Beefree blog

Articles by this author

Tutorial: How to Use the Beefree Gmail Connector

Tutorial: How to Use the Beefree Gmail Connector

Not so long ago, we made an exciting announcement: Thanks to a new connector feature in Beefree, any email designed in the Beefree editor can be exported seamlessly ...

February 12, 2018
3 Winter Email Campaigns to Send in January and February

3 Winter Email Campaigns to Send in January and February

The new year is well underway, and time is doing what time does best: moving quickly! With the chaos of the holiday season behind us, we wondered: what types...

January 12, 2018
Event Invitation Emails: 3 Design Ingredients For Better Results

Event Invitation Emails: 3 Design Ingredients For Better Results

Let's take a closer look at the art of event invitation emails. Because, let's be honest, getting people to RSVP for an event—whether it's in person or onlin...

January 22, 2018
The 7 Best Year in Review Emails of 2017

The 7 Best Year in Review Emails of 2017

This article was originally written in 2017: if you are working on a "Year in Review" email or landing page for this year, you will still find plenty of good...

December 29, 2017
Tutorial: How to Use Beefree Mailchimp Connector

Tutorial: How to Use Beefree Mailchimp Connector

With more than 15 million users, Mailchimp is one of the most popular email marketing platforms in the world. Known for its high-quality email marketing and ...

December 19, 2017