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How to Create a High-Converting Email Marketing Campaign

Beefree team
Beefree team
Mar 22, 2024
How to Create a High-Converting Email Marketing Campaign
How to Create a High-Converting Email Marketing Campaign

Diving into the world of email marketing? You're in for an exciting ride! Crafting the perfect email campaign is an art, blending strategy, design, and an understanding of human behavior. While that sounds intimidated, fret not.

Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned marketer, this guide is your golden ticket. We'll walk you through the ins and outs of creating email marketing campaigns that not only captivate but also convert. Ready to boost those conversions? Let's get started!

What is an email marketing campaign?

Think of an email marketing campaign as a way to connect with new and existing customers. It is how businesses, big or small, connect with their audience, share valuable content, and encourage their readers to take action. Whether that be to make a purchase, go to a landing page, or simply to engage with the email content.

Benefits of email marketing campaigns

A study by the Data & Marketing Association found that for every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return on investment (ROI) is $42. Not only is email an cost-effective way to market your products and services, but they are great in building lasting connections with your audiences, regardless of which phase in your lifecycle they live in. Here are some benefits of creating email marketing campaigns to nurture your audience:

  • Awareness Stage: Become a familiar face to those who might not know you yet. Introduce your brand, our products or services. This is a great place to set a welcome series once someone subscribed to your list. Email campaigns at this stage help with brand recognition.
  • Consideration Stage: Once your new audience becomes acquainted with your brand, they might start looking to you to help meet their needs. If you're a SaaS platform, this is a great time to send product tutorials or share case studies and testimonials. Campaigns at this stage help to increase traffic to your website and help to nurture your audience to eventually become paying customers! 
  • Decision Stage: Once a subscriber becomes familiar with your product and how exactly you can help them meet their needs, you're a solid contender. This is where email campaigns serve as a way to show why you are a better solution and help differentiate you from the competition. Consider sending exclusive discounts, free demos, or limited-time offers to incentivize action.
  • Retention and Advocacy Stage: Once a subscriber turns into a customer, it's time to build a long time relationship! Send thank you emails to express gratitude for their purchase. Additionally, you can send additional support or resources to enhance their overall experience. Email campaigns in this stage encourage repeat customers and build brand loyalty.

10 Steps to creating an effective email marketing campaign

Embarking on an email marketing journey? Perfect! Crafting a high-converting email marketing campaign might seem daunting, but with the right steps, it's a breeze. Let's walk you through the ten steps of this journey, ensuring you're on the right track from the get-go.

Step 1: Set clear campaign goals

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 62% of the most successful content marketers have a documented strategy, whereas only 16% of the least successful have one. Before you even type out that first email, it's important to know where you're headed. Setting clear, actionable goals for your campaign is the foundation of any successful marketing campaign.

Whether you're aiming to boost lead generation, ramp up sales, or simply engage more with your audience, having a defined goal will guide your strategy and content.

Think of it as your email marketing compass – without it, you might find yourself lost in the vast sea of content possibilities.

Step 2: Select your email marketing campaign type

Once you've set your goals, it's time to plan how to achieve them.

This is where selecting the right type of email campaign comes into play. Your campaign type should align seamlessly with your goals. For instance, if your goal is to welcome new subscribers, an onboarding email series would be your best bet. Take a look at some of these example email campaigns below:

  • Onboarding Emails: Perfect for introducing new subscribers to your brand.
  • Promotional Campaigns: Ideal for showcasing new products, services, or special deals.
  • Re-engagement Emails: Great for reigniting the spark with subscribers who've been a tad inactive.

By aligning your campaign type with your goals, you're setting the stage for a more focused and effective email marketing strategy.

Step 3: Understand your audience

Understanding who you're sending your email campaign to isn't just about knowing their email addresses. Instead, it's about diving deep into the data to identify their preferences, needs, and behaviors. Tailoring your campaigns to resonate with specific audience segments can skyrocket engagement. 

For instance, if you're a clothing brand and notice a group of subscribers frequently shopping for activewear, why not send them a curated campaign on your latest gym gear? By tuning into their interests, you're not just sending emails; you're sending value.

Here are some additional strategies and examples to consider:

  • Segmentation: Divide your email list based on specific criteria like purchase history, location, or engagement level. For a tech store, you might have segments like "Gadget Enthusiasts" or "Home Office Tech Lovers."
  • Personalized Recommendations: If you're a bookstore and notice a subscriber frequently buying mystery novels, send them an email highlighting the latest releases in that genre.
  • Special Offers: For a beauty brand, if a segment of your audience often buys skincare products, offer them an exclusive discount on a new skincare range.
  • Feedback Loops: Send out surveys or feedback forms. If a segment of your audience expresses interest in eco-friendly products, launch a campaign showcasing your sustainable range.
  • Behavioral Triggers: If a subscriber often abandons their cart, send them a personalized reminder with a special offer to complete their purchase.

By truly understanding and catering to the unique interests of your audience segments, you're crafting experiences, building trust, and most importantly, ensuring you stay in the minds of your customers.

Step 4: Plan your email schedule

Flooding your subscribers with daily emails might seem like a good idea at first, but let's be real – no one likes an overstuffed inbox. It's all about finding that sweet spot. By planning out an email schedule, you're ensuring that you pop up in their inbox just enough to be remembered, but not too much that you become that annoying friend.

Now, when plotting out that schedule, put yourself in your subscribers' shoes. Think about their time zones – no one wants a 3 AM email alert. Consider their daily routines – are they morning email checkers or evening readers? And of course, tailor your content to fit the moment. A weekend might be perfect for a leisurely read, while a quick mid-week offer might be more apt for a Tuesday.

Oh, and speaking of tailoring content, those follow-up emails? Pure gold. Imagine your subscriber eyeing a product, adding it to their cart, but then getting distracted. A gentle reminder, like "Hey, you left something behind!", can be the nudge they need to complete the purchase. It's these little touches that can boost your conversion rates sky-high.

Step 5: Consider automation

With email automation tools, you can set up your emails and follow-ups to be sent out at specific times, ensuring you never miss a beat. Beyond just timing, these tools can craft personalized email journeys for each subscriber based on their actions.

Imagine a subscriber browsing through a product but not making a purchase. Automation can swoop in with a tailored email nudging them to revisit. Or if someone just made their first purchase, why not send them a warm welcome email? It's all about ensuring every email feels like it's been handcrafted just for them, based on their actions and preferences.

Step 6: Create attention-grabbing subject lines

Let's face it; we all judge emails by their subject lines. It's the first thing your subscribers see, and it can make or break their decision to open your email. Crafting a compelling subject line is like creating a movie trailer—it should give a hint of what's inside without giving everything away. 

For instance, instead of "Sale on Shoes," how about "Step Up Your Shoe Game: Exclusive Sale Inside!"? A sprinkle of curiosity, a dash of excitement, and you've got yourself a winning subject line.

Here are some tips and tricks to master the art of subject line creation:

  • Use Power Words: Words like "Exclusive," "Limited," or "Unlock" can add a sense of urgency or exclusivity.
  • Ask a Question: "Ready for Summer?" or "Looking for the Perfect Gift?" can engage the reader's mind instantly.
  • Keep it Short and Sweet: With many people checking emails on mobile, a concise subject line ensures your entire message is visible.
  • Personalize: Including the subscriber's name or a recent purchase can make the email feel tailored just for them: "John, Ready for Round Two of Our Bestsellers?"
  • Use Emojis Wisely: A well-placed emoji can make your email stand out, but ensure it aligns with your brand and message.
  • Create a Sense of Mystery: "You Won't Believe What's Inside!" can pique curiosity and drive opens.

And always remember, testing is your best friend. A/B test different subject lines to see what resonates best with your audience. By blending creativity with strategy, your subject lines won't just be read; they'll be remembered.

Step 7: Craft engaging email copy

You've got them to open the email with that killer subject line, now it's showtime! Crafting engaging email copy is all about speaking directly to your audience's needs and interests. Remember our chat about understanding your audience? This is where it pays off. 

If you know your subscribers love eco-friendly products, highlight that in your copy. "Sustainably made, just for you!" or "Eco-chic picks you'll adore!" are just a couple of ways to resonate.

The copy is a perfect dance of information and allure. You copy should tell a story that doesn't just inform but truly captivates and guides your reader through the email with ease.

PRO Tip: Adding language from your customers via testimonial is a perfect way to tell a story and show your readers the value that you offer.

Step 8: Nail Your email design

While words can paint a picture, the design brings it to life. A well-designed email isn't just about looking pretty; it's about creating an experience for your subscribers. Think bold colors, captivating images, and intuitive layouts. For instance, a CTA button that pops or an interactive carousel showcasing your products can elevate the user experience. 

With tools like Beefree, a no-code HTML email builder and a range of templates, you can craft stunning emails in no time at all.

Step 9: Test and optimize

Once you've crafted your emails, it's time to ensure its effectiveness.

By A/B testing different versions of your email, be it the subject line, design, or copy, you can pinpoint what resonates most with your audience. 

Monitor the results, analyze, and optimize for future campaigns. It's all about that continuous cycle of learning and improving. After all, the email marketing world is ever-evolving, and staying ahead of the curve ensures your campaigns remain top-notch.

Imagine you're launching a new product, and you've designed two potential email campaigns to announce it. One email has a subject line that reads, "Introducing Our Latest Innovation!" and the other says, "You Asked, We Listened: Meet Our New Product!" Which one will drive more opens? Which copy will lead to more clicks? 

Start by sending the two versions to a small segment of your audience. Monitor which one gets better engagement. Is it the direct announcement or the one that hints at customer feedback? Once you've gathered enough data, send the winning version to your entire list.

It's not about guessing; it's about making data-driven decisions. By continuously testing and iterating, you ensure that every email you send is optimized for success.

Step 10: Don't stop building your email list

You've got your goals and campaign type down, but who are you sending these emails to? Enter the importance of building a robust email list. Think of it as gathering an audience for your grand performance. A well-curated email list ensures that your content reaches people genuinely interested in what you have to offer. 

A quick tip? Offer value! Whether it's an exclusive discount, a handy e-book, or a sneak peek into upcoming products, give your audience a reason to share their email. Remember, quality over quantity is the name of the game here.

Here are some more actionable tips that you can take to grow your email list:

  • Offer Value: People love perks! Whether it's an exclusive discount, a valuable e-book, or early access to a new product, give them a compelling reason to hit that 'subscribe' button.
  • Engage on Social Media: Use your platforms to promote sign-ups. A captivating post about an upcoming newsletter can pique interest.
  • Host Webinars or Events: These can be a goldmine for collecting emails. Attendees are already interested in your content, making them prime candidates for your list.
  • Leverage Pop-ups on Your Site: But remember, timing is key. Don't bombard visitors the second they land. Instead, consider exit-intent pop-ups or time-based ones.
  • Prioritize Quality Over Quantity: It's tempting to chase big numbers, but a smaller, engaged list is far more valuable than a large, disinterested one.

Building an email list is a continuous journey, but with these tips in your arsenal, you're well on your way to email marketing success.

Create Your Email Marketing Campaign Today With Beefree

If you're ready to make a splash in the email marketing world, focus on creating campaigns that really resonate with your audience. Give them something they'll look forward to receiving, and you'll see the results in your engagement metrics. Each email you send is an opportunity to engage your audience in a meaningful way. It's not just about the words and images you use, but also about the overall experience you create for them.

With Beefree's email builder, crafting those moments has never been easier. Dive in, explore, and watch your campaigns come to life in no time! The best part? It's free.

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Beefree’s First Decade: A Journey of Growth, Innovation, and Collective Success

Massimo Arrigoni
Oct 21, 2024

I can hardly believe it’s been a decade since Beefree’s humble beginnings

The first version of Beefree launched on October 18, 2014. We shared our excitement on Hacker News, and to our complete surprise, 20,000 people visited our minimalist-looking website in the first weekend. I remember thinking, “What??? We’re famous!!” 

A few days later, the hype died down, and we realized that no one had signed up for anything. For some back story, when Beefree first launched, we envisioned it as a growth marketing experiment for MailUp, an Italy-based email marketing platform.

We thought, "We’ll provide marketers with a free email builder and pitch them MailUp after they finish designing their email: many of them will sign up!" Except… nope. While people loved our email builder, they were loyal to the platforms they were using to send their emails. It’s safe to say that the experiment failed. 

But this was the start of bringing something to the market that many were in dire need of. In fact, we got a ton of unexpected feedback. One comment on Hacker News stood out: “Any chance of Beefree being embeddable, either as a service or open source?" 

From that comment came our first sale of “Beefree” for the license of an embeddable version of our email editor. 

10 years later, our content builder, Beefree SDK, is embedded in over 1,000 SaaS applications worldwide, including some of the biggest names in tech. Roughly half a million people per month, across all of those applications, use Beefree to design a massive amount of emails, landing pages, and other digital content. 

While our product has always been key to our growth, we wouldn’t be where we are today without a truly passionate group of people who deeply care about their work. In ten years, the team has grown from 6 to over 100, spanning Europe and the United States. 

So what better way to celebrate this important milestone, than to hear from the very voices of the amazing people that have been sharing in this adventure?

To you who are reading—thank you for being a part of this wonderful evolution. We can’t wait to see what’s next.

Massimo Arrigoni
Beefree Founder & CEO

Reflecting on a decade: 8 employees share about their time at Beefree

#1:  The power of teamwork is priceless 

As we celebrate a decade of innovation and growth, I can’t help but marvel at the journey. When I joined 7 years ago, there were just 9 of us, fueled by passion and vision. Now, we’ve grown into a dynamic team of over 100, each one of us playing a vital role in this success story.

My path to this company was anything but ordinary. After years of freelancing, launching businesses, and even co-founding a startup, I took a leap of faith to join this team—and I haven’t looked back. The greatest reward? Realizing that nothing compares to the thrill of achieving a goal as a team. The collective energy, shared ambition, and that moment of victory together—it's simply unbeatable.

Being part of this journey, with a team that’s constantly evolving, always aiming higher, and embracing every challenge, has been an incredible adventure.

Here’s to the next chapter of us pushing boundaries, breaking new ground, and doing it all together.

“The greatest reward? Realizing that nothing compares to the thrill of achieving a goal as a team.”
- Matteo Santagata, Full Stack Engineer Associate Manager

#2:  Build something that matters

Saying I’ve been working on Beefree SDK for 7 years feels totally normal to me. But every now and then, someone reminds me that it's actually rather extraordinary in the tech world. Some engineers switch roles every couple of years, trying them on like new pairs of shoes. Not too long ago, at a trade show, a young sales engineer looked at me, astonished, and said, “You must really love the work.” I just smiled, took a moment to reflect, and simply nodded, “Yes, yes, I really do.”

It wasn’t exactly a grand revelation, but it gave me pause. We’ve all heard the saying, "If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life." It’s cliché for a reason, but that was the first time it clicked for me: Seven years doesn’t feel like seven years.

It’s hard to point to just one reason why.

It’s a mix of so many things—the culture of trust, the tangible impact of the features we build, like improving accessibility so someone can create content on their own for the first time. It’s all of those experiences combined that make the journey worth it. And honestly, I can easily see myself saying the same thing at our 20-year anniversary, still feeling like it all started yesterday.

“It’s a mix of so many things—the culture of trust, the tangible impact of the features we build, like improving accessibility so someone can create content on their own for the first time.”
- Matt Weber, Senior Software Architect

#3: Building community and growing across borders

I started working at Beefree in 2014, and it has been an incredible journey that I feel grateful to reflect on today. My time here has been filled with learning, growth, and some unexpected turns—most notably my move from Milan to Denmark in 2016. What could have been a challenging transition was made seamless by the company’s support, allowing me to continue working remotely from my new home.

Living in Denmark for the past years has profoundly shaped me. Denmark is a country built on the values of equality, trust, and community—principles that resonate deeply within Danish culture. One fun cultural aspect I encountered is “janteloven”, or “the law of Jante”, a Nordic philosophy that emphasizes humility and equality, discouraging any form of boasting or thinking of oneself as superior. It’s a reflection of how strongly Danes value the collective over the individual.

What I found most surprising was how these learnings from living in Denmark paralleled my experience at Beefree. Just like Denmark’s culture, Beefree emphasizes a sense of community and the importance of trust. This has taught me how critical teamwork is, and how much more enriching it is to celebrate successes as a team rather than just as individuals. There is something truly special about being part of a team where mutual trust and shared values create an environment where everyone can thrive.

Over the past decade, I’ve learned that both in work and in life, the real magic happens when people come together. The experience has taught me that no matter how far we are from each other geographically, a strong sense of community and shared purpose can keep us connected. As I look forward to the future, I am excited to keep building on these values with my colleagues at Beefree, growing together, one step at a time.

“I’ve learned that both in work and in life, the real magic happens when people come together.”
- Cinzia Tavernini, Senior Account Manager

#4:  Embrace change 

The idea of celebrating our tenth anniversary feels almost surreal. Has it really been ten years since we launched

Breaking down this journey into years, months, or days is hard. Looking back, I vividly recall the excitement and nervous energy as we launched the beta version, reaching out to connect with people around the globe. We called out, “We’re here to help you and learn with you,” hoping to serve others. Trying to visualize everything that’s happened since then feels like watching a fast-forwarded movie, where the number of people and the depth of relationships continually grow.

If there’s one constant since we began, it’s continuous change—fueled by constant learning and guided by the curiosity of explorers embarking on their first journey.

Perhaps that’s why it seems strange that ten years have passed—when you’re immersed in a journey like this, time loses its significance. We’re traveling with no fixed destination; what matters most is the act of traveling together.

This extraordinary journey has only been possible because of the remarkable people who have come together, united by strong principles and a shared purpose. I know this is a privilege, and I’m deeply grateful to everyone who has been part of this.

As we look ahead, I’m excited about the possibilities that await us. Here’s to continuing the journey, embracing the unknown, and discovering new horizons together.

“If there’s one constant since we began, it’s continuous change.”
- Guillermo Padilla, Head of Product

#5: Embrace the complexity of remote 

As I reflect on my journey with Beefree, leading People & Culture at a global company with roots in Italy and a dynamic business in the U.S. has been an adventure shaped by innovation and transformation.

Beefree has been running as a remote-first company for 10 years. At first, I thought leading remotely meant simply managing from a distance—overcoming time zone challenges while balancing flexibility and risk. But I quickly realized it’s far more complex. Remote work isn’t just about geography; it blurs boundaries between ‘nowhere’ and ‘everywhere.’ Without the right mindset and cultural mapping artifacts, it can be isolating and overwhelming. 

We are uncovering new ways of working to transform this challenge into an opportunity, fostering a culture of clear communication, empathy, and self-care. It’s a journey of continuous improvement—one I’m excited to keep learning from every day.

“It’s a journey of continuous improvement—one I’m excited to keep learning from every day.”
- Enrica Lipari, People & Culture Director

#6: 100 employees is complicated – and it is a treasure

Think of hosting a BBQ with 100 people. Or going on vacation with 100 people. Or how about throwing a birthday party for your little one with another 100 little ones? 100-people anything is complicated. How can it not be? I’m complicated. You’re complicated. How about 100 of us???  

Companies are this somewhat random mix of complicated human beings that get together to build things for other complicated humans. How cool is that? And yes, messy too. But as long as there’s a positive, respectful, caring cultural foundation that makes it (mostly) work, relax, take a deep breath, and enjoy daily new discoveries. That’s what building a company is ultimately all about.

“Companies are this somewhat random mix of complicated human beings that get together to build things for other complicated humans. How cool is that?”
- Massimo Arrigoni, CEO

#7:  It’s the People 

With apologies to Mars Blackman and Michael Jordan... it's not the shoes; so it's gotta be the PEOPLE! 

Like any sports organization, a business is made up of individuals working together for a common purpose (you know - a team). I've worked at many different companies over the years, and not a single one has come close to replicating the trust and passion found among my colleagues at Beefree... and I'm extremely grateful to be a part of this 10 year birthday celebration!

“I've worked at many different companies over the years, and not a single one has come close to replicating the trust and passion found among my colleagues at Beefree.”
- Cedric Adams, Business Development Manager

#8:  Growing together on an exciting journey

Being part of this project from day one has been an extraordinary journey, one that has shaped both my career and my perspective on teamwork and innovation. I started as a full-stack developer, diving into the code, shaping the first iterations of what would become a powerful tool for creativity. Today, I have the immense honor of leading a development team that has grown beyond what I could have imagined. Watching this team evolve growing in size, talent, and ambition—has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career.

What truly stands out is the growth of the people. Over the years, I’ve witnessed colleagues take on new challenges, step into leadership roles, and push the boundaries of what we can achieve together. Every individual contribution has played a vital role in our collective success, and it's been a privilege to be part of such a collaborative and passionate group.

This journey, however, isn’t limited to our team alone. I’ve seen other departments flourish alongside us, each playing a crucial part in driving the project forward. Together, we’ve navigated challenges, celebrated victories, and pushed the envelope of what’s possible in our industry.

It's been an honor to stand on the front lines of this initiative, helping to create a platform that empowers people to express their creativity through successful newsletters.

As we look to the future, I’m filled with excitement for what’s to come. I couldn’t ask for a better team to embark on this journey. I’m excited to see what the future holds and to continue growing alongside the whole team.

“I've worked at many different companies over the years, and not a single one has come close to replicating the trust and passion found among my colleagues at Beefree.”
- Loris Cabrini, Head of Engineering

Happy birthday, Beefree!

While we’ve grown a lot, recently passing $15m in annual recurring revenue, a lot has also stayed the same. 

We’re still anchored in the same values and operating principles that have allowed us to maintain a 97% employee retention rate–really high for the tech industry.

True today as it was on October 18, 2014, our core job-to-be-done is the same: providing users with an accessible design tool that frees them up to do their best work. Anyone can start designing with Beefree: no questions asked, no form to fill out, no email address to submit, nothing. No friction. All sorts of businesses use it to design all kinds of emails and landing pages. 

To them, and to our past, present and future customers, thank you!

How Agency BlueprintNYC is Making Designing Emails Fun Again

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape where algorithms change at the speed of light, BlueprintNYC reminds us that email should be fun. Today, we bring Nicolas “Nico” Bogdan, Sr. Comms & Engagement Producer at BlueprintNYC, to share how they transformed their email program.
Beefree team
Oct 18, 2024

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape where algorithms and user preferences change at the speed of light, BlueprintNYC reminds us that email should be fun.

BlueprintNYC is an award-winning agency based in New York City that pairs “art and science to design experiences that engage hearts and minds to incite action.” As for all agencies, scalability, ease of use, and seamless integration with their clients’ ESPs are the key factors that enable real success from email campaigns. 

Today we bring Nicolas “Nico” Bogdan, Sr. Comms & Engagement Producer at BlueprintNYC to share how they transformed their email program from a time-sucking machine to a well-oiled collaborative effort. 

What follows are excerpts from our conversation with Nico Bogdan at BlueprintNYC, edited for readability and engagement. 

Struggling with design, collaboration, and deliverability issues

When we design emails, it’s not just for clients but also for our internal communications. These emails vary depending on what's happening in the company, but one of our regular practices is sharing weekend highlights. Every Monday, team members share what they did over the weekend—whether it’s something fun, personal milestones, or volunteer work—and we transform these into a quick-hit Monday afternoon culture & company news update called “THE WEEKENDER!”

This weekly email and our monthly newsletter became our creative playground. We experiment with layouts, different formats, spacing, and graphics. It was all about pushing the boundaries and having fun. But our old tool started holding us back. It was more of an email distribution platform than a true design tool. 

It lacked the flexibility we needed for customization and collaboration, not just for our emails but for our clients. As a team, it was difficult to work together efficiently, and design became frustrating instead of inspiring.

The tipping point came when we discovered that our emails weren’t just missing the mark visually—they were sometimes ending up in spam folders or being blocked entirely, depending on our client’s email suite. That’s when we knew we needed something more robust and reliable to keep up with our creativity and our clients' requests.

An unexpected, happy solution 

Beefree came to us by chance almost two years ago. One of our clients was using it, and it was really easy for us to design and push communications wherever they needed them

It took us a little while to finally create our own account, but once we did, it was seamless. 

Nothing changed for our clients, only fewer issues the ease of integrating our emails for distribution to their teams. We went straight to creating workspaces and folders to organize our comms plans and events of all sizes. 

The best part is, if clients have any changes, we can bring another teammate from a different department.They can be trained easily on Beefree because there really isn’t a learning curve once you understand the basics. 

"The collaboration on Beefree is also so much better than our previous ESP. It's really easy and accessible. Multiple team members can work on the communications simultaneously, so that's ideal."

The new standard for email production

I enjoy creating engaging internal campaigns with Beefree, and I love that it gives our team complete control over the visual elements across all our communications. 

Our email production process has become 25% faster, thanks to the use of standardized templates, Saved Rows, and more streamlined collaboration tools. This new approach allows us to cut down on repetitive tasks and focus more on creativity and execution.

Before, the process was tedious and full of unnecessary steps—we had to manually inspect HTML, import it into builders, and move it between platforms before sharing it with clients. This opened up countless opportunities for errors and wasted time.

Now, with a structured, efficient system in place, the quality of our work has increased by 50%, and we have a lot more fun designing, setting a new standard for email production within our team.

Wrap up

Using Beefree, the BlueprintNYC team experienced a significant transformation in their communication processes. The collaborative tools, improved asset management, and significant time savings all contributed to their success. BlueprintNYC’s success story demonstrates the importance of choosing the right platform to enhance communication efficiency. Read more about their success story with Beefree here.

To try first hand how Beefree can transform your organization's communications, create a free account and get started now!

5 Best AI Email Assistants in 2024

Discover the top 5 best AI email assistants, their features, limitations, costs, and everything in between. Plus -- learn how to choose the best one for you.
Emily Santos
Oct 11, 2024

You’ve heard the saying “work smarter, not harder,” which seems to be the philosophy for the AI frontier. 

Today, digital marketers in countless industries are exploring how AI can make their work more efficient and effective, especially when it comes to email creation.  

How to use AI in emails

AI email assistant can help you help you create emails and optimize their performance. We know that sounds broad, and it is because AI email assistants come in many forms, each serving you in different ways.

Some AI email assistants, for example, are built for email copy while others focus more on managing your email inbox and replies. So, how do you know which AI email assistants are best for you? There are a few things to look for and consider:

  • What features does the tool have, and how well does this align with the areas in which you need the most support?  
  • Is this tool suitable for your industry and business size?
  • What’s the cost?
  • What’s the learning curve, and how quickly can you efficiently use the tool? 
  • How easily can you add this to your existing processes?
  • How does this AI tool protect your business and customer’s privacy?

That might sound like a lot to consider but don’t worry, we’ve done some of the legwork for you. 

These are some of the top AI email assistants and a breakdown of what you need to know to determine if they’re a fit for your business.

What are the best AI email assistants?


Superhuman is an email management app designed for businesses to help their teams manage their inboxes more efficiently. 

How it works: Superhuman AI helps you navigate and organize your inbox and generate AI-powered email replies. This tool has a simple interface, so there is no real learning curve. 

When you’re replying to an email, you can highlight the text, click the AI button, and select what you want it to do with the text, like rewrite it in your voice, shorten it, lengthen it, and so on.

Notable features:

  • Conversational inbox navigation: You can ask questions like, “Did Jennifer approve my draft yet?” or “When is the AI conference I’m going to?” and it will find the information in your inbox to give you the answer.
  • Auto-reply to emails: Superhuman AI write responses to emails and saves them as drafts for you to approve and send.

Limitations: You can only choose from Superhuman’s predefined prompts, so you can’t write out custom commands.

Cost: Plans start at $25 per month per user.

Who it’s for: Individuals who need to enhance their productivity and spend less time drafting repetitive emails.  

Semrush AI writing assistant

You might already be familiar with Semrush, a popular digital marketing platform that helps with search engine optimization, advertising, market research, and other marketing functions. Well, now, they also have an AI writing assistant.

How it works: Semrush’s AI writing assistant is an app that allows you to create marketing content from ads to social posts to blogs and more. Their AI is powered by OpenAI (you know the one). 

Notable features:

  • Supports 28 languages, making it great for marketers who need to target across geographical locations. 
  • Offer 75 different AI-driven content tools 

Limitations: The tool isn’t specialized for a specific type of content, so for email-specific content it may require some training and experiments with different prompts. Additionally, we wish the tool was integrated with the Semrush platform to ensure that the writing is SEO optimized. 

Cost: Free 7-day free trial of the app, then $25 per month. This is in addition to your Semrush plan, which start at $139 per month. You do not need a Semrush plan to use its writing assistant. 

Who it’s for: Semrush AI Writing Assistant is positioned for marketers who want to build out a large quantity of content quickly. It’s multifunctional so you can use it for nearly any type of mark is a fully AI-powered content generator. From integrated marketing campaigns to blog, SEO, and social media marketing can help do it all. website

How it works: You can use either as a web-based tool or as an extension on your web browser. The extension is available for either Chrome or Edge which lets you use it within Google Docs, your email platform, or other platforms

Notable features:

  • Brand voice to ensure that output sounds like you
  • 30+ languages 
  • Built-in collaboration tools on their highest tier

Limitations: Due to how advanced the tool is, to get the most out of it, there is a steeper learning curve than other tools on this list. 

Cost: Plans start at $39 per month per user.

Who it’s for: is a great tool for larger companies and enterprises who need to manage assets all in one place and have fully embraced the realm of AI content creation.

HubSpot’s AI Campaign Assistant

HubSpot needs no introduction. They are a robust CRM and have been added to the long list of tools that have launched an AI email assistant. website

How it works: Within the Hubspot platform, you can use their AI Campaign Assistant to generate content from a predefined prompt. This includes content for landing pages, emails, and ads. Once you select your content type, HubSpot then prompts you with a list of questions to generate the copy.

Notable features:

  • Pre-defined brief makes it easy to prompt HubSpot’s AI to do exactly what you want it to do. 
  • Easy to use the same prompt for multiple channels
  • HubSpot auto-generated a design based on the copy given. 

Limitations: Once you export the copy into a design, you can’t make edits to the copy using the AI assistant. 

Cost: HubSpot AI assistants are available for use in their Starter Customer Platform plan (15/month) and up. 

Who it’s for: HubSpot is a great tool for digital marketers who need to have Sales, Support, and Marketing all in one place. Due to the limitations on the free and lower-tier plans, we would say this is better suited for mid-market businesses. 


We might be biased, but we believe our AI Writing Assistant to be the easiest way to start using AI for emails. If you’re new here – Beefree is a user-friendly email and landing page builder that helps you create beautiful, responsive, and high-converting campaigns with ease. website

How it works: Our AI Writing Assistant is embedded into our builder making it easy to ask questions to optimize your content headers, text, and CTAs. 

Notable features: 

  • Multilingual designs: Create emails in one primary language and use AI to translate to up to three additional languages directly within the builder. 
  • AI alt image generator: Use AI to add alternative text to all images within your email to ensure accessibility. 
  • Ability to optimize specific sections of your email with AI rather than the entire email. 

Limitations: Beefree’s AI Assistant only works with Beefree. 

Cost: You can use Beefree’s AI Writing Assistant for as little as $0 with no limitations on the free plan. 

Who it’s for: Anyone designing and creating emails inside of Beefree – this means it’s suitable for anyone from Freelancers to large enterprise organizations. 

Harnessing AI email assistants

Although we pitch these as the “best AI email assistant” the best one for you should be one that makes your life easier. With dozens of new AI solutions launching every day, we encourage you to experiment, play, and try new tools to find the right fit. Finding a tool that will solve every problem will be difficult, so jot down your most prevalent needs as a starting point. 

And if you’re not sure how you can use GenAI for your email copy, yet– join us October 23rd with Kath Pay as we dive into “How to create emails that influence and convert with GenAI.”

RSVP here. 

Beefree’s First Decade: A Journey of Growth, Innovation, and Collective Success

I can hardly believe it’s been a decade since Beefree’s humble beginnings

The first version of Beefree launched on October 18, 2014. We shared our excitement on Hacker News, and to our complete surprise, 20,000 people visited our minimalist-looking website in the first weekend. I remember thinking, “What??? We’re famous!!” 

A few days later, the hype died down, and we realized that no one had signed up for anything. For some back story, when Beefree first launched, we envisioned it as a growth marketing experiment for MailUp, an Italy-based email marketing platform.

We thought, "We’ll provide marketers with a free email builder and pitch them MailUp after they finish designing their email: many of them will sign up!" Except… nope. While people loved our email builder, they were loyal to the platforms they were using to send their emails. It’s safe to say that the experiment failed. 

But this was the start of bringing something to the market that many were in dire need of. In fact, we got a ton of unexpected feedback. One comment on Hacker News stood out: “Any chance of Beefree being embeddable, either as a service or open source?" 

From that comment came our first sale of “Beefree” for the license of an embeddable version of our email editor. 

10 years later, our content builder, Beefree SDK, is embedded in over 1,000 SaaS applications worldwide, including some of the biggest names in tech. Roughly half a million people per month, across all of those applications, use Beefree to design a massive amount of emails, landing pages, and other digital content. 

While our product has always been key to our growth, we wouldn’t be where we are today without a truly passionate group of people who deeply care about their work. In ten years, the team has grown from 6 to over 100, spanning Europe and the United States. 

So what better way to celebrate this important milestone, than to hear from the very voices of the amazing people that have been sharing in this adventure?

To you who are reading—thank you for being a part of this wonderful evolution. We can’t wait to see what’s next.

Massimo Arrigoni
Beefree Founder & CEO

Reflecting on a decade: 8 employees share about their time at Beefree

#1:  The power of teamwork is priceless 

As we celebrate a decade of innovation and growth, I can’t help but marvel at the journey. When I joined 7 years ago, there were just 9 of us, fueled by passion and vision. Now, we’ve grown into a dynamic team of over 100, each one of us playing a vital role in this success story.

My path to this company was anything but ordinary. After years of freelancing, launching businesses, and even co-founding a startup, I took a leap of faith to join this team—and I haven’t looked back. The greatest reward? Realizing that nothing compares to the thrill of achieving a goal as a team. The collective energy, shared ambition, and that moment of victory together—it's simply unbeatable.

Being part of this journey, with a team that’s constantly evolving, always aiming higher, and embracing every challenge, has been an incredible adventure.

Here’s to the next chapter of us pushing boundaries, breaking new ground, and doing it all together.

“The greatest reward? Realizing that nothing compares to the thrill of achieving a goal as a team.”
- Matteo Santagata, Full Stack Engineer Associate Manager

#2:  Build something that matters

Saying I’ve been working on Beefree SDK for 7 years feels totally normal to me. But every now and then, someone reminds me that it's actually rather extraordinary in the tech world. Some engineers switch roles every couple of years, trying them on like new pairs of shoes. Not too long ago, at a trade show, a young sales engineer looked at me, astonished, and said, “You must really love the work.” I just smiled, took a moment to reflect, and simply nodded, “Yes, yes, I really do.”

It wasn’t exactly a grand revelation, but it gave me pause. We’ve all heard the saying, "If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life." It’s cliché for a reason, but that was the first time it clicked for me: Seven years doesn’t feel like seven years.

It’s hard to point to just one reason why.

It’s a mix of so many things—the culture of trust, the tangible impact of the features we build, like improving accessibility so someone can create content on their own for the first time. It’s all of those experiences combined that make the journey worth it. And honestly, I can easily see myself saying the same thing at our 20-year anniversary, still feeling like it all started yesterday.

“It’s a mix of so many things—the culture of trust, the tangible impact of the features we build, like improving accessibility so someone can create content on their own for the first time.”
- Matt Weber, Senior Software Architect

#3: Building community and growing across borders

I started working at Beefree in 2014, and it has been an incredible journey that I feel grateful to reflect on today. My time here has been filled with learning, growth, and some unexpected turns—most notably my move from Milan to Denmark in 2016. What could have been a challenging transition was made seamless by the company’s support, allowing me to continue working remotely from my new home.

Living in Denmark for the past years has profoundly shaped me. Denmark is a country built on the values of equality, trust, and community—principles that resonate deeply within Danish culture. One fun cultural aspect I encountered is “janteloven”, or “the law of Jante”, a Nordic philosophy that emphasizes humility and equality, discouraging any form of boasting or thinking of oneself as superior. It’s a reflection of how strongly Danes value the collective over the individual.

What I found most surprising was how these learnings from living in Denmark paralleled my experience at Beefree. Just like Denmark’s culture, Beefree emphasizes a sense of community and the importance of trust. This has taught me how critical teamwork is, and how much more enriching it is to celebrate successes as a team rather than just as individuals. There is something truly special about being part of a team where mutual trust and shared values create an environment where everyone can thrive.

Over the past decade, I’ve learned that both in work and in life, the real magic happens when people come together. The experience has taught me that no matter how far we are from each other geographically, a strong sense of community and shared purpose can keep us connected. As I look forward to the future, I am excited to keep building on these values with my colleagues at Beefree, growing together, one step at a time.

“I’ve learned that both in work and in life, the real magic happens when people come together.”
- Cinzia Tavernini, Senior Account Manager

#4:  Embrace change 

The idea of celebrating our tenth anniversary feels almost surreal. Has it really been ten years since we launched

Breaking down this journey into years, months, or days is hard. Looking back, I vividly recall the excitement and nervous energy as we launched the beta version, reaching out to connect with people around the globe. We called out, “We’re here to help you and learn with you,” hoping to serve others. Trying to visualize everything that’s happened since then feels like watching a fast-forwarded movie, where the number of people and the depth of relationships continually grow.

If there’s one constant since we began, it’s continuous change—fueled by constant learning and guided by the curiosity of explorers embarking on their first journey.

Perhaps that’s why it seems strange that ten years have passed—when you’re immersed in a journey like this, time loses its significance. We’re traveling with no fixed destination; what matters most is the act of traveling together.

This extraordinary journey has only been possible because of the remarkable people who have come together, united by strong principles and a shared purpose. I know this is a privilege, and I’m deeply grateful to everyone who has been part of this.

As we look ahead, I’m excited about the possibilities that await us. Here’s to continuing the journey, embracing the unknown, and discovering new horizons together.

“If there’s one constant since we began, it’s continuous change.”
- Guillermo Padilla, Head of Product

#5: Embrace the complexity of remote 

As I reflect on my journey with Beefree, leading People & Culture at a global company with roots in Italy and a dynamic business in the U.S. has been an adventure shaped by innovation and transformation.

Beefree has been running as a remote-first company for 10 years. At first, I thought leading remotely meant simply managing from a distance—overcoming time zone challenges while balancing flexibility and risk. But I quickly realized it’s far more complex. Remote work isn’t just about geography; it blurs boundaries between ‘nowhere’ and ‘everywhere.’ Without the right mindset and cultural mapping artifacts, it can be isolating and overwhelming. 

We are uncovering new ways of working to transform this challenge into an opportunity, fostering a culture of clear communication, empathy, and self-care. It’s a journey of continuous improvement—one I’m excited to keep learning from every day.

“It’s a journey of continuous improvement—one I’m excited to keep learning from every day.”
- Enrica Lipari, People & Culture Director

#6: 100 employees is complicated – and it is a treasure

Think of hosting a BBQ with 100 people. Or going on vacation with 100 people. Or how about throwing a birthday party for your little one with another 100 little ones? 100-people anything is complicated. How can it not be? I’m complicated. You’re complicated. How about 100 of us???  

Companies are this somewhat random mix of complicated human beings that get together to build things for other complicated humans. How cool is that? And yes, messy too. But as long as there’s a positive, respectful, caring cultural foundation that makes it (mostly) work, relax, take a deep breath, and enjoy daily new discoveries. That’s what building a company is ultimately all about.

“Companies are this somewhat random mix of complicated human beings that get together to build things for other complicated humans. How cool is that?”
- Massimo Arrigoni, CEO

#7:  It’s the People 

With apologies to Mars Blackman and Michael Jordan... it's not the shoes; so it's gotta be the PEOPLE! 

Like any sports organization, a business is made up of individuals working together for a common purpose (you know - a team). I've worked at many different companies over the years, and not a single one has come close to replicating the trust and passion found among my colleagues at Beefree... and I'm extremely grateful to be a part of this 10 year birthday celebration!

“I've worked at many different companies over the years, and not a single one has come close to replicating the trust and passion found among my colleagues at Beefree.”
- Cedric Adams, Business Development Manager

#8:  Growing together on an exciting journey

Being part of this project from day one has been an extraordinary journey, one that has shaped both my career and my perspective on teamwork and innovation. I started as a full-stack developer, diving into the code, shaping the first iterations of what would become a powerful tool for creativity. Today, I have the immense honor of leading a development team that has grown beyond what I could have imagined. Watching this team evolve growing in size, talent, and ambition—has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career.

What truly stands out is the growth of the people. Over the years, I’ve witnessed colleagues take on new challenges, step into leadership roles, and push the boundaries of what we can achieve together. Every individual contribution has played a vital role in our collective success, and it's been a privilege to be part of such a collaborative and passionate group.

This journey, however, isn’t limited to our team alone. I’ve seen other departments flourish alongside us, each playing a crucial part in driving the project forward. Together, we’ve navigated challenges, celebrated victories, and pushed the envelope of what’s possible in our industry.

It's been an honor to stand on the front lines of this initiative, helping to create a platform that empowers people to express their creativity through successful newsletters.

As we look to the future, I’m filled with excitement for what’s to come. I couldn’t ask for a better team to embark on this journey. I’m excited to see what the future holds and to continue growing alongside the whole team.

“I've worked at many different companies over the years, and not a single one has come close to replicating the trust and passion found among my colleagues at Beefree.”
- Loris Cabrini, Head of Engineering

Happy birthday, Beefree!

While we’ve grown a lot, recently passing $15m in annual recurring revenue, a lot has also stayed the same. 

We’re still anchored in the same values and operating principles that have allowed us to maintain a 97% employee retention rate–really high for the tech industry.

True today as it was on October 18, 2014, our core job-to-be-done is the same: providing users with an accessible design tool that frees them up to do their best work. Anyone can start designing with Beefree: no questions asked, no form to fill out, no email address to submit, nothing. No friction. All sorts of businesses use it to design all kinds of emails and landing pages. 

To them, and to our past, present and future customers, thank you!

How Agency BlueprintNYC is Making Designing Emails Fun Again

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape where algorithms change at the speed of light, BlueprintNYC reminds us that email should be fun. Today, we bring Nicolas “Nico” Bogdan, Sr. Comms & Engagement Producer at BlueprintNYC, to share how they transformed their email program.
Beefree team
Beefree team
18 Oct

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape where algorithms and user preferences change at the speed of light, BlueprintNYC reminds us that email should be fun.

BlueprintNYC is an award-winning agency based in New York City that pairs “art and science to design experiences that engage hearts and minds to incite action.” As for all agencies, scalability, ease of use, and seamless integration with their clients’ ESPs are the key factors that enable real success from email campaigns. 

Today we bring Nicolas “Nico” Bogdan, Sr. Comms & Engagement Producer at BlueprintNYC to share how they transformed their email program from a time-sucking machine to a well-oiled collaborative effort. 

What follows are excerpts from our conversation with Nico Bogdan at BlueprintNYC, edited for readability and engagement. 

Struggling with design, collaboration, and deliverability issues

When we design emails, it’s not just for clients but also for our internal communications. These emails vary depending on what's happening in the company, but one of our regular practices is sharing weekend highlights. Every Monday, team members share what they did over the weekend—whether it’s something fun, personal milestones, or volunteer work—and we transform these into a quick-hit Monday afternoon culture & company news update called “THE WEEKENDER!”

This weekly email and our monthly newsletter became our creative playground. We experiment with layouts, different formats, spacing, and graphics. It was all about pushing the boundaries and having fun. But our old tool started holding us back. It was more of an email distribution platform than a true design tool. 

It lacked the flexibility we needed for customization and collaboration, not just for our emails but for our clients. As a team, it was difficult to work together efficiently, and design became frustrating instead of inspiring.

The tipping point came when we discovered that our emails weren’t just missing the mark visually—they were sometimes ending up in spam folders or being blocked entirely, depending on our client’s email suite. That’s when we knew we needed something more robust and reliable to keep up with our creativity and our clients' requests.

An unexpected, happy solution 

Beefree came to us by chance almost two years ago. One of our clients was using it, and it was really easy for us to design and push communications wherever they needed them

It took us a little while to finally create our own account, but once we did, it was seamless. 

Nothing changed for our clients, only fewer issues the ease of integrating our emails for distribution to their teams. We went straight to creating workspaces and folders to organize our comms plans and events of all sizes. 

The best part is, if clients have any changes, we can bring another teammate from a different department.They can be trained easily on Beefree because there really isn’t a learning curve once you understand the basics. 

"The collaboration on Beefree is also so much better than our previous ESP. It's really easy and accessible. Multiple team members can work on the communications simultaneously, so that's ideal."

The new standard for email production

I enjoy creating engaging internal campaigns with Beefree, and I love that it gives our team complete control over the visual elements across all our communications. 

Our email production process has become 25% faster, thanks to the use of standardized templates, Saved Rows, and more streamlined collaboration tools. This new approach allows us to cut down on repetitive tasks and focus more on creativity and execution.

Before, the process was tedious and full of unnecessary steps—we had to manually inspect HTML, import it into builders, and move it between platforms before sharing it with clients. This opened up countless opportunities for errors and wasted time.

Now, with a structured, efficient system in place, the quality of our work has increased by 50%, and we have a lot more fun designing, setting a new standard for email production within our team.

Wrap up

Using Beefree, the BlueprintNYC team experienced a significant transformation in their communication processes. The collaborative tools, improved asset management, and significant time savings all contributed to their success. BlueprintNYC’s success story demonstrates the importance of choosing the right platform to enhance communication efficiency. Read more about their success story with Beefree here.

To try first hand how Beefree can transform your organization's communications, create a free account and get started now!

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