


In this stage, a potential customer is on the verge of taking action. Emails in the conversion stage significantly influence that decision to buy. 

Personalized special offers can resonate really well with recipients as they can be tailored to their specific needs and interests. This can look like offering deals on items they’ve recently viewed on your website or first-time purchase discounts. 


This stage is where brand loyalty blossoms. Engaging customers beyond the initial conversion is crucial for retention and repeat purchases. During this stage, you can send service or product announcement emails to regularly communicate what’s new with your offer. A monthly or weekly newsletter is also a great way to keep your audience up to date on your brand’s activities and encourage them to explore other resources you may offer. 

Regardless, the emails you send at this stage should be strengthening and affirming the customer’s connection with your brand.


When a customer has developed trust in your brand and offer, they start recommending your brand or organization to others. Referrals are the one most effective way B2B businesses acquire new customers, and according to Nielsen, people are four times more likely to buy a product if they’re referred by a friend. 

When a customer is in the advocacy stage, you’ll want to send them review requests to encourage them to post testimonials, as well as educate them about any referral incentives you have.


This is a period when your brand has fallen off their radar—they haven’t necessarily decided to stop following you, but they’re not actively interested in your services, products, or messaging. To continue to remain top of mind, we suggest doing regular re-engagement campaigns.

These types of emails could include special incentives like an exclusive discount, or simply “we’ve missed you” emails to show them what’s new. This is a good time to also reiterate the benefits of your offer as they pertain to their unique interest and preferences.

Best practices for lifecycle email marketing

Here are some best practices we recommend to ensuring that your lifecycle email marketing is optimized to build lasting relationships with your customers and drive ongoing engagement.

Segment your audience

The core of lifecycle email marketing is identifying what stage the individual is at any given time. Specifically for lifecycle email marketing, you'll want to segment your audience based on behaviours. This could include purchase history, website interactions, email engagement, or product usage. Patterns in these areas will help you best determine where to place an individual in the lifecycle stages.

Create personal and relevant content

Once you have an understanding of your users behaviours and patterns, use this to personalize your emails. Address recipients by their names, recommend products based on their past purchases, and tailor content to their preferences.

Ensure your emails provide value to your customers that helps move them to the next stage. Offer exclusive discounts, share useful tips, and provide relevant updates.

Timing and frequency

For lifecycle emails timing is crucial. Set up automated emails that are triggered by specific actions, such as welcome emails for new subscribers, cart abandonment reminders, and post-purchase follow-ups. These timely emails can significantly enhance engagement and conversions.

Monitor and measuring success

Along the way, make sure you’re tracking your metrics for each lifecycle stage to see how successful you are in moving folks through the customer lifecycle. Use these insights to refine your strategies and improve your overall strategy.


You can also conduct A/B tests to see how different email content, subject lines, and other details perform for people in specific lifecycle stages. For example, in your segment of customers who are in the consideration stage, run a test where half of them get an email every two days while the other half get an email every four days and see which group tends to engage more or convert more. This can tell you how frequently to send emails to this segment.

Just make sure you’re comparing apples to apples by comparing the two email versions for the same lifecycle segment, because customers in different lifecycle stages could have different reactions to the same email version.

Ensure brand consistency

Consistent branding helps recipients quickly recognize your emails, which builds trust and familiarity. According to a study conducted by Edelman, "81% of buyers need to trust a brand in order to buy from them," making trust and familiarity two crucial elements of efficient lifecycle email marketing.

Additionally, consistent branding helps differentiate your brand from competitors. This is crucial in the consideration stage to ensure you remain top of mind.

Designing emails for each stage of your lifecycle email marketing

The tips and strategies above can help you get started with lifecycle email marketing, but the success of your campaigns will also depend on how well you design and target your emails for specific stages and audiences.

That’s where Beefree can help. Our extensive email template library includes templates for many different types of emails that align with each lifecycle stage, and our easy HTML email editor lets you seamlessly customize them for your audiences.

You’ll be able to incorporate all the elements of your brand identity which helps you create brand recognition and build brand loyalty throughout every stage of the lifecycle. Interested in seeing how these templates can make your lifecycle email marketing simpler? Sign up for Beefree and start exploring.

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