A welcome email is one of the most important messages your company sends. Why? Because average open rates for welcome emails are super high—reportedly 50% or higher—making them a huge opportunity to dazzle readers. (And you know what they say about first impressions!) But it's not just about a single email. Today we're taking a closer look at welcome email series, the first few emails new subscribers receive after signing up. Successful welcome email series are beautifully designed, reinforce your value proposition, and give readers a reason to click.
Today's inspiration: Harry's
Today we're looking at a series of welcome emails from Harry's, the shaving and grooming brand offering products on subscription. When we signed up to receive Harry's emails last year, we received a series of three welcome emails. The first one arrived the day of signup; the second one came a day later; and the third one came two days after that.

After the welcome series concluded, we started receiving regular promotional emails from the brand. But first, the welcome series accomplished a few things:
- opened up a line of communication immediately (so we didn't have to wait for the next regularly scheduled campaign)
- thanked us and celebrated our decision to join the list
- (re)introduced the brand's value proposition
- extended a personal connection
These are excellent tactics for engaging customers from the get-go. Let's take a closer look at each email in the welcome series and draw inspiration from how Harry's followed best practices.
Harry's Welcome Email Series 1 of 3: Greet and delight
Subject: Welcome to Harry's!

One of the things we love about all of Harry's emails is the simple, modern design. This welcome email is a no-pressure hello, confirming that we subscribed and thanking us for doing so. Harry's conveys its wish for us (a version of its mission): to make our morning routine more enjoyable. The call-to-action isn't very forward, and it shouldn't be. Harry's knows a good first impression isn't a pushy one. The purpose of this email is to confirm, thank, and greet. At the same time, the email is communicating what to expect from the brand: beautiful design, friendly messaging, and a dash of quirkiness. The mammoth is Harry's mascot, as it were, and this emails' mammoth fact is a silly side note that shows readers Harry's likes to have a little fun, too. Here's the animated GIF that reinforces it:

Design moves we love:
- No navigation menu, social media icons, or clutter
- Alternating gray and white HTML background colors
- Live text and a bulletproof CTA button
- Simple messaging and design that convey the brand's playfulness
Harry's Welcome Email Series 2 of 3: Show how it works
Subject: The easiest way to try Harry's

Here, in the second email in the welcome series, Harry's relays more information about its ecommerce offerings. The bold background color in its opening module matches the bolder tone and call-to-action. The purpose of this email is to engage new subscribers, and hopefully get them to move forward with a free trial. To support its mission, Harry's reminds new subscribers of how it works—and we love that the module heading (How does a Shave Plan work?) is so clear and straightforward! Clear communication is key. What follows is three pieces of content, arranged with images and spot illustrations to facilitate easy reading. Armed with more information, readers who are ready to move forward can easily do so by clicking the next CTA button—Get started—which practically jumps off the page, thanks to the ample white space surrounding the bold red-orange button.Design moves we love:
- Bold header text—the font size makes it easy to read, and it says what it means!
- Combined use of great product photos and spot illustrations
- Bulletproof CTA buttons with creative text (no "click here" or "learn more")
- A short, clear exposition of exactly how it works (Harry's value proposition)
Harry's Welcome Email Series 3 of 3: Get personal
Subject: How can we help you?

In the third message of its welcome email series, Harry's changes it up. Here's a direct, personal, plain text email with no frills. When you're used to marketing emails filling up your promotions folder, this one certainly stands out. The customer service representative introduces himself with his name, establishing a warm, friendly vibe, and is direct about the purpose of the email: to see if I can help get you started with Harry's. How? By replying to the email or giving a call. An email like this is a great way to cut through the noise, make a direct connection, and help motivate customers who might be on the fence.Design moves we love:
- Live text with plenty of line breaks. It's personal, easy to read, and easy to act on.
- Suggestion: personalize it! Collect subscribers' first names and use *FNAME* in the opening.
Ready to launch your own welcome email series marketing campaign? Take inspiration from Harry's, which seems to have cracked the code on how to write welcome email series. Start with three core messages: one that greets and thanks new subscribers; one that visually conveys your value proposition and invites readers to act; and one that takes a personal approach to asking how you can help. To get started, check out the BEE editor's collection of ready-to-use templates. You can customize each one in minutes–delete rows, upload your own images, update text, add modules—and you're ready to go! Be sure to check out the welcome and welcome customer templates. Happy designing!