The Afrocentric Communiversity is a consulting firm based in Fort Worth, Texas. Since 2017 they have been working with what they like to call “Activistpreneurs.”Activistpreneurs are individuals, businesses, or organizations that are working towards the holistic liberation of their communities.Activists of all kinds work with The A.C. when looking for guidance in “aligning culture, activism, and entrepreneurship.” Their services range from strategic coaching, consulting, organizational development, and project management.What makes them unique is that we are an anti-capitalist for-profit institution, which sounds like an oxymoron.But all that this means is that they do not prioritize profit over their partners (also known as clients). “We are serious about helping folks redefine how to exist peacefully and joyfully in a capitalist system,” says Jalyn Gordon, Founder, and Visionary of The Afrocentric Communiversity (The A.C.)Here is a little more on their story:
What are the unique challenges that your audience has and how do you help them?
"One of the biggest challenges that our partner's share is staying focused and rooted in their mission. In an era with many distractions, it is easy to be pulled in many different directions.How we help is first by affirming that everyone is already brilliant and excellent at their unique work. Then, identify the action plan to help them get to where they want to be. With ease.This can look like a variety of different ways depending on the service."
Over the last 5 years in business, what has changed in your industry, community, and marketing efforts?
With the racial reckoning that happened in 2020, my industry saw an influx of organizations that were interested in DEI and Accessibility services and trainings.However, over the last few years, we've seen that everyone is beginning to look internally to ensure that their own infrastructures reflect DEI and Accessibility principles. Even, the companies that offer these services.Community-wide, we have seen a lot of trauma and how that has affected the work. A lot of folks are afraid to participate in courageous conversations because there’s always something in the back of their heads wondering if the facilitators could adequately handle the space. Not just that, but also adequately support Black, Brown, Indigenous, and Latine folk's trauma-unique experiences.These changes have influenced our marketing efforts because we’re now really focused on how folks interact with our communication channels. For instance, we've learned that email marketing is a great place to speak to large organizations that need DEI and Accessibility work. In fact, our largest partnerships and collaborations have come through email marketing!Email newsletters really allow us to be consistent in our communications efforts. We learned that the secret rule is that it takes folks seven times to see you or to experience you before they move towards purchasing or signing a contract with you. And email is the best way, easiest, and most cost-effective way of showing up.Each of our newsletters is personalized for what our subscribers need (whether community event listings or tools and resources). As well as serve as a reminder of what we do here at The A.C. as an anti-capitalist and Black-centered consulting firm.
What tools do you use for your email marketing efforts?
BEE Pro to design &Mailchimp to send!Our Strategist and Designer introduced us to BEE Pro after our rebrand in August 2022. With the rebrand, it was important to produce high-quality designs. We needed a tool that allowed us to be consistent and minimized any gaps in quality, messaging, or branding.In comparison to the editor of our ESP, BEE Pro was much more malleable and adaptable. It is also a lot more flexible, fluid, and easy to implement into our workflows.As a small team, it is important to use tools that are user-friendly and that allows us to work together easily. BEE Pro has been a great tool to create templates for each of our newsletters which have vastly different audiences.
How does your newsletter serve your audience?
It’s really important for us that our newsletters provide our readers with useful materials to pursue their Life Work.One of the ways we do this is by offering resources. We share book recommendations, spotlight organizations that are supporting the community, upcoming local events, news, and of course tools, workshops, and workbooks.These resources vary by newsletter since each one has a specific purpose and audience.
What is the change you want to see in your community?
We want to see a world where people have the most radical dreams and feel supported to make them a reality. A world where people are brave and courageous and step out to do the hard things.We want to see more people being loud, bold, and brave about their gift and their values.That's the change that we want to see in our community.
The Afrocentric Communiversity x BEE
Thank you to The Afrocentric Communiversity for using BEE Pro and using it to spread their message.Don't forget to follow The Afrocentric Communiversity on Instagram!