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How Email Marketing Can Support Your Personal Brand

Kruti Shah
Kruti Shah
Aug 2, 2024
How Email Marketing Can Support Your Personal Brand
How Email Marketing Can Support Your Personal Brand

Branding is for more than just companies and organizations. It is for everyone with a professional career aiming to stand out and succeed in their industries. 

Personal branding is the public-facing identity you create for yourself. It is a reflection of your identity. It tells your story - who you are, what you stand for, what your strengths are, and how you can utilize those strengths to contribute to your community. 

Strong and effective branding helps you connect with like-minded industry experts and professionals and allows you to stand out in a competitive market. Email marketing is one of the most commonly used ways to amplify your personal brand. 

In this post, we will learn why email marketing is among the best mediums for building a personal brand. We will also share a detailed step-by-step guide on building a personal brand with email marketing. 

Building a personal brand with email marketing

Email marketing allows direct and personalized communication with your audience. You can use it to share engaging content, expert insights, anecdotes, and more to foster a deeper connection with your readers. You can also tailor your messages to your subscriber's preferences, interests, and engagement history. 

A step-by-step guide on building a personal brand with email marketing

First and foremost, define your goals.This will help you track what you want to achieve with your email marketing efforts. For example, driving traffic to your blog, growing your email list, etc. 

Next, set measurable targets for your email campaigns. For instance, if you wish to grow your email lists, the target would be the number of subscribers.

#1. Know yourself first

Personal branding is all about you. That is why you need to understand who you are and evaluate your professional persona. This will help you build an authentic personal brand for yourself, which will then reflect in your email marketing campaigns. It will give your email messages a unique voice. 

Interview yourself and get to know yourself better. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who are you, and what are you all about? 
  • What adjectives describe you? And what adjectives can you never associate yourself with?
  • What is one thing that is unique about you regarding your professional life?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What are your short-term and long-term goals?
  • Who or what is your inspiration?
  • What impact do you want to make with your personal brand?

#2. Define your brand identity and values

Now that you have answers to these questions, it is time to define your brand identity and values.

Your values truly represent what matters to you and form the foundation of your brand identity. For example, if you value innovation, this may mean that you consistently seek new ideas or novel approaches in your professional career. Similarly, if you value empathy, you represent yourself as compassionate and focused on understanding others and their needs. 

Your values set you apart from others.  

Ensure that your values are conveyed correctly in your email messaging. You may also design visual elements like different types of logos, unique typography, and a color theme to make it more impactful and relatable.

#3. Determine your target audience

The next step is to define your target audience. Ask yourself why you are building your personal brand. Is it to grow your business and secure business partnerships or funding? Is it to advertise your existing business?

This will help you identify your target audience and guide you with your future steps.

Find a way to talk to your target audience and build a professional relationship with them. To connect with them on a more personal level, you need to understand their needs, challenges, interests, and more. Create personas to gain deeper insights into your target audience. This will help you personalize your branding strategy according to their expectations. 

#4. Build your email list

Now that you know your target audience, it is time to build an email list to communicate your personal brand. Email lists are important for developing a successful email marketing strategy. They give you complete control over your communication by helping you tailor your messages according to your recipients' preferences. 

Segment your audience into different categories. Understand your audience's demographics, behaviors, and interests and categorize them into various groups. This will help you send personalized content that meets the needs and preferences of different audience groups.

Here are a few tactics you can follow to build your email lists.

  • Create email newsletter sign-up forms and place them on your website, especially the homepage, blog, and important landing pages.
  • Design pop-ups and slide-in forms that can be displayed to visitors once they spend a certain amount of time on your website or during exit.
  • Include the sign-up link in your email signature to collect email addresses. Do not forget to highlight the same in your signature using appealing content and design.
  • Utilize your social media pages to run contests or giveaways, asking participants to sign up with their email addresses.
  • Write guest posts on other websites sharing your expert knowledge with a CTA to join your email list.
  • Create downloadable resources like ebooks, templates, checklists, and more, and provide access to these exclusive resources in exchange for email addresses.
  • Host meetups, workshops, or other training events in a coworking space to connect with your subscribers and share your knowledge. Most coworking spaces use meeting space booking systems that allow non-members to reserve conference rooms and other spaces on demand.

#5. Write compelling content and invest in good design

Create high-quality content that offers value to your audience. For example, sharing tips, advice, or industry insights will help enhance their knowledge or provide answers to their queries. 

Develop a solid content plan. Create an email content calendar that outlines the topics you will cover, how often you will send your emails and their timings.Offer a healthy mix of different types of content, like newsletters, personal stories, blog updates, and so on, to keep your audience engaged. Introduce some interactive elements like polls, quizzes, or surveys. Share ready-to-download templates, checklists, posters, and more that subscribers can take away from you.

The best way to grab your audience's attention is by telling your story.

Support your story with a few visual elements - images or videos. Share personal anecdotes, stories, experiences, and more to humanize your brand. Your subscribers will be able to relate to you better.

Write engaging email copy and attractive subject lines to entice subscribers into opening your messages. Leverage personalization to share highly tailored content with your subscribers.

Invest in good design to make your emails look visually appealing. Add branding elements like your logo, consistent color scheme, standard design layout, and more. Make sure your emails are mobile-friendly, as 50-60% of emails are opened on mobile devices. You can also use free, visually appealing, and mobile-friendly HTML email templates.

#6. Develop your email marketing program 

Creating and sending emails manually is tedious and time-consuming. Utilizing email marketing software is the best way to send emails to your subscribers without breaking a sweat. Get a branded email address before you invest in email marketing software. Instead of sending emails from, create a custom email address - to send your emails. This will work wonders for your reputation. 

Invest in an easy-to-use email builder, like Beefree, that offers a robust suite of design tools to create beautiful and high-performing emails without any hassles. Beefree provides an extensive library of over 1,700 free email templates and landing page templates that can be easily customized for your email campaigns. Additionally, Beefree integrates seamlessly with leading email marketing software with a few clicks.

Next, choose an all-in-one email marketing software with excellent features, high deliverability, and cost-effective pricing structures. Some of the key features to consider include:

  • Email automation - Automation helps you communicate with your audience at the right time to ensure that you always stay on top of their minds, thus boosting your brand image.
  • Behavioral targeting—Behavioral targeting enables you to monitor your subscriber's past behavior, such as purchase history, abandoned carts, email interactions, and so on. This helps you devise a personalized strategy for individual subscribers based on their preferences, positioning you as a brand that cares about its subscribers.
  • A/B testing - A/B testing helps you test different versions of your emails to monitor their performance and optimize your campaigns for higher engagement. Thereby, helping you create engaging emails that subscribers love to read. 
  • Subscriber scoring - As the name suggests, subscriber scoring helps you rate subscribers based on their engagement levels to prioritize the most active ones. This enables targeted communication and fosters personalized interactions with your subscribers, thus enhancing audience connection and brand reputation. 
  • Advanced reporting - Advanced reporting boosts a personal brand by providing insights into engagement metrics, audience behavior, and campaign performance. This data helps you create personalized content, targeted strategies, and improved communication to build stronger connections with subscribers and enhance the brand's reputation.
  • Email ticketing systemsAn email ticketing system boosts a personal brand by streamlining customer support and ensuring timely and efficient responses. Resolving issues quickly and effectively builds trust, reinforces a positive brand image, and fosters loyalty among subscribers.

#7. Figure out what is working

Building your personal brand is an ongoing process, not a one-time activity. To ensure you are on the right track, regularly monitor your list health and email performance. Track your email list for its growth and monitor the rate at which your subscribers opt-out. This will help you understand if the recipients are loving your content or are tired of your messages.

In other words, you will know what percentage of subscribers no longer wish to receive your messages.

Also, measure the percentage of subscribers who have opened your emails and clicked on any links within your email messages. This will offer you invaluable insights into how engaging your emails are to the audience and, thus, the effectiveness of your strategy.

Best personal branding examples to derive inspiration from

Jay Clouse

Jay Clouse is a content creator who has mastered the art of content creation and ventured into teaching others how to become one. He has created multiple courses to share his knowledge and guide people to become professional creators. Email newsletters are one of the ways through which Jay has built his brand (and then his company, Creator Science). He also runs a personal blog sharing anecdotes of his life to connect with his audience personally.


Noah Kagan

Noah Kagan, the CEO of AppSumo, is a successful entrepreneur and content creator. He has consistently built his brand via a newsletter with over 200000+ readers. His newsletter “Noah's Nuggets” talks about business tips, product recommendations, productivity hacks, and so much more. This weekly marketing newsletter from Noah Kagan is one of his personal branding strategies and has directly contributed to his growth.


Sade Kelly

Sade Kelly is a time management coach who has mentored ambitious individuals on how to manage their time to peacefully balance work and personal life. She offers coaching services to help individuals learn how to leverage time and organize their lives. Her newsletter, Join the Fire Insiders, shares exclusive time management tips, lessons on personal growth, and more.


Wrapping up

Personal branding is an invaluable tool for carving your unique identity in today's competitive market. It helps you attract new opportunities and advance your career. Leveraging email marketing to boost your brand is an effective way to connect with your audience.

Utilize our guide on building a personal brand with email marketing to kickstart your personal branding efforts and build a loyal following.

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How Your Email Program Can Support Your Company’s Rebrand

A successful rebranding is not simply changing the logo design or tweaking the brand’s tagline. It is about changing consumers' perceptions of the brand. Learn how email marketing can help you successfully launch your new brand to the world.
Kruti Shah
Sep 27, 2024

Unlike social media or other channels, emails allow you to craft personalized messages that connect with various unique audiences. When rebranding, this direct method of communication allows you to be transparent about your story and share how the changes will impact them, strengthening your connection with your audience during this transition.

The role of email in rebranding

When it comes to rebranding, communication is key. A successful rebranding is not simply changing the logo design or tweaking the brand’s tagline. It is about changing consumers' perceptions of the brand. You do this by sharing the reasons for the rebranding,the changes that will accompany it, and the benefits it brings to your audience. 

Email is especially effective for sharing your story because it allows you to segment and tailor your message to different groups. Whether you are addressing loyal customers, new subscribers, or dormant users, email allows you to send highly targeted messages that resonate with each segment. This ensures that your rebranding message is communicated effectively across your entire customer base.

Emails can also be configured to deliver consistent updates, thus reinforcing the new brand identity over a period of time while building trust and transparency. Because the nature of email is measurable, you can assess the interaction levels and fine-tune your approach to ensure that your rebrand communication is always relevant and impactful.

After you share your story, your audience should appreciate the rationale behind the decision to rebrand and understand how it will impact them.

Best practices for successfully rebranding your emails

To execute a successful email rebrand campaign, you need to thoroughly plan and execute it carefully. Here are the three essential aspects to help your email campaign fit in with your new brand image.

#1. Craft a compelling company rebrand storyline

It is essential to create a compelling story of rebranding that will help your audience understand and resonate with your new brand identity. You should explain why the rebranding was necessary, show the steps the company has taken in terms of development, and define what the rebrand means for the company and its customers. 

Besides informing your audience, a well-told story will make each of them feel they have contributed to your brand evolution. When crafting a compelling story, consider the following: 

  • Describe clearly in your emails why you are rebranding - whether in response to market changes or growth of your company or for a change in values.
  • Use graphics to illustrate timeframes in which significant events led to rebranding and how these milestones influenced the new brand.
  • Create an account that unifies the past, present, and future of your company such that rebranding becomes a natural evolution.
  • Include gamification and interactive components, such as questionnaires or quizzes, in your emails to further engage your audience in the rebrand and get immediate feedback. 

Throughout your story, there should be no confusion or feeling of being ‘out of the loop.’  The most important thing here is a smooth transition that will keep your subscribers informed and encourage them to accept and embrace these changes.

#2. Write using your new voice 

Your email content should reflect your new brand's tone, voice, and messaging. This means the language and style of your email copy should evolve as your brand voice does. You can use this as an opportunity to introduce any new value propositions or communicate any changes to your audience. 

Here are a few best practices to keep in mind when writing emails:

  • Rewrite your email content to match the tone and style of your new brand. Ensure that this content is clear and concise.
  • Focus on making your email messages easy to understand. From subject lines to body content, your messaging must reflect your new brand identity via engaging language.
  • Convey the changes and developments using simple language. Avoid jargon or overly complex explanations.
  • Tailor your messages using personalization to address different audience segments. 

#3. Revamp your email design

Email design is the first thing subscribers notice, so it should immediately reflect your rebrand. You should update all visual elements, such as brand logos, color schemes, fonts, and more, to match your new branding guidelines. 

Here are some best practices when revamping your email design:

  • Replace old logos, color themes, fonts, and images with new ones.
  • Redesign your email structure with modern layouts. Ensure that these new layouts are clean, user-friendly, and responsive.
  • Conduct A/B testing on these design elements to identify which design best resonates with your audience. 

Launching your rebrand email campaign

Building and implementing a rebranding campaign successfully involves several key steps to ensure that your new brand identity is communicated effectively to your audience. Here is a short guide you can follow.

Audit your existing email program

It is important to audit your existing email program thoroughly. This includes evaluating your existing email templates, content, and subscriber lists to identify what needs updating. 

For example, just as you would regularly review your checking account to ensure everything is in order, it's essential to audit your email program to ensure it aligns with your new branding strategy.

If your business name has changed, ensure that your new business email address is on brand. Using business email makes your company look professional and strengthens your already strong bond with your customers.

Small edits may go unnoticed during a rebrand. Make sure to schedule time to review each touchpoint, from the footer to the links.

Explore multiple channels

The next step is to create a comprehensive rebrand campaign. The main goal of the campaign is to introduce your new brand identity to your audience. You may do this by launching a teaser video on social media with a landing page that leads your audience to subscribe and learn more about the rebrand via email. You can follow up with detailed announcements and updates in future phases.

Leverage email automation

Email automation plays a significant role in managing your rebrand communication efficiently. When rebranding, it is important to keep your audience engaged and informed throughout the entire process. By setting up automated workflows, you can consistently send out your rebrand messages to your subscribers at optimal times. This helps you keep your audience in the loop at every stage of the transition.

For example, you can configure your email platform to send out a series of emails that gradually introduce your new brand identity, starting with short teasers and then the official announcement. This will build anticipation and ensure that your messages reaches your subscribers at the right moment.

Further, automation helps you deliver personalized content based on subscriber behavior and interactions, ensuring better engagement and successful email campaigns. 

Incorporating tools like geofencing into your email automation strategy can further enhance personalization by delivering location-specific offers or messages when subscribers enter certain geographic areas, making your rebranding efforts even more targeted and effective. 

Moreover, contact data tools like ZoomInfo can help you enrich your subscribers’ profiles and provide additional data for personalization. No wonder automated emails have reportedly generated 320% more revenue than non-automated emails.

Monitor email performance

Throughout your rebrand, it is important to monitor the performance of your email campaigns to evaluate their effectiveness. Some key metrics to track include open rates, click-through rates, and engagement levels. This will provide you valuable insights into how well your audience is responding to the rebrand. 

Analyzing this data allows you to make informed adjustments to your email strategy, ensuring that your rebrand continues to resonate with your subscribers and achieve its intended impact.

Wrapping up

Email is an excellent medium for communicating a rebrand while offering direct and personalized ways to connect with your audience. Its ability to build trust, address concerns, and maintain engagement makes it an ideal channel for guiding your customers through the transition to your new brand identity.

The first step to leveraging email for rebranding is by investing in the best email design. A well-crafted email design not only reflects your new brand identity but also enhances the overall user experience, making your communications more impactful and memorable. Good design ensures consistency across all your emails, reinforces brand recognition, and keeps your audience engaged. 

To achieve this, you need a reliable tool that offers flexibility and ease of use—like Beefree. With Beefree, you can create stunning, responsive email designs that perfectly align with your rebrand, ensuring that every email you send out leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

Sign up for a free Beefree account to create attractive email designs in no time.

How To Improve Your Email Sender Reputation For a Higher Email Deliverability Rate

What is an email sender reputation? How do you check your reputation in the first place? Are there any practices to maintain a good sender reputation? These are the questions we'll answer together in this article without overwhelming you with irrelevant technical jargon.
Amine Boussassi
Sep 13, 2024

If you run a quick Google search on the factors that impact your email deliverability, you'll likely see the same common elements pop up: email list quality, ESP, sender reputation, and email content.

Wait—what is an email sender reputation? How do you check your reputation in the first place? Are there any practices to maintain a good sender reputation?

These are the questions we'll answer together in this article without overwhelming you with irrelevant technical jargon.

Okay, we can already tell this is going to be a long one, so you might want to grab a bowl of pineapple 🍍 slices before diving in.

Happy reading! 🗞️

What is an email sender reputation?

Email sender reputation, which you might also hear referred to as sender score, is the rating that email sending providers assign to your email sending IP address. This rating measures how likely your emails are to land in recipients' inboxes and directly impacts your overall email deliverability.

It goes without saying that a good sender reputation means ESPs (email service providers) trust your emails and are more likely to be delivered to their customers' inboxes, and on the flip side, a poor reputation means your emails could end up in the spam folder because ESPs simply don't want their customers flooded with spammy emails.

Which metrics determine sender score?

Now, you're probably thinking things like “what are the metrics that determine sender reputation?” Well, there are many. Let's get into them one by one.

Bounce rates

If your emails frequently fail to be delivered and often bounce back because you're sending them to invalid addresses (which might suggest you're buying email lists), it can seriously damage your sender reputation.

Engagement rates

This metric refers to the performance of your email marketing campaigns. High open, click-through and reply rates indicate that your emails are relevant and wanted and will boost your reputation, while low open rates suggest your emails aren't engaging enough, which can lead ESPs to mark your emails as spam. 

Sender history

Sender history is basically your email activity over time, so if you're sending a lot of emails each day, it can be perceived as a warning sign by ESPs, and your emails might not reach inboxes. Because, after all, ESPs want to keep their customers' inboxes spam-free.

Spam complaints

You don't need to be a seasoned marketer to know that recipients can mark any email as spam, and as you'd expect, each time someone sends your emails to the spam folder, your sender reputation will take a significant hit.

High unsubscribe rate

When a high number of individuals unsubscribe from your emails, ESPs might see it as a red flag, and they could assume you've bought email lists or you're simply not offering much value to your subscribers.

How can you check your sender reputation? 

You may think: "Okay, everything is clear so far, but how do I check my sender reputation?" Well, to understand how mailbox providers (MBPs) view you as a sender and check your domain reputation, your best option is to use tools designed specifically for that purpose:

Gmail Postmaster: this tool is built by Google, it offers insights into your domain's reputation with Gmail, and allows you to keep track of any issues like spam complaints and delivery errors.

Microsoft SNDS: this Microsoft service offers data on your sending IP's reputation and delivery performance with Outlook and other Microsoft email services.

Sender Score: This tool rates your IP reputation on a scale from 0 to 100. Needless to say, the higher your score, the better your domain's reputation with MBPs.

How can a good email sender reputation improve email deliverability? 

Now that we have established what an email sender reputation is and what determines its score, let's get to know its impact on email deliverability.

We hate to sound like a broken record, but we'll say this one more time, when you maintain a good sender score, there's a higher chance that ISPs (Internet Service Providers) and ESPs will deliver your emails because they trust that your content is valuable to their subscribers.

Even better, when you maintain a good sender reputation, your email marketing campaigns are less likely to be flagged by spam filters across different ISPs and will seamlessly reach your subscribers. 

And this will create some sort of snowball effect: because when the emails land in the inbox, they are more likely to be opened, and a higher open rate signals to ISPs that your emails are relevant and engaging to recipients. The end result of all this? An even stronger sender reputation.  

And with a stronger sender reputation comes higher response rates. And with higher response rates, more chances of attracting customers.

Five practices to improve your email sender reputation

You've learned the factors that determine your sender score and the way to check it. Congratulations, but you're not done yet! 

Now, let's move on to the more complicated part. How to improve your email sender reputation. 

Let's start the hands-on work!

1. Maintain a clean email list 

Running email marketing campaigns in the dark without knowing who your recipients are or what interests they have is like flying blind, and that's why buying email lists is a huge red flag 🚩 for ESPs and ISPs that will result in high bounce and unsubscription rates. 

And just a friendly little tip here: regularly check for invalid email addresses and remove inactive subscribers because corporate emails keep changing all the time, and not having an updated contact list can end up affecting your reputation.

2. Authenticate your emails

If you're facing some challenges with deliverability, starting with email authentification might be your best bet! For those out of context, authentication involves using specific protocols to prove that your emails are genuinely coming from you and not from someone pretending to be you.

Pick one of the industry-standard authentication protocols, like SPF, DKIM, or DMARC, to verify your emails and help ISPs confirm that your messages are legitimate and trustworthy.

3. Avoid spam triggers

This one is a big piece of the puzzle that probably gets talked about less than it should: spam triggers. ESPs actually have a list of words that trigger spam filters. 

Using words like "Free," "Earn money," or "Guaranteed" can get your emails sent to the spam folder—or worse, not delivered at all. These terms are often associated with salesy or even fraudulent emails. 

But don't get us wrong—ESPs and mailbox providers are smart enough to analyze the context. If your email genuinely includes offers or valuable digital services or products, it's totally okay to use the word "free" (or even all three). 

4. Segment your audience

People love personalization, so instead of sending the same content for everyone on your list, go the extra mile by segmenting your audience based on things like subscriber behavior and preferences. And it's not as tough as you think; there are plenty of tools out there that can do the heavy lifting for you, like HubSpot or ConvertKit. 

When you segment your audience, you'll see how your subscribers get excited to hit that reply button and engage with the content you shared with them, which ends up boosting your reputation—bringing us to our next point 👇

5. Add engagement elements

You could say that there are email marketing campaigns that can succeed without a 

visually appealing email design, and sometimes they do—but that's definitely the exception, not the rule.

Beefree is one tool that can help you design eye-catching email templates with simple drag-and-drop actions in seconds and get your open and click-through rates through the roof. No steep learning curve 🎢 or endless onboarding videos needed. Go ahead, give it a go! 

Final thoughts

That's all for now. Appreciate you sticking with us till the end!

We think by now, one thing is clear for you. Having a strong email sender reputation is powerful enough to improve your email deliverability and ensure your marketing campaigns hit your subscribers' inboxes and convert them! 

We hope this article helps improve your email sending reputation — we'd love to hear what you implement!

Oh, and while you're at it, why not explore Beefree’s email templates 🐝? It's just a click away!

Wish you good luck, a strong sender reputation, higher engagement, and more customers! 😉

60 Fall Email Subject Lines To Increase Autumn Sales

Discover the best fall email subject lines to drive conversions. Click here to explore a collection of expert subject lines to boost your fall email engagement.
Beefree team
Sep 5, 2024

The arrival of fall not only brings a change in the weather but also opens a window of opportunity for email marketers to tap into the sales season.

Did you know that according to OptinMonster, a striking “47% of email recipients open an email based on the subject line alone?” This makes your email subject lines a key player in your autumn marketing strategy. 

Let’s dive into a world where creativity meets strategy, exploring a variety of fall email subject lines designed to captivate your audience and boost your autumn sales.

Fall email subject line tips

Let’s explore some pivotal tips that will elevate your fall email subject lines and ensure they capture the essence of your message and the season.

1. Personalize with a touch of seasonal warmth

Utilizing data like past purchases, location, or browsing history allows you to craft subject lines that speak directly to the individual, enveloping them in a personalized experience that feels inviting.

2. Avoid the spam trap with thoughtful wording

Crafting a subject line that avoids the dreaded spam folder is akin to carefully stepping through a patch of crunchy fall leaves – it requires thoughtfulness and precision. Steer clear of using all caps, excessive exclamation points, and words that are commonly associated with spam, such as “free” or “buy now.” Instead, focus on creating a natural, conversational tone that gently guides your subscribers into your content.

3. Incorporate timeliness and urgency

Infusing your subject lines with a sense of timeliness and urgency, such as highlighting a limited-time offer or a flash sale, can encourage subscribers to open your email promptly. Ensure that the urgency is genuine and the offers are valuable to maintain trust and engagement with your audience.

4. Highlight your brand’s personality

Fall is a season that comes with its own array of playful language and puns. Whether it’s playing with phrases related to leaves, pumpkins, or cozy sweaters, a clever pun can add personality to your communication.

5. Embrace A/B testing for your subject lines

By testing two variations of your subject lines you can gain insights into which phrases, keywords, or emojis resonate best, enabling you to send the more effective subject line to your list. 

60 Best Fall Email Subject Lines 

From the allure of sales and the unveiling of new collections to the playful charm of puns and the festive joy of holidays, each of these subject lines is a pathway into the heart of your subscribers. 

Fall sale or discount subject lines

Incorporating the seasonal charm of fall into your sale subject lines not only enhances their appeal but also creates a timely and relevant context that can resonate with your subscribers, inviting them to explore your offerings and, ultimately, make a purchase.

Subject line examples:

  • "🍂 Fall Into Savings: Up to 50% Off Starts Now!"
  • "Harvest the Savings: Exclusive Fall Discount Inside!"
  • "Sweater Weather, Sweeter Deals: 30% Off Fall Fashion!"
  • "Unbe-leaf-able Deals: Your Exclusive Fall Sale is Here!"
  • "Autumn Exclusives: Enjoy an Extra 20% Off Sale Items!"
  • "Fall in Love with Our Autumn Sale: Up to 40% Off!"
  • "🎃 Spooktacular Savings: Frighteningly Good Deals Inside!"
  • "Cozy Up to Exclusive Fall Discounts – Limited Time Only!"
  • "A Cornucopia of Savings: Shop Our Fall Sale Now!"
  • "Rake in the Deals: Your Fall Discount Awaits Inside!"

Real-life example:

  • Brand Name: Hay
  • Subject line: "Crisp, cozy, colorful (and 15% off)"
  • Purpose of the email: Announce their “Autumn Sale.” 

Fall subject lines to introduce new collections or products

Introducing new collections with fall-centric subject lines seamlessly blends the anticipation of the new with the comforting familiarity of the season, crafting a delightful and enticing invitation to explore, discover, and shop.

Subject line examples:

  • "🍁 Fresh Picks for Fall: Explore Our New Arrivals!"
  • "New Season, New Styles: Shop the Fall Collection Now!"
  • "Autumn Elegance: Discover Our New Fall Jewelry Line!"
  • "Wrap Up in Style with Our New Fall Outerwear!"
  • "Fall Flavors Have Arrived: New Seasonal Menu Inside!"
  • "Step into Fall: New Boot Collection Just Dropped!"
  • "Cozy Up with Our New Fall Home Decor!"
  • "Sip into Autumn: New Fall Beverage Line Launched!"
  • "Fall Beauty Unveiled: Explore Our New Makeup Line!"
  • "Fresh Fall Reads: Discover Our New Book Releases!"

Real-life example:

  • Brand Name: Juvee
  • Subject Line: “Bringing You a Taste of Autumn” 
  • Purpose of the email: Promote the launch of their Caramel Apple drink.

Subject lines with fall puns

Fall provides a fertile ground for playful wordplay that can bring a smile to your subscribers and create a lighthearted, engaging entry point to your email content.

Subject line examples:

  • "Orange You Glad It’s Pumpkin Season? 🎃"
  • "Nuts About Our New Fall Collection!"
  • "Oh My Gourd, These Fall Deals Are Unbe-leaf-able!"
  • "Squash Your FOMO: Fall Sale Now On!"
  • "Leaf Your Worries Behind: Fall into Relaxation!"
  • "Yam-tastic! Sweet Deals on Our New Fall Menu!"
  • "Apple-y Ever After: Fall in Love with Our New Arrivals!"
  • "A-maize-ing Deals Just for You This Fall!"
  • "Harvest the Fun with Our Fall Festival Lineup!"
  • "Spice Up Your Wardrobe with Our Fall Collection!"

Real-Life Example:

  • Brand Name: FitVine Wines
  • Subject Line: "No tricks, just treats 🎃🍷🦇”
  • Purpose of the email: Promote their FitVine.

Holiday-specific fall subject lines

Crafting holiday-specific subject lines allows your brand to resonate with the festive spirit and sentiments that naturally permeate through the season. By aligning your messages with the holidays and celebrations that your audience holds dear, you create a bridge of relevance and shared joy, enhancing the connectivity and appeal of your emails during this festive fall period.

  • "No Tricks, Just Treats: Spooktacular Deals Inside!"
  • "Unmask Frighteningly Good Offers This Halloween!"
  • "Boo-tiful New Arrivals to Spook and Delight!"
  • "Witching You a Happy Halloween: Special Treat Inside!"
  • "Gobble Up the Savings: Thanksgiving Deals Inside!"
  • "Grateful for You: A Thanksgiving Treat Inside 🦃"
  • "Feast Your Eyes on Our Thanksgiving Specials!"
  • "A Cornucopia of Thanks: Exclusive Offer Inside!"
Veterans Day
  • "Honoring Heroes: Special Veterans Day Sale!"
  • "A Salute to Savings: Veterans Day Exclusive!"
  • "Celebrating Courage: Special Offer for Veterans Day!"
  • "Thank You for Your Service: Exclusive Veterans Day Deal!"
Black Friday
  • "Black Friday Bounty: Unbeatable Deals Inside!"
  • "Sneak Peek: Black Friday Deals Unveiled!"
  • "The Black Friday Sale You’ve Been Waiting For!"
  • "Unlock Black Friday Savings Early: VIP Access Inside!"

Real-Life Example:

  • Brand Name: Carhartt 
  • Subject Line: "Black Friday: Early Access"
  • Purpose of the email: Promote their Black Friday early access sale. 

Fall subject lines that reference fall weather

Subject lines that reference the weather crafts a narrative that is immediately recognizable and engaging to your subscribers, inviting them to explore your offerings with the comforting, familiar backdrop of the fall season.

Subject line examples:

  • "Fall Breeze, Autumn Ease: Wind Down with Our Cozy Picks!"
  • "Rainy Day Rescue: Stay Dry with Our Stylish Raincoats!"
  • "Sweater Weather is Better Weather: New Arrivals Inside!"
  • "Crisp Air, Don’t Care: Explore Our Fall Essentials!"
  • "Stay Cozy in Our Must-Have Fall Layers!"
  • "Chilly Days, Stylish Ways: Warm Up with Our Collection!"
  • "Embrace the Chill: Hot Deals on Cool Styles Inside!"
  • "Leaf the Cold Behind: Warm Up with Our Hot Picks!"
  • "Autumn Showers, Stylish Hours: Waterproof Favorites Inside!"
  • "Warm Hues, Cozy Shoes: Step into Fall Comfort!"

Real-life example:

  • Brand Name: Hotel June
  • Subject Line: "Feels Like Fall"
  • Purpose of the email: Encourage travelers to book a stay at Hotel June by promoting new fall specials. 

Fall subject lines about autumn activities and events

From apple picking and leaf-peeping to festive gatherings and holiday preparations, these subject lines evoke anticipatation of these cherished moments. By aligning your messages with the activities that define the fall experience, your emails become a celebration of the season, intertwining your brand with the warmth and nostalgia.

Subject line examples:

  • "Harvest Happiness with Our Fall Collection!"
  • "Leaf-Peeping Essentials: Gear Up for Autumn Adventures!"
  • "Apple-Picking Season is Here: Grab Your Fall Favorites!"
  • "Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice: Fall Flavors Have Arrived!"
  • "Get Festive: Everything You Need for Fall Gatherings!"
  • "Fall Crafting: Create Your Cozy with Our DIY Kits!"
  • "Bake Up a Storm: Autumn-Inspired Baking Essentials Inside!"
  • "Cozy Campfires Await: S’mores, Stories, and Styles Inside!"
  • "Haunted Happenings: Spooky Styles and Decor Inside!"
  • "Thanksgiving Prep Starts Now: Get Ready to Feast!"

Real-Life Example:

  • Brand Name: HomeAway
  • Subject Line: "Get in the fall spirit with a cabin stay”
  • Purpose of the email: Encourage customers to book a cabin stay. 

Elevate your fall email campaigns to new heights

The harmony between a captivating subject line and a visually engaging email design is where the true magic happens.

With Beefree’s fall email templates, you gain access to a curated selection of designs that encapsulate the warmth and vibrancy of fall and perfectly compliment your captivating subject lines.

How Your Email Program Can Support Your Company’s Rebrand

A successful rebranding is not simply changing the logo design or tweaking the brand’s tagline. It is about changing consumers' perceptions of the brand. Learn how email marketing can help you successfully launch your new brand to the world.
Kruti Shah
Kruti Shah
27 Sep

Unlike social media or other channels, emails allow you to craft personalized messages that connect with various unique audiences. When rebranding, this direct method of communication allows you to be transparent about your story and share how the changes will impact them, strengthening your connection with your audience during this transition.

The role of email in rebranding

When it comes to rebranding, communication is key. A successful rebranding is not simply changing the logo design or tweaking the brand’s tagline. It is about changing consumers' perceptions of the brand. You do this by sharing the reasons for the rebranding,the changes that will accompany it, and the benefits it brings to your audience. 

Email is especially effective for sharing your story because it allows you to segment and tailor your message to different groups. Whether you are addressing loyal customers, new subscribers, or dormant users, email allows you to send highly targeted messages that resonate with each segment. This ensures that your rebranding message is communicated effectively across your entire customer base.

Emails can also be configured to deliver consistent updates, thus reinforcing the new brand identity over a period of time while building trust and transparency. Because the nature of email is measurable, you can assess the interaction levels and fine-tune your approach to ensure that your rebrand communication is always relevant and impactful.

After you share your story, your audience should appreciate the rationale behind the decision to rebrand and understand how it will impact them.

Best practices for successfully rebranding your emails

To execute a successful email rebrand campaign, you need to thoroughly plan and execute it carefully. Here are the three essential aspects to help your email campaign fit in with your new brand image.

#1. Craft a compelling company rebrand storyline

It is essential to create a compelling story of rebranding that will help your audience understand and resonate with your new brand identity. You should explain why the rebranding was necessary, show the steps the company has taken in terms of development, and define what the rebrand means for the company and its customers. 

Besides informing your audience, a well-told story will make each of them feel they have contributed to your brand evolution. When crafting a compelling story, consider the following: 

  • Describe clearly in your emails why you are rebranding - whether in response to market changes or growth of your company or for a change in values.
  • Use graphics to illustrate timeframes in which significant events led to rebranding and how these milestones influenced the new brand.
  • Create an account that unifies the past, present, and future of your company such that rebranding becomes a natural evolution.
  • Include gamification and interactive components, such as questionnaires or quizzes, in your emails to further engage your audience in the rebrand and get immediate feedback. 

Throughout your story, there should be no confusion or feeling of being ‘out of the loop.’  The most important thing here is a smooth transition that will keep your subscribers informed and encourage them to accept and embrace these changes.

#2. Write using your new voice 

Your email content should reflect your new brand's tone, voice, and messaging. This means the language and style of your email copy should evolve as your brand voice does. You can use this as an opportunity to introduce any new value propositions or communicate any changes to your audience. 

Here are a few best practices to keep in mind when writing emails:

  • Rewrite your email content to match the tone and style of your new brand. Ensure that this content is clear and concise.
  • Focus on making your email messages easy to understand. From subject lines to body content, your messaging must reflect your new brand identity via engaging language.
  • Convey the changes and developments using simple language. Avoid jargon or overly complex explanations.
  • Tailor your messages using personalization to address different audience segments. 

#3. Revamp your email design

Email design is the first thing subscribers notice, so it should immediately reflect your rebrand. You should update all visual elements, such as brand logos, color schemes, fonts, and more, to match your new branding guidelines. 

Here are some best practices when revamping your email design:

  • Replace old logos, color themes, fonts, and images with new ones.
  • Redesign your email structure with modern layouts. Ensure that these new layouts are clean, user-friendly, and responsive.
  • Conduct A/B testing on these design elements to identify which design best resonates with your audience. 

Launching your rebrand email campaign

Building and implementing a rebranding campaign successfully involves several key steps to ensure that your new brand identity is communicated effectively to your audience. Here is a short guide you can follow.

Audit your existing email program

It is important to audit your existing email program thoroughly. This includes evaluating your existing email templates, content, and subscriber lists to identify what needs updating. 

For example, just as you would regularly review your checking account to ensure everything is in order, it's essential to audit your email program to ensure it aligns with your new branding strategy.

If your business name has changed, ensure that your new business email address is on brand. Using business email makes your company look professional and strengthens your already strong bond with your customers.

Small edits may go unnoticed during a rebrand. Make sure to schedule time to review each touchpoint, from the footer to the links.

Explore multiple channels

The next step is to create a comprehensive rebrand campaign. The main goal of the campaign is to introduce your new brand identity to your audience. You may do this by launching a teaser video on social media with a landing page that leads your audience to subscribe and learn more about the rebrand via email. You can follow up with detailed announcements and updates in future phases.

Leverage email automation

Email automation plays a significant role in managing your rebrand communication efficiently. When rebranding, it is important to keep your audience engaged and informed throughout the entire process. By setting up automated workflows, you can consistently send out your rebrand messages to your subscribers at optimal times. This helps you keep your audience in the loop at every stage of the transition.

For example, you can configure your email platform to send out a series of emails that gradually introduce your new brand identity, starting with short teasers and then the official announcement. This will build anticipation and ensure that your messages reaches your subscribers at the right moment.

Further, automation helps you deliver personalized content based on subscriber behavior and interactions, ensuring better engagement and successful email campaigns. 

Incorporating tools like geofencing into your email automation strategy can further enhance personalization by delivering location-specific offers or messages when subscribers enter certain geographic areas, making your rebranding efforts even more targeted and effective. 

Moreover, contact data tools like ZoomInfo can help you enrich your subscribers’ profiles and provide additional data for personalization. No wonder automated emails have reportedly generated 320% more revenue than non-automated emails.

Monitor email performance

Throughout your rebrand, it is important to monitor the performance of your email campaigns to evaluate their effectiveness. Some key metrics to track include open rates, click-through rates, and engagement levels. This will provide you valuable insights into how well your audience is responding to the rebrand. 

Analyzing this data allows you to make informed adjustments to your email strategy, ensuring that your rebrand continues to resonate with your subscribers and achieve its intended impact.

Wrapping up

Email is an excellent medium for communicating a rebrand while offering direct and personalized ways to connect with your audience. Its ability to build trust, address concerns, and maintain engagement makes it an ideal channel for guiding your customers through the transition to your new brand identity.

The first step to leveraging email for rebranding is by investing in the best email design. A well-crafted email design not only reflects your new brand identity but also enhances the overall user experience, making your communications more impactful and memorable. Good design ensures consistency across all your emails, reinforces brand recognition, and keeps your audience engaged. 

To achieve this, you need a reliable tool that offers flexibility and ease of use—like Beefree. With Beefree, you can create stunning, responsive email designs that perfectly align with your rebrand, ensuring that every email you send out leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

Sign up for a free Beefree account to create attractive email designs in no time.

How To Improve Your Email Sender Reputation For a Higher Email Deliverability Rate

What is an email sender reputation? How do you check your reputation in the first place? Are there any practices to maintain a good sender reputation? These are the questions we'll answer together in this article without overwhelming you with irrelevant technical jargon.
Amine Boussassi
Amine Boussassi
13 Sep

If you run a quick Google search on the factors that impact your email deliverability, you'll likely see the same common elements pop up: email list quality, ESP, sender reputation, and email content.

Wait—what is an email sender reputation? How do you check your reputation in the first place? Are there any practices to maintain a good sender reputation?

These are the questions we'll answer together in this article without overwhelming you with irrelevant technical jargon.

Okay, we can already tell this is going to be a long one, so you might want to grab a bowl of pineapple 🍍 slices before diving in.

Happy reading! 🗞️

What is an email sender reputation?

Email sender reputation, which you might also hear referred to as sender score, is the rating that email sending providers assign to your email sending IP address. This rating measures how likely your emails are to land in recipients' inboxes and directly impacts your overall email deliverability.

It goes without saying that a good sender reputation means ESPs (email service providers) trust your emails and are more likely to be delivered to their customers' inboxes, and on the flip side, a poor reputation means your emails could end up in the spam folder because ESPs simply don't want their customers flooded with spammy emails.

Which metrics determine sender score?

Now, you're probably thinking things like “what are the metrics that determine sender reputation?” Well, there are many. Let's get into them one by one.

Bounce rates

If your emails frequently fail to be delivered and often bounce back because you're sending them to invalid addresses (which might suggest you're buying email lists), it can seriously damage your sender reputation.

Engagement rates

This metric refers to the performance of your email marketing campaigns. High open, click-through and reply rates indicate that your emails are relevant and wanted and will boost your reputation, while low open rates suggest your emails aren't engaging enough, which can lead ESPs to mark your emails as spam. 

Sender history

Sender history is basically your email activity over time, so if you're sending a lot of emails each day, it can be perceived as a warning sign by ESPs, and your emails might not reach inboxes. Because, after all, ESPs want to keep their customers' inboxes spam-free.

Spam complaints

You don't need to be a seasoned marketer to know that recipients can mark any email as spam, and as you'd expect, each time someone sends your emails to the spam folder, your sender reputation will take a significant hit.

High unsubscribe rate

When a high number of individuals unsubscribe from your emails, ESPs might see it as a red flag, and they could assume you've bought email lists or you're simply not offering much value to your subscribers.

How can you check your sender reputation? 

You may think: "Okay, everything is clear so far, but how do I check my sender reputation?" Well, to understand how mailbox providers (MBPs) view you as a sender and check your domain reputation, your best option is to use tools designed specifically for that purpose:

Gmail Postmaster: this tool is built by Google, it offers insights into your domain's reputation with Gmail, and allows you to keep track of any issues like spam complaints and delivery errors.

Microsoft SNDS: this Microsoft service offers data on your sending IP's reputation and delivery performance with Outlook and other Microsoft email services.

Sender Score: This tool rates your IP reputation on a scale from 0 to 100. Needless to say, the higher your score, the better your domain's reputation with MBPs.

How can a good email sender reputation improve email deliverability? 

Now that we have established what an email sender reputation is and what determines its score, let's get to know its impact on email deliverability.

We hate to sound like a broken record, but we'll say this one more time, when you maintain a good sender score, there's a higher chance that ISPs (Internet Service Providers) and ESPs will deliver your emails because they trust that your content is valuable to their subscribers.

Even better, when you maintain a good sender reputation, your email marketing campaigns are less likely to be flagged by spam filters across different ISPs and will seamlessly reach your subscribers. 

And this will create some sort of snowball effect: because when the emails land in the inbox, they are more likely to be opened, and a higher open rate signals to ISPs that your emails are relevant and engaging to recipients. The end result of all this? An even stronger sender reputation.  

And with a stronger sender reputation comes higher response rates. And with higher response rates, more chances of attracting customers.

Five practices to improve your email sender reputation

You've learned the factors that determine your sender score and the way to check it. Congratulations, but you're not done yet! 

Now, let's move on to the more complicated part. How to improve your email sender reputation. 

Let's start the hands-on work!

1. Maintain a clean email list 

Running email marketing campaigns in the dark without knowing who your recipients are or what interests they have is like flying blind, and that's why buying email lists is a huge red flag 🚩 for ESPs and ISPs that will result in high bounce and unsubscription rates. 

And just a friendly little tip here: regularly check for invalid email addresses and remove inactive subscribers because corporate emails keep changing all the time, and not having an updated contact list can end up affecting your reputation.

2. Authenticate your emails

If you're facing some challenges with deliverability, starting with email authentification might be your best bet! For those out of context, authentication involves using specific protocols to prove that your emails are genuinely coming from you and not from someone pretending to be you.

Pick one of the industry-standard authentication protocols, like SPF, DKIM, or DMARC, to verify your emails and help ISPs confirm that your messages are legitimate and trustworthy.

3. Avoid spam triggers

This one is a big piece of the puzzle that probably gets talked about less than it should: spam triggers. ESPs actually have a list of words that trigger spam filters. 

Using words like "Free," "Earn money," or "Guaranteed" can get your emails sent to the spam folder—or worse, not delivered at all. These terms are often associated with salesy or even fraudulent emails. 

But don't get us wrong—ESPs and mailbox providers are smart enough to analyze the context. If your email genuinely includes offers or valuable digital services or products, it's totally okay to use the word "free" (or even all three). 

4. Segment your audience

People love personalization, so instead of sending the same content for everyone on your list, go the extra mile by segmenting your audience based on things like subscriber behavior and preferences. And it's not as tough as you think; there are plenty of tools out there that can do the heavy lifting for you, like HubSpot or ConvertKit. 

When you segment your audience, you'll see how your subscribers get excited to hit that reply button and engage with the content you shared with them, which ends up boosting your reputation—bringing us to our next point 👇

5. Add engagement elements

You could say that there are email marketing campaigns that can succeed without a 

visually appealing email design, and sometimes they do—but that's definitely the exception, not the rule.

Beefree is one tool that can help you design eye-catching email templates with simple drag-and-drop actions in seconds and get your open and click-through rates through the roof. No steep learning curve 🎢 or endless onboarding videos needed. Go ahead, give it a go! 

Final thoughts

That's all for now. Appreciate you sticking with us till the end!

We think by now, one thing is clear for you. Having a strong email sender reputation is powerful enough to improve your email deliverability and ensure your marketing campaigns hit your subscribers' inboxes and convert them! 

We hope this article helps improve your email sending reputation — we'd love to hear what you implement!

Oh, and while you're at it, why not explore Beefree’s email templates 🐝? It's just a click away!

Wish you good luck, a strong sender reputation, higher engagement, and more customers! 😉

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